Module fpdf.drawing

Vector drawing: managing colors, graphics states, paths, transforms…

The contents of this module are internal to fpdf2, and not part of the public API. They may change at any time without prior warning or any deprecation period, in non-backward-compatible ways.

Global variables


Special delimiter characters


Characters PDF considers to mark the end of a line.


Characters PDF considers to be whitespace.


def cmyk8(c, m, y, k, a=None)
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def cmyk8(c, m, y, k, a=None):
    Produce a DeviceCMYK color from the given 8-bit CMYK values.

        c (Number): red color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
        m (Number): green color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
        y (Number): blue color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
        k (Number): blue color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
        a (Optional[Number]): alpha component. Must be `None` or in the interval
            [0, 255]. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque

        DeviceCMYK color representation.

        ValueError: if any components are not in their valid interval.
    if a is not None:
        a /= 255.0

    return DeviceCMYK(c / 255.0, m / 255.0, y / 255.0, k / 255.0, a)

Produce a DeviceCMYK color from the given 8-bit CMYK values.


c : Number
red color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
m : Number
green color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
y : Number
blue color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
k : Number
blue color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
a : Optional[Number]
alpha component. Must be None or in the interval [0, 255]. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque


DeviceCMYK color representation.


if any components are not in their valid interval.
def color_from_hex_string(hexstr)
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def color_from_hex_string(hexstr):
    Parse an RGB color from a css-style 8-bit hexadecimal color string.

        hexstr (str): of the form `#RGB`, `#RGBA`, `#RRGGBB`, or `#RRGGBBAA` (case
            insensitive). Must include the leading octothorp. Forms omitting the alpha
            field are interpreted as not specifying the opacity, so it will not be
            explicitly set.

            An alpha value of `00` is fully transparent and `FF` is fully opaque.

        DeviceRGB representation of the color.
    if not isinstance(hexstr, str):
        raise TypeError(f"{hexstr} is not of type str")

    if not hexstr.startswith("#"):
        raise ValueError(f"{hexstr} does not start with #")

    hlen = len(hexstr)

    if hlen == 4:
        return rgb8(*[int(char * 2, base=16) for char in hexstr[1:]], a=None)

    if hlen == 5:
        return rgb8(*[int(char * 2, base=16) for char in hexstr[1:]])

    if hlen == 7:
        return rgb8(
            *[int(hexstr[idx : idx + 2], base=16) for idx in range(1, hlen, 2)], a=None

    if hlen == 9:
        return rgb8(*[int(hexstr[idx : idx + 2], base=16) for idx in range(1, hlen, 2)])

    raise ValueError(f"{hexstr} could not be interpreted as a RGB(A) hex string")

Parse an RGB color from a css-style 8-bit hexadecimal color string.


hexstr : str

of the form #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB, or #RRGGBBAA (case insensitive). Must include the leading octothorp. Forms omitting the alpha field are interpreted as not specifying the opacity, so it will not be explicitly set.

An alpha value of 00 is fully transparent and FF is fully opaque.


DeviceRGB representation of the color.

def color_from_rgb_string(rgbstr)
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def color_from_rgb_string(rgbstr):
    Parse an RGB color from a css-style rgb(R, G, B, A) color string.

        rgbstr (str): of the form `rgb(R, G, B)` or `rgb(R, G, B, A)`.

        DeviceRGB representation of the color.
    if not isinstance(rgbstr, str):
        raise TypeError(f"{rgbstr} is not of type str")

    rgbstr = rgbstr.replace(" ", "")

    if not rgbstr.startswith("rgb(") or not rgbstr.endswith(")"):
        raise ValueError(f"{rgbstr} does not follow the expected rgb(...) format")

    rgbstr = rgbstr[4:-1]
    colors = rgbstr.split(",")

    if len(colors) == 3:
        return rgb8(*[int(c) for c in colors], a=None)

    if len(colors) == 4:
        return rgb8(*[int(c) for c in colors])

    raise ValueError(f"{rgbstr} could not be interpreted as a rgb(R, G, B[, A]) color")

Parse an RGB color from a css-style rgb(R, G, B, A) color string.


rgbstr : str
of the form rgb(R, G, B) or rgb(R, G, B, A).


DeviceRGB representation of the color.

def convert_to_device_color(r, g=-1, b=-1)
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def convert_to_device_color(r, g=-1, b=-1):
    if isinstance(r, (DeviceCMYK, DeviceGray, DeviceRGB)):
        # Note: in this case, r is also a Sequence
        return r
    if isinstance(r, str) and r.startswith("#"):
        return color_from_hex_string(r)
    if isinstance(r, Sequence):
        r, g, b = r
    if (r, g, b) == (0, 0, 0) or g == -1:
        return DeviceGray(r / 255)
    return DeviceRGB(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)
def gray8(g, a=None)
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def gray8(g, a=None):
    Produce a DeviceGray color from the given 8-bit gray value.

        g (Number): gray color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255]. 0 is black,
            255 is white.
        a (Optional[Number]): alpha component. Must be `None` or in the interval
            [0, 255]. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque

        DeviceGray color representation.

        ValueError: if any components are not in their valid interval.
    if a is not None:
        a /= 255.0

    return DeviceGray(g / 255.0, a)

Produce a DeviceGray color from the given 8-bit gray value.


g : Number
gray color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255]. 0 is black, 255 is white.
a : Optional[Number]
alpha component. Must be None or in the interval [0, 255]. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque


DeviceGray color representation.


if any components are not in their valid interval.
def number_to_str(number)
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def number_to_str(number):
    Convert a decimal number to a minimal string representation (no trailing 0 or .).

        number (Number): the number to be converted to a string.

        The number's string representation.
    # this approach tries to produce minimal representations of floating point numbers
    # but can also produce "-0".
    return f"{number:.4f}".rstrip("0").rstrip(".")

Convert a decimal number to a minimal string representation (no trailing 0 or .).


number : Number
the number to be converted to a string.


The number's string representation.

def render_pdf_primitive(primitive)
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def render_pdf_primitive(primitive):
    Render a Python value as a PDF primitive type.

    Container types (tuples/lists and dicts) are rendered recursively. This supports
    values of the type Name, str, bytes, numbers, booleans, list/tuple, and dict.

    Any custom type can be passed in as long as it provides a `serialize` method that
    takes no arguments and returns a string. The primitive object is returned directly
    if it is an instance of the `Raw` class. Otherwise, The existence of the `serialize`
    method is checked before any other type checking is performed, so, for example, a
    `dict` subclass with a `serialize` method would be converted using its `pdf_repr`
    method rather than the built-in `dict` conversion process.

        primitive: the primitive value to convert to its PDF representation.

        Raw-wrapped str of the PDF representation.

        ValueError: if a dictionary key is not a Name.
        TypeError: if `primitive` does not have a known conversion to a PDF

    if isinstance(primitive, Raw):
        return primitive

    if callable(getattr(primitive, "serialize", None)):
        output = primitive.serialize()
    elif primitive is None:
        output = "null"
    elif isinstance(primitive, str):
        output = f"({escape_parens(primitive)})"
    elif isinstance(primitive, bytes):
        output = f"<{primitive.hex()}>"
    elif isinstance(primitive, bool):  # has to come before number check
        output = ["false", "true"][primitive]
    elif isinstance(primitive, NumberClass):
        output = number_to_str(primitive)
    elif isinstance(primitive, (list, tuple)):
        output = "[" + " ".join(render_pdf_primitive(val) for val in primitive) + "]"
    elif isinstance(primitive, dict):
        item_list = []
        for key, val in primitive.items():
            if not isinstance(key, Name):
                raise ValueError("dict keys must be Names")

                render_pdf_primitive(key) + " " + render_pdf_primitive(val)

        output = "<< " + "\n".join(item_list) + " >>"
        raise TypeError(f"cannot produce PDF representation for value {primitive!r}")

    return Raw(output)

Render a Python value as a PDF primitive type.

Container types (tuples/lists and dicts) are rendered recursively. This supports values of the type Name, str, bytes, numbers, booleans, list/tuple, and dict.

Any custom type can be passed in as long as it provides a serialize method that takes no arguments and returns a string. The primitive object is returned directly if it is an instance of the Raw class. Otherwise, The existence of the serialize method is checked before any other type checking is performed, so, for example, a dict subclass with a serialize method would be converted using its pdf_repr method rather than the built-in dict conversion process.


the primitive value to convert to its PDF representation.


Raw-wrapped str of the PDF representation.


if a dictionary key is not a Name.
if primitive does not have a known conversion to a PDF representation.
def rgb8(r, g, b, a=None)
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def rgb8(r, g, b, a=None):
    Produce a DeviceRGB color from the given 8-bit RGB values.

        r (Number): red color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
        g (Number): green color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
        b (Number): blue color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
        a (Optional[Number]): alpha component. Must be `None` or in the interval
            [0, 255]. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque

        DeviceRGB color representation.

        ValueError: if any components are not in their valid interval.
    if a is None:
        if r == g == b:
            return DeviceGray(r / 255.0)
        a /= 255.0

    return DeviceRGB(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0, a)

Produce a DeviceRGB color from the given 8-bit RGB values.


r : Number
red color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
g : Number
green color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
b : Number
blue color component. Must be in the interval [0, 255].
a : Optional[Number]
alpha component. Must be None or in the interval [0, 255]. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque


DeviceRGB color representation.


if any components are not in their valid interval.


class Arc (radii: Point,
rotation: int | float | decimal.Decimal,
large: bool,
sweep: bool,
end: Point)
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class Arc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_to`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc."""

    def subdivde_sweep(sweep_angle):
        A generator that subdivides a swept angle into segments no larger than a quarter

        Any sweep that is larger than a quarter turn is subdivided into as many equally
        sized segments as necessary to prevent any individual segment from being larger
        than a quarter turn.

        This is used for approximating a circular curve segment using cubic Bézier
        curves. This computes the parameters used for the Bézier approximation up
        front, as well as the transform necessary to place the segment in the correct

            sweep_angle (Number): the angle to subdivide.

            A tuple of (ctrl1, ctrl2, end) representing the control and end points of
            the cubic Bézier curve approximating the segment as a unit circle centered
            at the origin.
        sweep_angle = abs(sweep_angle)
        sweep_left = sweep_angle

        quarterturn = math.pi / 2
        chunks = math.ceil(sweep_angle / quarterturn)

        sweep_segment = sweep_angle / chunks
        cos_t = math.cos(sweep_segment)
        sin_t = math.sin(sweep_segment)
        kappa = 4 / 3 * math.tan(sweep_segment / 4)

        ctrl1 = Point(1, kappa)
        ctrl2 = Point(cos_t + kappa * sin_t, sin_t - kappa * cos_t)
        end = Point(cos_t, sin_t)

        for _ in range(chunks):
            offset = sweep_angle - sweep_left

            transform = Transform.rotation(offset)
            yield ctrl1 @ transform, ctrl2 @ transform, end @ transform

            sweep_left -= sweep_segment

    def _approximate_arc(self, last_item):
        Approximate this arc with a sequence of `BezierCurve`.

            last_item: the previous path element (used for its end point)

            a list of `BezierCurve`.
        radii = self.radii

        reverse = Transform.rotation(-self.rotation)
        forward = Transform.rotation(self.rotation)

        prime = ((last_item.end_point - self.end) * 0.5) @ reverse

        lam_da = (prime.x / radii.x) ** 2 + (prime.y / radii.y) ** 2

        if lam_da > 1:
            radii = Point(x=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.x, y=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.y)

        sign = (self.large != self.sweep) - (self.large == self.sweep)
        rxry2 = (radii.x * radii.y) ** 2
        rxpy2 = (radii.x * prime.y) ** 2
        rypx2 = (radii.y * prime.x) ** 2

        centerprime = (
            * math.sqrt(round(rxry2 - rxpy2 - rypx2, 8) / (rxpy2 + rypx2))
            * Point(
                x=radii.x * prime.y / radii.y,
                y=-radii.y * prime.x / radii.x,

        center = (centerprime @ forward) + ((last_item.end_point + self.end) * 0.5)

        arcstart = Point(
            x=(prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,
        arcend = Point(
            x=(-prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(-prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,

        theta = Point(1, 0).angle(arcstart)
        deltatheta = arcstart.angle(arcend)

        if (self.sweep is False) and (deltatheta > 0):
            deltatheta -= math.tau
        elif (self.sweep is True) and (deltatheta < 0):
            deltatheta += math.tau

        sweep_sign = (deltatheta >= 0) - (deltatheta < 0)
        final_tf = (
            Transform.scaling(x=1, y=sweep_sign)  # flip negative sweeps
            .rotate(theta)  # rotate start of arc to correct position
            .scale(radii.x, radii.y)  # scale unit circle into the final ellipse shape
            .rotate(self.rotation)  # rotate the ellipse the specified angle
            .translate(center.x, center.y)  # translate to the final coordinates

        curves = []

        for ctrl1, ctrl2, end in self.subdivde_sweep(deltatheta):
                BezierCurve(ctrl1 @ final_tf, ctrl2 @ final_tf, end @ final_tf)

        return curves

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        if not curves:
            return "", last_item

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip([last_item, *curves[:-1]], curves)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Arc.render`.
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not curves:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        previous = [last_item]
        for curve in curves[:-1]:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {curve}\n")
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {curves[-1]}\n")

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip(previous, curves)

An elliptical arc path element.

The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

See: PaintedPath.arc_to()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var endPoint
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class Arc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_to`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc."""

    def subdivde_sweep(sweep_angle):
        A generator that subdivides a swept angle into segments no larger than a quarter

        Any sweep that is larger than a quarter turn is subdivided into as many equally
        sized segments as necessary to prevent any individual segment from being larger
        than a quarter turn.

        This is used for approximating a circular curve segment using cubic Bézier
        curves. This computes the parameters used for the Bézier approximation up
        front, as well as the transform necessary to place the segment in the correct

            sweep_angle (Number): the angle to subdivide.

            A tuple of (ctrl1, ctrl2, end) representing the control and end points of
            the cubic Bézier curve approximating the segment as a unit circle centered
            at the origin.
        sweep_angle = abs(sweep_angle)
        sweep_left = sweep_angle

        quarterturn = math.pi / 2
        chunks = math.ceil(sweep_angle / quarterturn)

        sweep_segment = sweep_angle / chunks
        cos_t = math.cos(sweep_segment)
        sin_t = math.sin(sweep_segment)
        kappa = 4 / 3 * math.tan(sweep_segment / 4)

        ctrl1 = Point(1, kappa)
        ctrl2 = Point(cos_t + kappa * sin_t, sin_t - kappa * cos_t)
        end = Point(cos_t, sin_t)

        for _ in range(chunks):
            offset = sweep_angle - sweep_left

            transform = Transform.rotation(offset)
            yield ctrl1 @ transform, ctrl2 @ transform, end @ transform

            sweep_left -= sweep_segment

    def _approximate_arc(self, last_item):
        Approximate this arc with a sequence of `BezierCurve`.

            last_item: the previous path element (used for its end point)

            a list of `BezierCurve`.
        radii = self.radii

        reverse = Transform.rotation(-self.rotation)
        forward = Transform.rotation(self.rotation)

        prime = ((last_item.end_point - self.end) * 0.5) @ reverse

        lam_da = (prime.x / radii.x) ** 2 + (prime.y / radii.y) ** 2

        if lam_da > 1:
            radii = Point(x=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.x, y=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.y)

        sign = (self.large != self.sweep) - (self.large == self.sweep)
        rxry2 = (radii.x * radii.y) ** 2
        rxpy2 = (radii.x * prime.y) ** 2
        rypx2 = (radii.y * prime.x) ** 2

        centerprime = (
            * math.sqrt(round(rxry2 - rxpy2 - rypx2, 8) / (rxpy2 + rypx2))
            * Point(
                x=radii.x * prime.y / radii.y,
                y=-radii.y * prime.x / radii.x,

        center = (centerprime @ forward) + ((last_item.end_point + self.end) * 0.5)

        arcstart = Point(
            x=(prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,
        arcend = Point(
            x=(-prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(-prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,

        theta = Point(1, 0).angle(arcstart)
        deltatheta = arcstart.angle(arcend)

        if (self.sweep is False) and (deltatheta > 0):
            deltatheta -= math.tau
        elif (self.sweep is True) and (deltatheta < 0):
            deltatheta += math.tau

        sweep_sign = (deltatheta >= 0) - (deltatheta < 0)
        final_tf = (
            Transform.scaling(x=1, y=sweep_sign)  # flip negative sweeps
            .rotate(theta)  # rotate start of arc to correct position
            .scale(radii.x, radii.y)  # scale unit circle into the final ellipse shape
            .rotate(self.rotation)  # rotate the ellipse the specified angle
            .translate(center.x, center.y)  # translate to the final coordinates

        curves = []

        for ctrl1, ctrl2, end in self.subdivde_sweep(deltatheta):
                BezierCurve(ctrl1 @ final_tf, ctrl2 @ final_tf, end @ final_tf)

        return curves

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        if not curves:
            return "", last_item

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip([last_item, *curves[:-1]], curves)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Arc.render`.
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not curves:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        previous = [last_item]
        for curve in curves[:-1]:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {curve}\n")
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {curves[-1]}\n")

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip(previous, curves)

The end point of the arc.

var large : bool
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class Arc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_to`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc."""

    def subdivde_sweep(sweep_angle):
        A generator that subdivides a swept angle into segments no larger than a quarter

        Any sweep that is larger than a quarter turn is subdivided into as many equally
        sized segments as necessary to prevent any individual segment from being larger
        than a quarter turn.

        This is used for approximating a circular curve segment using cubic Bézier
        curves. This computes the parameters used for the Bézier approximation up
        front, as well as the transform necessary to place the segment in the correct

            sweep_angle (Number): the angle to subdivide.

            A tuple of (ctrl1, ctrl2, end) representing the control and end points of
            the cubic Bézier curve approximating the segment as a unit circle centered
            at the origin.
        sweep_angle = abs(sweep_angle)
        sweep_left = sweep_angle

        quarterturn = math.pi / 2
        chunks = math.ceil(sweep_angle / quarterturn)

        sweep_segment = sweep_angle / chunks
        cos_t = math.cos(sweep_segment)
        sin_t = math.sin(sweep_segment)
        kappa = 4 / 3 * math.tan(sweep_segment / 4)

        ctrl1 = Point(1, kappa)
        ctrl2 = Point(cos_t + kappa * sin_t, sin_t - kappa * cos_t)
        end = Point(cos_t, sin_t)

        for _ in range(chunks):
            offset = sweep_angle - sweep_left

            transform = Transform.rotation(offset)
            yield ctrl1 @ transform, ctrl2 @ transform, end @ transform

            sweep_left -= sweep_segment

    def _approximate_arc(self, last_item):
        Approximate this arc with a sequence of `BezierCurve`.

            last_item: the previous path element (used for its end point)

            a list of `BezierCurve`.
        radii = self.radii

        reverse = Transform.rotation(-self.rotation)
        forward = Transform.rotation(self.rotation)

        prime = ((last_item.end_point - self.end) * 0.5) @ reverse

        lam_da = (prime.x / radii.x) ** 2 + (prime.y / radii.y) ** 2

        if lam_da > 1:
            radii = Point(x=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.x, y=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.y)

        sign = (self.large != self.sweep) - (self.large == self.sweep)
        rxry2 = (radii.x * radii.y) ** 2
        rxpy2 = (radii.x * prime.y) ** 2
        rypx2 = (radii.y * prime.x) ** 2

        centerprime = (
            * math.sqrt(round(rxry2 - rxpy2 - rypx2, 8) / (rxpy2 + rypx2))
            * Point(
                x=radii.x * prime.y / radii.y,
                y=-radii.y * prime.x / radii.x,

        center = (centerprime @ forward) + ((last_item.end_point + self.end) * 0.5)

        arcstart = Point(
            x=(prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,
        arcend = Point(
            x=(-prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(-prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,

        theta = Point(1, 0).angle(arcstart)
        deltatheta = arcstart.angle(arcend)

        if (self.sweep is False) and (deltatheta > 0):
            deltatheta -= math.tau
        elif (self.sweep is True) and (deltatheta < 0):
            deltatheta += math.tau

        sweep_sign = (deltatheta >= 0) - (deltatheta < 0)
        final_tf = (
            Transform.scaling(x=1, y=sweep_sign)  # flip negative sweeps
            .rotate(theta)  # rotate start of arc to correct position
            .scale(radii.x, radii.y)  # scale unit circle into the final ellipse shape
            .rotate(self.rotation)  # rotate the ellipse the specified angle
            .translate(center.x, center.y)  # translate to the final coordinates

        curves = []

        for ctrl1, ctrl2, end in self.subdivde_sweep(deltatheta):
                BezierCurve(ctrl1 @ final_tf, ctrl2 @ final_tf, end @ final_tf)

        return curves

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        if not curves:
            return "", last_item

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip([last_item, *curves[:-1]], curves)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Arc.render`.
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not curves:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        previous = [last_item]
        for curve in curves[:-1]:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {curve}\n")
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {curves[-1]}\n")

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip(previous, curves)

If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees.

var radiiPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class Arc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_to`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc."""

    def subdivde_sweep(sweep_angle):
        A generator that subdivides a swept angle into segments no larger than a quarter

        Any sweep that is larger than a quarter turn is subdivided into as many equally
        sized segments as necessary to prevent any individual segment from being larger
        than a quarter turn.

        This is used for approximating a circular curve segment using cubic Bézier
        curves. This computes the parameters used for the Bézier approximation up
        front, as well as the transform necessary to place the segment in the correct

            sweep_angle (Number): the angle to subdivide.

            A tuple of (ctrl1, ctrl2, end) representing the control and end points of
            the cubic Bézier curve approximating the segment as a unit circle centered
            at the origin.
        sweep_angle = abs(sweep_angle)
        sweep_left = sweep_angle

        quarterturn = math.pi / 2
        chunks = math.ceil(sweep_angle / quarterturn)

        sweep_segment = sweep_angle / chunks
        cos_t = math.cos(sweep_segment)
        sin_t = math.sin(sweep_segment)
        kappa = 4 / 3 * math.tan(sweep_segment / 4)

        ctrl1 = Point(1, kappa)
        ctrl2 = Point(cos_t + kappa * sin_t, sin_t - kappa * cos_t)
        end = Point(cos_t, sin_t)

        for _ in range(chunks):
            offset = sweep_angle - sweep_left

            transform = Transform.rotation(offset)
            yield ctrl1 @ transform, ctrl2 @ transform, end @ transform

            sweep_left -= sweep_segment

    def _approximate_arc(self, last_item):
        Approximate this arc with a sequence of `BezierCurve`.

            last_item: the previous path element (used for its end point)

            a list of `BezierCurve`.
        radii = self.radii

        reverse = Transform.rotation(-self.rotation)
        forward = Transform.rotation(self.rotation)

        prime = ((last_item.end_point - self.end) * 0.5) @ reverse

        lam_da = (prime.x / radii.x) ** 2 + (prime.y / radii.y) ** 2

        if lam_da > 1:
            radii = Point(x=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.x, y=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.y)

        sign = (self.large != self.sweep) - (self.large == self.sweep)
        rxry2 = (radii.x * radii.y) ** 2
        rxpy2 = (radii.x * prime.y) ** 2
        rypx2 = (radii.y * prime.x) ** 2

        centerprime = (
            * math.sqrt(round(rxry2 - rxpy2 - rypx2, 8) / (rxpy2 + rypx2))
            * Point(
                x=radii.x * prime.y / radii.y,
                y=-radii.y * prime.x / radii.x,

        center = (centerprime @ forward) + ((last_item.end_point + self.end) * 0.5)

        arcstart = Point(
            x=(prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,
        arcend = Point(
            x=(-prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(-prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,

        theta = Point(1, 0).angle(arcstart)
        deltatheta = arcstart.angle(arcend)

        if (self.sweep is False) and (deltatheta > 0):
            deltatheta -= math.tau
        elif (self.sweep is True) and (deltatheta < 0):
            deltatheta += math.tau

        sweep_sign = (deltatheta >= 0) - (deltatheta < 0)
        final_tf = (
            Transform.scaling(x=1, y=sweep_sign)  # flip negative sweeps
            .rotate(theta)  # rotate start of arc to correct position
            .scale(radii.x, radii.y)  # scale unit circle into the final ellipse shape
            .rotate(self.rotation)  # rotate the ellipse the specified angle
            .translate(center.x, center.y)  # translate to the final coordinates

        curves = []

        for ctrl1, ctrl2, end in self.subdivde_sweep(deltatheta):
                BezierCurve(ctrl1 @ final_tf, ctrl2 @ final_tf, end @ final_tf)

        return curves

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        if not curves:
            return "", last_item

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip([last_item, *curves[:-1]], curves)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Arc.render`.
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not curves:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        previous = [last_item]
        for curve in curves[:-1]:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {curve}\n")
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {curves[-1]}\n")

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip(previous, curves)

The x- and y-radii of the arc. If radii.x == radii.y the arc will be circular.

var rotation : int | float | decimal.Decimal
Expand source code Browse git
class Arc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_to`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc."""

    def subdivde_sweep(sweep_angle):
        A generator that subdivides a swept angle into segments no larger than a quarter

        Any sweep that is larger than a quarter turn is subdivided into as many equally
        sized segments as necessary to prevent any individual segment from being larger
        than a quarter turn.

        This is used for approximating a circular curve segment using cubic Bézier
        curves. This computes the parameters used for the Bézier approximation up
        front, as well as the transform necessary to place the segment in the correct

            sweep_angle (Number): the angle to subdivide.

            A tuple of (ctrl1, ctrl2, end) representing the control and end points of
            the cubic Bézier curve approximating the segment as a unit circle centered
            at the origin.
        sweep_angle = abs(sweep_angle)
        sweep_left = sweep_angle

        quarterturn = math.pi / 2
        chunks = math.ceil(sweep_angle / quarterturn)

        sweep_segment = sweep_angle / chunks
        cos_t = math.cos(sweep_segment)
        sin_t = math.sin(sweep_segment)
        kappa = 4 / 3 * math.tan(sweep_segment / 4)

        ctrl1 = Point(1, kappa)
        ctrl2 = Point(cos_t + kappa * sin_t, sin_t - kappa * cos_t)
        end = Point(cos_t, sin_t)

        for _ in range(chunks):
            offset = sweep_angle - sweep_left

            transform = Transform.rotation(offset)
            yield ctrl1 @ transform, ctrl2 @ transform, end @ transform

            sweep_left -= sweep_segment

    def _approximate_arc(self, last_item):
        Approximate this arc with a sequence of `BezierCurve`.

            last_item: the previous path element (used for its end point)

            a list of `BezierCurve`.
        radii = self.radii

        reverse = Transform.rotation(-self.rotation)
        forward = Transform.rotation(self.rotation)

        prime = ((last_item.end_point - self.end) * 0.5) @ reverse

        lam_da = (prime.x / radii.x) ** 2 + (prime.y / radii.y) ** 2

        if lam_da > 1:
            radii = Point(x=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.x, y=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.y)

        sign = (self.large != self.sweep) - (self.large == self.sweep)
        rxry2 = (radii.x * radii.y) ** 2
        rxpy2 = (radii.x * prime.y) ** 2
        rypx2 = (radii.y * prime.x) ** 2

        centerprime = (
            * math.sqrt(round(rxry2 - rxpy2 - rypx2, 8) / (rxpy2 + rypx2))
            * Point(
                x=radii.x * prime.y / radii.y,
                y=-radii.y * prime.x / radii.x,

        center = (centerprime @ forward) + ((last_item.end_point + self.end) * 0.5)

        arcstart = Point(
            x=(prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,
        arcend = Point(
            x=(-prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(-prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,

        theta = Point(1, 0).angle(arcstart)
        deltatheta = arcstart.angle(arcend)

        if (self.sweep is False) and (deltatheta > 0):
            deltatheta -= math.tau
        elif (self.sweep is True) and (deltatheta < 0):
            deltatheta += math.tau

        sweep_sign = (deltatheta >= 0) - (deltatheta < 0)
        final_tf = (
            Transform.scaling(x=1, y=sweep_sign)  # flip negative sweeps
            .rotate(theta)  # rotate start of arc to correct position
            .scale(radii.x, radii.y)  # scale unit circle into the final ellipse shape
            .rotate(self.rotation)  # rotate the ellipse the specified angle
            .translate(center.x, center.y)  # translate to the final coordinates

        curves = []

        for ctrl1, ctrl2, end in self.subdivde_sweep(deltatheta):
                BezierCurve(ctrl1 @ final_tf, ctrl2 @ final_tf, end @ final_tf)

        return curves

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        if not curves:
            return "", last_item

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip([last_item, *curves[:-1]], curves)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Arc.render`.
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not curves:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        previous = [last_item]
        for curve in curves[:-1]:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {curve}\n")
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {curves[-1]}\n")

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip(previous, curves)

The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame.

var sweep : bool
Expand source code Browse git
class Arc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_to`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc."""

    def subdivde_sweep(sweep_angle):
        A generator that subdivides a swept angle into segments no larger than a quarter

        Any sweep that is larger than a quarter turn is subdivided into as many equally
        sized segments as necessary to prevent any individual segment from being larger
        than a quarter turn.

        This is used for approximating a circular curve segment using cubic Bézier
        curves. This computes the parameters used for the Bézier approximation up
        front, as well as the transform necessary to place the segment in the correct

            sweep_angle (Number): the angle to subdivide.

            A tuple of (ctrl1, ctrl2, end) representing the control and end points of
            the cubic Bézier curve approximating the segment as a unit circle centered
            at the origin.
        sweep_angle = abs(sweep_angle)
        sweep_left = sweep_angle

        quarterturn = math.pi / 2
        chunks = math.ceil(sweep_angle / quarterturn)

        sweep_segment = sweep_angle / chunks
        cos_t = math.cos(sweep_segment)
        sin_t = math.sin(sweep_segment)
        kappa = 4 / 3 * math.tan(sweep_segment / 4)

        ctrl1 = Point(1, kappa)
        ctrl2 = Point(cos_t + kappa * sin_t, sin_t - kappa * cos_t)
        end = Point(cos_t, sin_t)

        for _ in range(chunks):
            offset = sweep_angle - sweep_left

            transform = Transform.rotation(offset)
            yield ctrl1 @ transform, ctrl2 @ transform, end @ transform

            sweep_left -= sweep_segment

    def _approximate_arc(self, last_item):
        Approximate this arc with a sequence of `BezierCurve`.

            last_item: the previous path element (used for its end point)

            a list of `BezierCurve`.
        radii = self.radii

        reverse = Transform.rotation(-self.rotation)
        forward = Transform.rotation(self.rotation)

        prime = ((last_item.end_point - self.end) * 0.5) @ reverse

        lam_da = (prime.x / radii.x) ** 2 + (prime.y / radii.y) ** 2

        if lam_da > 1:
            radii = Point(x=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.x, y=(lam_da**0.5) * radii.y)

        sign = (self.large != self.sweep) - (self.large == self.sweep)
        rxry2 = (radii.x * radii.y) ** 2
        rxpy2 = (radii.x * prime.y) ** 2
        rypx2 = (radii.y * prime.x) ** 2

        centerprime = (
            * math.sqrt(round(rxry2 - rxpy2 - rypx2, 8) / (rxpy2 + rypx2))
            * Point(
                x=radii.x * prime.y / radii.y,
                y=-radii.y * prime.x / radii.x,

        center = (centerprime @ forward) + ((last_item.end_point + self.end) * 0.5)

        arcstart = Point(
            x=(prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,
        arcend = Point(
            x=(-prime.x - centerprime.x) / radii.x,
            y=(-prime.y - centerprime.y) / radii.y,

        theta = Point(1, 0).angle(arcstart)
        deltatheta = arcstart.angle(arcend)

        if (self.sweep is False) and (deltatheta > 0):
            deltatheta -= math.tau
        elif (self.sweep is True) and (deltatheta < 0):
            deltatheta += math.tau

        sweep_sign = (deltatheta >= 0) - (deltatheta < 0)
        final_tf = (
            Transform.scaling(x=1, y=sweep_sign)  # flip negative sweeps
            .rotate(theta)  # rotate start of arc to correct position
            .scale(radii.x, radii.y)  # scale unit circle into the final ellipse shape
            .rotate(self.rotation)  # rotate the ellipse the specified angle
            .translate(center.x, center.y)  # translate to the final coordinates

        curves = []

        for ctrl1, ctrl2, end in self.subdivde_sweep(deltatheta):
                BezierCurve(ctrl1 @ final_tf, ctrl2 @ final_tf, end @ final_tf)

        return curves

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        if not curves:
            return "", last_item

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip([last_item, *curves[:-1]], curves)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Arc.render`.
        curves = self._approximate_arc(last_item)

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not curves:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        previous = [last_item]
        for curve in curves[:-1]:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {curve}\n")
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {curves[-1]}\n")

        return (
            " ".join(
                curve.render(gsd_registry, style, prev, initial_point)[0]
                for prev, curve in zip(previous, curves)

If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction.

class BezierCurve (c1: Point,
c2: Point,
end: Point)
Expand source code Browse git
class BezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A cubic Bézier curve path element.

    This draws a Bézier curve parameterized by the end point of the previous path
    element, two off-curve control points, and an end point.

    See: `PaintedPath.curve_to`

    c1: Point
    """The curve's first control point."""
    c2: Point
    """The curve's second control point."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""
        return self.end

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return _render_curve(self.c1, self.c2, self.end), self, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `BezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(str(self) + "\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A cubic Bézier curve path element.

This draws a Bézier curve parameterized by the end point of the previous path element, two off-curve control points, and an end point.

See: PaintedPath.curve_to()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var c1Point
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class BezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A cubic Bézier curve path element.

    This draws a Bézier curve parameterized by the end point of the previous path
    element, two off-curve control points, and an end point.

    See: `PaintedPath.curve_to`

    c1: Point
    """The curve's first control point."""
    c2: Point
    """The curve's second control point."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""
        return self.end

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return _render_curve(self.c1, self.c2, self.end), self, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `BezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(str(self) + "\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's first control point.

var c2Point
Expand source code Browse git
class BezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A cubic Bézier curve path element.

    This draws a Bézier curve parameterized by the end point of the previous path
    element, two off-curve control points, and an end point.

    See: `PaintedPath.curve_to`

    c1: Point
    """The curve's first control point."""
    c2: Point
    """The curve's second control point."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""
        return self.end

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return _render_curve(self.c1, self.c2, self.end), self, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `BezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(str(self) + "\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's second control point.

var endPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class BezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A cubic Bézier curve path element.

    This draws a Bézier curve parameterized by the end point of the previous path
    element, two off-curve control points, and an end point.

    See: `PaintedPath.curve_to`

    c1: Point
    """The curve's first control point."""
    c2: Point
    """The curve's second control point."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""
        return self.end

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return _render_curve(self.c1, self.c2, self.end), self, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `BezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(str(self) + "\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's end point.

prop end_point
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def end_point(self):
    """The end point of this path element."""
    return self.end

The end point of this path element.

class ClippingPath (x=0, y=0)
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class ClippingPath(PaintedPath):
    The PaintedPath API but to be used to create clipping paths.

    .. warning::
        Unless you really know what you're doing, changing attributes of the clipping
        path style is likely to produce unexpected results. This is because the
        clipping path styles override implicit style inheritance of the `PaintedPath`
        it applies to.

        For example, ` = 2` can unexpectedly override
        ` = GraphicsStyle.INHERIT` and cause the painted
        path to be rendered with a stroke of 2 instead of what it would have normally
        inherited. Because a `ClippingPath` can be painted like a normal `PaintedPath`,
        it would be overly restrictive to remove the ability to style it, so instead
        this warning is here.

    # because clipping paths can be painted, we inherit from PaintedPath. However, when
    # setting the styling on the clipping path, those values will also be applied to
    # the PaintedPath the ClippingPath is applied to unless they are explicitly set for
    # that painted path. This is not ideal, but there's no way to really fix it from
    # the PDF rendering model, and trying to track the appropriate state/defaults seems
    # similarly error prone.

    # In general, the expectation is that painted clipping paths are likely to be very
    # uncommon, so it's an edge case that isn't worth worrying too much about.

    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
        super().__init__(x=x, y=y)
        self.paint_rule = PathPaintRule.DONT_PAINT

    def render(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream=None, pfx=None
        # painting the clipping path outside of its root graphics context allows it to
        # be transformed without affecting the transform of the graphics context of the
        # path it is being used to clip. This is because, unlike all of the other style
        # settings, transformations immediately affect the points following them,
        # rather than only affecting them at painting time. stroke settings and color
        # settings are applied only at paint time.

        if debug_stream:
            debug_stream.write("<ClippingPath> ")

        ) = self._root_graphics_context.build_render_list(

        merged_style = GraphicsStyle.merge(style,
        # we should never get a collision error here
        intersection_rule = merged_style.intersection_rule
        if intersection_rule is merged_style.INHERIT:
            intersection_rule = ClippingPathIntersectionRule.NONZERO
            intersection_rule = ClippingPathIntersectionRule[
        # pylint: disable=no-member, useless-suppression

        paint_rule = merged_style.resolve_paint_rule()


        return " ".join(render_list), last_item, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `ClippingPath.render`.
        return self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx

The PaintedPath API but to be used to create clipping paths.


Unless you really know what you're doing, changing attributes of the clipping path style is likely to produce unexpected results. This is because the clipping path styles override implicit style inheritance of the PaintedPath it applies to.

For example, = 2 can unexpectedly override = GraphicsStyle.INHERIT and cause the painted path to be rendered with a stroke of 2 instead of what it would have normally inherited. Because a ClippingPath can be painted like a normal PaintedPath, it would be overly restrictive to remove the ability to style it, so instead this warning is here.


Instance variables

prop auto_close

Inherited from: PaintedPath.auto_close

If true, the path should automatically close itself before painting.

prop clipping_path

Inherited from: PaintedPath.clipping_path

Set the clipping path for this path.

prop paint_rule

Inherited from: PaintedPath.paint_rule

Manually specify the PathPaintRule to use for rendering the path.

prop style

Inherited from:

The GraphicsStyle applied to all elements of this path.

prop transform

Inherited from: PaintedPath.transform

The Transform that applies to all of the elements of this path.


def add_path_element(self, item)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.add_path_element

Add the given element as a path item of this path …

def arc_relative(self, rx, ry, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, dx, dy)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.arc_relative

Append an elliptical arc from the end of the previous path point to an offset point …

def arc_to(self, rx, ry, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, x, y)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.arc_to

Append an elliptical arc from the end of the previous path point to the specified end point …

def circle(self, cx, cy, r)

Inherited from:

Append a circle as a closed subpath to the current path …

def close(self)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.close

Explicitly close the current (sub)path.

def curve_relative(self, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.curve_relative

Append a cubic Bézier curve whose points are expressed relative to the end point of the previous path element …

def curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.curve_to

Append a cubic Bézier curve to this path …

def ellipse(self, cx, cy, rx, ry)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.ellipse

Append an ellipse as a closed subpath to the current path …

def horizontal_line_relative(self, dx)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.horizontal_line_relative

Append a straight horizontal line to the given offset from the previous path element. The ordinate is retrieved from the end point of the previous …

def horizontal_line_to(self, x)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.horizontal_line_to

Append a straight horizontal line to the given abscissa. The ordinate is retrieved from the end point of the previous path element …

def line_relative(self, dx, dy)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.line_relative

Append a straight line whose end is computed as an offset from the end of the previous path element …

def line_to(self, x, y)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.line_to

Append a straight line to this path …

def move_relative(self, x, y)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.move_relative

Start a new subpath or move the path start point relative to the previous point …

def move_to(self, x, y)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.move_to

Start a new subpath or move the path starting point …

def quadratic_curve_relative(self, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_relative

Append a cubic Bézier curve mimicking the specified quadratic Bézier curve …

def quadratic_curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_to

Append a cubic Bézier curve mimicking the specified quadratic Bézier curve …

def rectangle(self, x, y, w, h, rx=0, ry=0)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.rectangle

Append a rectangle as a closed subpath to the current path …

def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream=None, pfx=None)
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def render(
    self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream=None, pfx=None
    # painting the clipping path outside of its root graphics context allows it to
    # be transformed without affecting the transform of the graphics context of the
    # path it is being used to clip. This is because, unlike all of the other style
    # settings, transformations immediately affect the points following them,
    # rather than only affecting them at painting time. stroke settings and color
    # settings are applied only at paint time.

    if debug_stream:
        debug_stream.write("<ClippingPath> ")

    ) = self._root_graphics_context.build_render_list(

    merged_style = GraphicsStyle.merge(style,
    # we should never get a collision error here
    intersection_rule = merged_style.intersection_rule
    if intersection_rule is merged_style.INHERIT:
        intersection_rule = ClippingPathIntersectionRule.NONZERO
        intersection_rule = ClippingPathIntersectionRule[
    # pylint: disable=no-member, useless-suppression

    paint_rule = merged_style.resolve_paint_rule()


    return " ".join(render_list), last_item, initial_point
def render_debug(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx)
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def render_debug(
    self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
    Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

        gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
            dictionary registry.
        style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
        last_item: the previous path element.
        debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
            written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
        pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
            more than one line).

        The same tuple as `ClippingPath.render`.
    return self.render(
        gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx

Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug information.


gsd_registry : GraphicsStateDictRegistry
the owner's graphics state dictionary registry.
style : GraphicsStyle
the current resolved graphics style
the previous path element.
debug_stream : io.TextIO
the stream to which the debug output should be written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or stderr).
pfx : str
the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting more than one line).


The same tuple as ClippingPath.render().

def transform_group(self, transform)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.transform_group

Apply the provided Transform to all points added within this context.

def vertical_line_relative(self, dy)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.vertical_line_relative

Append a straight vertical line to the given offset from the previous path element. The abscissa is retrieved from the end point of the previous path …

def vertical_line_to(self, y)

Inherited from: PaintedPath.vertical_line_to

Append a straight vertical line to the given ordinate. The abscissa is retrieved from the end point of the previous path element …

class Close
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class Close(NamedTuple):
    A path close element.

    Instructs the renderer to draw a straight line from the end of the last path element
    to the start of the current path.

    See: `PaintedPath.close`

    # pylint: disable=no-self-use
    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is whatever the old
            last_item was.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return "h", Move(initial_point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Close.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(str(self) + "\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path close element.

Instructs the renderer to draw a straight line from the end of the last path element to the start of the current path.

See: PaintedPath.close()


  • builtins.tuple
class DeviceCMYK (c, m, y, k, a=None)
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class DeviceCMYK(
            ("c", Number),
            ("m", Number),
            ("y", Number),
            ("k", Number),
            ("a", Optional[Number]),
    """A class representing a PDF DeviceCMYK color."""

    OPERATOR = "k"
    """The PDF drawing operator used to specify this type of color."""

    def __new__(cls, c, m, y, k, a=None):
        if a is not None:

        return super().__new__(
            cls, _check_range(c), _check_range(m), _check_range(y), _check_range(k), a

    def colors(self):
        "The color components as a tuple in order (c, m, y, k) with alpha omitted, in range 0-1."
        return self[:-1]

    def serialize(self) -> str:
        return " ".join(number_to_str(val) for val in self.colors) + f" {self.OPERATOR}"

A class representing a PDF DeviceCMYK color.


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

prop colors
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def colors(self):
    "The color components as a tuple in order (c, m, y, k) with alpha omitted, in range 0-1."
    return self[:-1]

The color components as a tuple in order (c, m, y, k) with alpha omitted, in range 0-1.


def serialize(self) ‑> str
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def serialize(self) -> str:
    return " ".join(number_to_str(val) for val in self.colors) + f" {self.OPERATOR}"
class DeviceGray (g, a=None)
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class DeviceGray(
        [("g", Number), ("a", Optional[Number])],
    """A class representing a PDF DeviceGray color."""

    OPERATOR = "g"
    """The PDF drawing operator used to specify this type of color."""

    def __new__(cls, g, a=None):
        if a is not None:

        return super().__new__(cls, _check_range(g), a)

    def colors(self):
        "The color components as a tuple in order (r, g, b) with alpha omitted, in range 0-1."
        return self.g, self.g, self.g

    def colors255(self):
        "The color components as a tuple in order `(r, g, b)` with alpha omitted, in range 0-255."
        return tuple(255 * v for v in self.colors)

    def serialize(self) -> str:
        return f"{number_to_str(self.g)} {self.OPERATOR}"

A class representing a PDF DeviceGray color.


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

prop colors
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def colors(self):
    "The color components as a tuple in order (r, g, b) with alpha omitted, in range 0-1."
    return self.g, self.g, self.g

The color components as a tuple in order (r, g, b) with alpha omitted, in range 0-1.

prop colors255
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def colors255(self):
    "The color components as a tuple in order `(r, g, b)` with alpha omitted, in range 0-255."
    return tuple(255 * v for v in self.colors)

The color components as a tuple in order (r, g, b) with alpha omitted, in range 0-255.


def serialize(self) ‑> str
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def serialize(self) -> str:
    return f"{number_to_str(self.g)} {self.OPERATOR}"
class DeviceRGB (r, g, b, a=None)
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class DeviceRGB(
        [("r", Number), ("g", Number), ("b", Number), ("a", Optional[Number])],
    """A class representing a PDF DeviceRGB color."""

    # This follows a common PDF drawing operator convention where the operand is upcased
    # to apply to stroke and downcased to apply to fill.

    # This could be more manually specified by  `CS`/`cs` to set the color space(e.g. to
    # `/DeviceRGB`) and `SC`/`sc` to set the color parameters. The documentation isn't
    # perfectly clear on this front, but it appears that these cannot be set in the
    # current graphics state dictionary and instead is set in the current page resource
    # dictionary. fpdf appears to only generate a single resource dictionary for the
    # entire document, and even if it created one per page, it would still be a lot
    # clunkier to try to use that.

    # Because PDF hates me, personally, the opacity of the drawing HAS to be specified
    # in the current graphics state dictionary and does not exist as a standalone
    # directive.
    OPERATOR = "rg"
    """The PDF drawing operator used to specify this type of color."""

    def __new__(cls, r, g, b, a=None):
        if a is not None:

        return super().__new__(
            cls, _check_range(r), _check_range(g), _check_range(b), a

    def colors(self):
        "The color components as a tuple in order `(r, g, b)` with alpha omitted, in range 0-1."
        return self[:-1]

    def colors255(self):
        "The color components as a tuple in order `(r, g, b)` with alpha omitted, in range 0-255."
        return tuple(255 * v for v in self.colors)

    def serialize(self) -> str:
        return " ".join(number_to_str(val) for val in self.colors) + f" {self.OPERATOR}"

A class representing a PDF DeviceRGB color.


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

prop colors
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def colors(self):
    "The color components as a tuple in order `(r, g, b)` with alpha omitted, in range 0-1."
    return self[:-1]

The color components as a tuple in order (r, g, b) with alpha omitted, in range 0-1.

prop colors255
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def colors255(self):
    "The color components as a tuple in order `(r, g, b)` with alpha omitted, in range 0-255."
    return tuple(255 * v for v in self.colors)

The color components as a tuple in order (r, g, b) with alpha omitted, in range 0-255.


def serialize(self) ‑> str
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def serialize(self) -> str:
    return " ".join(number_to_str(val) for val in self.colors) + f" {self.OPERATOR}"
class DrawingContext
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class DrawingContext:
    Base context for a drawing in a PDF

    This context is not stylable and is mainly responsible for transforming path
    drawing coordinates into user coordinates (i.e. it ensures that the output drawing
    is correctly scaled).

    def __init__(self):
        self._subitems = []

    def add_item(self, item, _copy=True):
        Append an item to this drawing context

            item (GraphicsContext, PaintedPath): the item to be appended.
            _copy (bool): if true (the default), the item will be copied before being
                appended. This prevents modifications to a referenced object from
                "retroactively" altering its style/shape and should be disabled with

        if not isinstance(item, (GraphicsContext, PaintedPath)):
            raise TypeError(f"{item} doesn't belong in a DrawingContext")

        if _copy:
            item = copy.deepcopy(item)


    def _setup_render_prereqs(style, first_point, scale, height):
        style.auto_close = True
        style.paint_rule = PathPaintRule.AUTO
        style.intersection_rule = IntersectionRule.NONZERO

        last_item = Move(first_point)
        scale, last_item = (
            Transform.scaling(x=1, y=-1)
            .about(x=0, y=height / 2)

        render_list = ["q", scale]

        return render_list, style, last_item

    def render(self, gsd_registry, first_point, scale, height, starting_style):
        Render the drawing context to PDF format.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the parent document's graphics
                state registry.
            first_point (Point): the starting point to use if the first path element is
                a relative element.
            scale (Number): the scale factor to convert from PDF pt units into the
                document's semantic units (e.g. mm or in).
            height (Number): the page height. This is used to remap the coordinates to
                be from the top-left corner of the page (matching fpdf's behavior)
                instead of the PDF native behavior of bottom-left.
            starting_style (GraphicsStyle): the base style for this drawing context,
                derived from the document's current style defaults.

            A string composed of the PDF representation of all the paths and groups in
            this context (an empty string is returned if there are no paths or groups)
        if not self._subitems:
            return ""

        render_list, style, last_item = self._setup_render_prereqs(
            starting_style, first_point, scale, height

        for item in self._subitems:
            rendered, last_item, first_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, first_point
            if rendered:

        # there was nothing to render: the only items are the start group and scale
        # transform.
        if len(render_list) == 2:
            return ""

        style_dict_name = gsd_registry.register_style(style)
        if style_dict_name is not None:
            render_list.insert(2, f"{render_pdf_primitive(style_dict_name)} gs")
                + f" {number_to_str(style.stroke_dash_phase)} d",


        return " ".join(render_list)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, first_point, scale, height, starting_style, debug_stream
        Render the drawing context to PDF format.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the parent document's graphics
                state registry.
            first_point (Point): the starting point to use if the first path element is
                a relative element.
            scale (Number): the scale factor to convert from PDF pt units into the
                document's semantic units (e.g. mm or in).
            height (Number): the page height. This is used to remap the coordinates to
                be from the top-left corner of the page (matching fpdf's behavior)
                instead of the PDF native behavior of bottom-left.
            starting_style (GraphicsStyle): the base style for this drawing context,
                derived from the document's current style defaults.
            debug_stream (TextIO): a text stream to which a debug representation of the
                drawing structure will be written.

            A string composed of the PDF representation of all the paths and groups in
            this context (an empty string is returned if there are no paths or groups)
        render_list, style, last_item = self._setup_render_prereqs(
            starting_style, first_point, scale, height

        for child in self._subitems[:-1]:
            debug_stream.write(" ├─ ")
            rendered, last_item = child.render_debug(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, debug_stream, " │  "
            if rendered:

        if self._subitems:
            debug_stream.write(" └─ ")
            rendered, last_item, first_point = self._subitems[-1].render_debug(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, first_point, debug_stream, "    "
            if rendered:

            # there was nothing to render: the only items are the start group and scale
            # transform.
            if len(render_list) == 2:
                return ""

            style_dict_name = gsd_registry.register_style(style)
            if style_dict_name is not None:
                render_list.insert(2, f"{render_pdf_primitive(style_dict_name)} gs")
                    + f" {number_to_str(style.stroke_dash_phase)} d",


            return " ".join(render_list)

        return ""

Base context for a drawing in a PDF

This context is not stylable and is mainly responsible for transforming path drawing coordinates into user coordinates (i.e. it ensures that the output drawing is correctly scaled).


def add_item(self, item)
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def add_item(self, item, _copy=True):
    Append an item to this drawing context

        item (GraphicsContext, PaintedPath): the item to be appended.
        _copy (bool): if true (the default), the item will be copied before being
            appended. This prevents modifications to a referenced object from
            "retroactively" altering its style/shape and should be disabled with

    if not isinstance(item, (GraphicsContext, PaintedPath)):
        raise TypeError(f"{item} doesn't belong in a DrawingContext")

    if _copy:
        item = copy.deepcopy(item)


Append an item to this drawing context


item : GraphicsContext, PaintedPath
the item to be appended.
_copy : bool
if true (the default), the item will be copied before being appended. This prevents modifications to a referenced object from "retroactively" altering its style/shape and should be disabled with caution.
def render(self, gsd_registry, first_point, scale, height, starting_style)
Expand source code Browse git
def render(self, gsd_registry, first_point, scale, height, starting_style):
    Render the drawing context to PDF format.

        gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the parent document's graphics
            state registry.
        first_point (Point): the starting point to use if the first path element is
            a relative element.
        scale (Number): the scale factor to convert from PDF pt units into the
            document's semantic units (e.g. mm or in).
        height (Number): the page height. This is used to remap the coordinates to
            be from the top-left corner of the page (matching fpdf's behavior)
            instead of the PDF native behavior of bottom-left.
        starting_style (GraphicsStyle): the base style for this drawing context,
            derived from the document's current style defaults.

        A string composed of the PDF representation of all the paths and groups in
        this context (an empty string is returned if there are no paths or groups)
    if not self._subitems:
        return ""

    render_list, style, last_item = self._setup_render_prereqs(
        starting_style, first_point, scale, height

    for item in self._subitems:
        rendered, last_item, first_point = item.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, first_point
        if rendered:

    # there was nothing to render: the only items are the start group and scale
    # transform.
    if len(render_list) == 2:
        return ""

    style_dict_name = gsd_registry.register_style(style)
    if style_dict_name is not None:
        render_list.insert(2, f"{render_pdf_primitive(style_dict_name)} gs")
            + f" {number_to_str(style.stroke_dash_phase)} d",


    return " ".join(render_list)

Render the drawing context to PDF format.


gsd_registry : GraphicsStateDictRegistry
the parent document's graphics state registry.
first_point : Point
the starting point to use if the first path element is a relative element.
scale : Number
the scale factor to convert from PDF pt units into the document's semantic units (e.g. mm or in).
height : Number
the page height. This is used to remap the coordinates to be from the top-left corner of the page (matching fpdf's behavior) instead of the PDF native behavior of bottom-left.
starting_style : GraphicsStyle
the base style for this drawing context, derived from the document's current style defaults.


A string composed of the PDF representation of all the paths and groups in this context (an empty string is returned if there are no paths or groups)

def render_debug(self, gsd_registry, first_point, scale, height, starting_style, debug_stream)
Expand source code Browse git
def render_debug(
    self, gsd_registry, first_point, scale, height, starting_style, debug_stream
    Render the drawing context to PDF format.

        gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the parent document's graphics
            state registry.
        first_point (Point): the starting point to use if the first path element is
            a relative element.
        scale (Number): the scale factor to convert from PDF pt units into the
            document's semantic units (e.g. mm or in).
        height (Number): the page height. This is used to remap the coordinates to
            be from the top-left corner of the page (matching fpdf's behavior)
            instead of the PDF native behavior of bottom-left.
        starting_style (GraphicsStyle): the base style for this drawing context,
            derived from the document's current style defaults.
        debug_stream (TextIO): a text stream to which a debug representation of the
            drawing structure will be written.

        A string composed of the PDF representation of all the paths and groups in
        this context (an empty string is returned if there are no paths or groups)
    render_list, style, last_item = self._setup_render_prereqs(
        starting_style, first_point, scale, height

    for child in self._subitems[:-1]:
        debug_stream.write(" ├─ ")
        rendered, last_item = child.render_debug(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, debug_stream, " │  "
        if rendered:

    if self._subitems:
        debug_stream.write(" └─ ")
        rendered, last_item, first_point = self._subitems[-1].render_debug(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, first_point, debug_stream, "    "
        if rendered:

        # there was nothing to render: the only items are the start group and scale
        # transform.
        if len(render_list) == 2:
            return ""

        style_dict_name = gsd_registry.register_style(style)
        if style_dict_name is not None:
            render_list.insert(2, f"{render_pdf_primitive(style_dict_name)} gs")
                + f" {number_to_str(style.stroke_dash_phase)} d",


        return " ".join(render_list)

    return ""

Render the drawing context to PDF format.


gsd_registry : GraphicsStateDictRegistry
the parent document's graphics state registry.
first_point : Point
the starting point to use if the first path element is a relative element.
scale : Number
the scale factor to convert from PDF pt units into the document's semantic units (e.g. mm or in).
height : Number
the page height. This is used to remap the coordinates to be from the top-left corner of the page (matching fpdf's behavior) instead of the PDF native behavior of bottom-left.
starting_style : GraphicsStyle
the base style for this drawing context, derived from the document's current style defaults.
debug_stream : TextIO
a text stream to which a debug representation of the drawing structure will be written.


A string composed of the PDF representation of all the paths and groups in this context (an empty string is returned if there are no paths or groups)

class Ellipse (radii: Point,
center: Point)
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class Ellipse(NamedTuple):
    An ellipse.

    See: `PaintedPath.ellipse`

    radii: Point
    """The x- and y-radii of the ellipse"""
    center: Point
    """The abscissa and ordinate of the center of the ellipse"""

    def _decompose(self):
        items = []

        rx = abs(self.radii.x)
        ry = abs(self.radii.y)
        cx, cy =

        arc_rad = Point(rx, ry)

        # this isn't the most efficient way to do this, computationally, but it's
        # internally consistent.
        if (rx != 0) and (ry != 0):
            items.append(Move(Point(cx + rx, cy)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx, cy + ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx - rx, cy)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx, cy - ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx + rx, cy)))

        return items

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
            `Move` to the center of the ellipse.
        components = self._decompose()

        if not components:
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

        return " ".join(render_list), Move(, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Ellipse.render`.
        components = self._decompose()

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not components:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components[:-1]:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {item}\n")

        rendered, last_item, initial_point = components[-1].render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {components[-1]}\n")

        return " ".join(render_list), Move(, initial_point

An ellipse.

See: PaintedPath.ellipse()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var centerPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class Ellipse(NamedTuple):
    An ellipse.

    See: `PaintedPath.ellipse`

    radii: Point
    """The x- and y-radii of the ellipse"""
    center: Point
    """The abscissa and ordinate of the center of the ellipse"""

    def _decompose(self):
        items = []

        rx = abs(self.radii.x)
        ry = abs(self.radii.y)
        cx, cy =

        arc_rad = Point(rx, ry)

        # this isn't the most efficient way to do this, computationally, but it's
        # internally consistent.
        if (rx != 0) and (ry != 0):
            items.append(Move(Point(cx + rx, cy)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx, cy + ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx - rx, cy)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx, cy - ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx + rx, cy)))

        return items

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
            `Move` to the center of the ellipse.
        components = self._decompose()

        if not components:
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

        return " ".join(render_list), Move(, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Ellipse.render`.
        components = self._decompose()

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not components:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components[:-1]:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {item}\n")

        rendered, last_item, initial_point = components[-1].render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {components[-1]}\n")

        return " ".join(render_list), Move(, initial_point

The abscissa and ordinate of the center of the ellipse

var radiiPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class Ellipse(NamedTuple):
    An ellipse.

    See: `PaintedPath.ellipse`

    radii: Point
    """The x- and y-radii of the ellipse"""
    center: Point
    """The abscissa and ordinate of the center of the ellipse"""

    def _decompose(self):
        items = []

        rx = abs(self.radii.x)
        ry = abs(self.radii.y)
        cx, cy =

        arc_rad = Point(rx, ry)

        # this isn't the most efficient way to do this, computationally, but it's
        # internally consistent.
        if (rx != 0) and (ry != 0):
            items.append(Move(Point(cx + rx, cy)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx, cy + ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx - rx, cy)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx, cy - ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(cx + rx, cy)))

        return items

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
            `Move` to the center of the ellipse.
        components = self._decompose()

        if not components:
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

        return " ".join(render_list), Move(, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Ellipse.render`.
        components = self._decompose()

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not components:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components[:-1]:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {item}\n")

        rendered, last_item, initial_point = components[-1].render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {components[-1]}\n")

        return " ".join(render_list), Move(, initial_point

The x- and y-radii of the ellipse

class GraphicsContext
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class GraphicsContext:
    def __init__(self): = GraphicsStyle()
        self.path_items = []

        self._transform = None
        self._clipping_path = None

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        copied = self.__class__() = copy.deepcopy(, memo)
        copied.path_items = copy.deepcopy(self.path_items, memo)

        copied._transform = copy.deepcopy(self.transform, memo)
        copied._clipping_path = copy.deepcopy(self.clipping_path, memo)

        return copied

    def transform(self):
        return self._transform

    def transform(self, tf):
        self._transform = tf

    def clipping_path(self):
        """The `ClippingPath` for this graphics context."""
        return self._clipping_path

    def clipping_path(self, new_clipath):
        self._clipping_path = new_clipath

    def add_item(self, item, _copy=True):
        Add a path element to this graphics context.

            item: the path element to add. May be a primitive element or another
                `GraphicsContext` or a `PaintedPath`.
            _copy (bool): if true (the default), the item will be copied before being
                appended. This prevents modifications to a referenced object from
                "retroactively" altering its style/shape and should be disabled with
        if _copy:
            item = copy.deepcopy(item)


    def remove_last_item(self):
        del self.path_items[-1]

    def merge(self, other_context):
        """Copy another `GraphicsContext`'s path items into this one."""

    def build_render_list(
        Build a list composed of all all the individual elements rendered.

        This is used by `PaintedPath` and `ClippingPath` to reuse the `GraphicsContext`
        rendering process while still being able to inject some path specific items
        (e.g. the painting directive) before the render is collapsed into a single

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).
            _push_stack (bool): if True, wrap the resulting render list in a push/pop
                graphics stack directive pair.

            `tuple[list[str], last_item]` where `last_item` is the past path element in
            this `GraphicsContext`
        render_list = []

        if self.path_items:
            if debug_stream is not None:

            merged_style = style.__class__.merge(style,

            if debug_stream is not None:
                if self._transform:

                styles_dbg = []
                for attr in merged_style.MERGE_PROPERTIES:
                    val = getattr(merged_style, attr)
                    if val is not merged_style.INHERIT:
                        if getattr(, attr) is merged_style.INHERIT:
                            inherited = " (inherited)"
                            inherited = ""
                        styles_dbg.append(f"{attr}: {val}{inherited}")

                if styles_dbg:
                    debug_stream.write(" {\n")
                    for style_dbg_line in styles_dbg:
                        debug_stream.write(pfx + "    ")

                    debug_stream.write(pfx + "}┐\n")

            NO_EMIT_SET = {None, merged_style.INHERIT}

            emit_style =
            if merged_style.allow_transparency !=
                emit_style = copy.deepcopy(
                emit_style.allow_transparency = merged_style.allow_transparency

            # in order to decouple the dash pattern and the dash phase at the API layer,
            # we have to perform additional logic here to recombine them. We can rely
            # on these being serializable because we always get a sane style on the
            # drawing context.
            dash_pattern = merged_style.stroke_dash_pattern
            dash_phase = merged_style.stroke_dash_phase
            if (dash_pattern != style.stroke_dash_pattern) or (
                dash_phase != style.stroke_dash_phase
                if emit_style is
                    emit_style = copy.deepcopy(emit_style)
                emit_style.stroke_dash_pattern = dash_pattern
                emit_style.stroke_dash_phase = dash_phase

                emit_dash = (dash_pattern, dash_phase)
                emit_dash = None

            style_dict_name = gsd_registry.register_style(emit_style)

            if style_dict_name is not None:
                render_list.append(f"{render_pdf_primitive(style_dict_name)} gs")

            # we can't set color in the graphics state context dictionary, so we have to
            # manually inherit it and emit it here.
            fill_color =
            stroke_color =

            if fill_color not in NO_EMIT_SET:

            if stroke_color not in NO_EMIT_SET:

            if emit_dash is not None:
                    + f" {number_to_str(emit_dash[1])} d"

            if debug_stream:
                if self.clipping_path is not None:
                    debug_stream.write(pfx + " ├─ ")
                    rendered_cpath, _, __ = self.clipping_path.render_debug(
                        pfx + " │  ",
                    if rendered_cpath:

                for item in self.path_items[:-1]:
                    debug_stream.write(pfx + " ├─ ")
                    rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render_debug(
                        pfx + " │  ",

                    if rendered:

                debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ ")
                rendered, last_item, initial_point = self.path_items[-1].render_debug(
                    pfx + "    ",

                if rendered:

                if self.clipping_path is not None:
                    rendered_cpath, _, __ = self.clipping_path.render(
                        gsd_registry, merged_style, last_item, initial_point
                    if rendered_cpath:

                for item in self.path_items:
                    rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                        gsd_registry, merged_style, last_item, initial_point

                    if rendered:

            # insert transform before points
            if self.transform is not None:
                render_list.insert(0, self.transform.render(last_item)[0])

            if _push_stack:
                render_list.insert(0, "q")

        return render_list, last_item, initial_point

    def render(
        style: DrawingContext,
        render_list, last_item, initial_point = self.build_render_list(

        return " ".join(render_list), last_item, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        style: DrawingContext,
        return self.render(

Instance variables

prop clipping_path
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def clipping_path(self):
    """The `ClippingPath` for this graphics context."""
    return self._clipping_path

The ClippingPath for this graphics context.

prop transform
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def transform(self):
    return self._transform


def add_item(self, item)
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def add_item(self, item, _copy=True):
    Add a path element to this graphics context.

        item: the path element to add. May be a primitive element or another
            `GraphicsContext` or a `PaintedPath`.
        _copy (bool): if true (the default), the item will be copied before being
            appended. This prevents modifications to a referenced object from
            "retroactively" altering its style/shape and should be disabled with
    if _copy:
        item = copy.deepcopy(item)


Add a path element to this graphics context.


the path element to add. May be a primitive element or another GraphicsContext or a PaintedPath.
_copy : bool
if true (the default), the item will be copied before being appended. This prevents modifications to a referenced object from "retroactively" altering its style/shape and should be disabled with caution.
def merge(self, other_context)
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def merge(self, other_context):
    """Copy another `GraphicsContext`'s path items into this one."""

Copy another GraphicsContext's path items into this one.

def remove_last_item(self)
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def remove_last_item(self):
    del self.path_items[-1]
def render(self,
style: DrawingContext,
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def render(
    style: DrawingContext,
    render_list, last_item, initial_point = self.build_render_list(

    return " ".join(render_list), last_item, initial_point
def render_debug(self,
style: DrawingContext,
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def render_debug(
    style: DrawingContext,
    return self.render(
class GraphicsStateDictRegistry (*args, **kwargs)
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class GraphicsStateDictRegistry(OrderedDict):
    A container providing deduplication of graphics state dictionaries across a PDF.

    def register_style(self, style: "GraphicsStyle"):
        sdict = style.serialize()

        # empty style does not need a dictionary
        if not sdict:
            return None

            return self[sdict]
        except KeyError:

        name = Name(f"GS{len(self)}")
        self[sdict] = name

        return name

A container providing deduplication of graphics state dictionaries across a PDF.


  • collections.OrderedDict
  • builtins.dict


def register_style(self,
style: GraphicsStyle)
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def register_style(self, style: "GraphicsStyle"):
    sdict = style.serialize()

    # empty style does not need a dictionary
    if not sdict:
        return None

        return self[sdict]
    except KeyError:

    name = Name(f"GS{len(self)}")
    self[sdict] = name

    return name
class GraphicsStyle
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class GraphicsStyle:
    A class representing various style attributes that determine drawing appearance.

    This class uses the convention that the global Python singleton ellipsis (`...`) is
    exclusively used to represent values that are inherited from the parent style. This
    is to disambiguate the value None which is used for several values to signal an
    explicitly disabled style. An example of this is the fill/stroke color styles,
    which use None as hints to the auto paint style detection code.

    INHERIT = ...
    """Singleton specifying a style parameter should be inherited from the parent context."""

    # order is be important here because some of these properties are entangled, e.g.
    # fill_color and fill_opacity
    """An ordered collection of properties to use when merging two GraphicsStyles."""

    """An ordered collection of attributes not to emit in no transparency mode."""

        *(k.value for k in PDFStyleKeys if k is not PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_DASH_PATTERN),
    """An ordered collection of keys to directly emit when serializing the style."""

        frozenset({}): PathPaintRule.DONT_PAINT,
        frozenset({"stroke"}): PathPaintRule.STROKE,
        frozenset({"fill", IntersectionRule.NONZERO}): PathPaintRule.FILL_NONZERO,
        frozenset({"fill", IntersectionRule.EVENODD}): PathPaintRule.FILL_EVENODD,
            {"stroke", "fill", IntersectionRule.NONZERO}
        ): PathPaintRule.STROKE_FILL_NONZERO,
            {"stroke", "fill", IntersectionRule.EVENODD}
        ): PathPaintRule.STROKE_FILL_EVENODD,
    """A dictionary for resolving `PathPaintRule.AUTO`"""

    def merge(cls, parent, child):
        Merge parent and child into a single GraphicsStyle.

        The result contains the properties of the parent as overridden by any properties
        explicitly set on the child. If both the parent and the child specify to
        inherit a given property, that property will preserve the inherit value.
        new = cls()
        for prop in cls.MERGE_PROPERTIES:
            cval = getattr(child, prop)
            if cval is cls.INHERIT:
                setattr(new, prop, getattr(parent, prop))
                setattr(new, prop, cval)

        return new

    def __init__(self):
        self.allow_transparency = self.INHERIT
        self.paint_rule = self.INHERIT
        self.auto_close = self.INHERIT
        self.intersection_rule = self.INHERIT
        self.fill_color = self.INHERIT
        self.fill_opacity = self.INHERIT
        self.stroke_color = self.INHERIT
        self.stroke_opacity = self.INHERIT
        self.blend_mode = self.INHERIT
        self.stroke_width = self.INHERIT
        self.stroke_cap_style = self.INHERIT
        self.stroke_join_style = self.INHERIT
        self.stroke_miter_limit = self.INHERIT
        self.stroke_dash_pattern = self.INHERIT
        self.stroke_dash_phase = self.INHERIT

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        copied = self.__class__()
        for prop in self.MERGE_PROPERTIES:
            setattr(copied, prop, getattr(self, prop))

        return copied

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if not hasattr(self.__class__, name):
            raise AttributeError(
                f'{self.__class__} does not have style "{name}" (a typo?)'

        super().__setattr__(name, value)

    # at some point it probably makes sense to turn this into a general compliance
    # property, but for now this is the simple approach.
    def allow_transparency(self):
        return self._allow_transparency  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def allow_transparency(self, new):
        return super().__setattr__("_allow_transparency", new)

    # If these are used in a nested graphics context inside of a painting path
    # operation, they are no-ops. However, they can be used for outer GraphicsContexts
    # that painting paths inherit from.
    def paint_rule(self):
        """The paint rule to use for this path/group."""
        return self._paint_rule  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def paint_rule(self, new):
        if new is None:
            super().__setattr__("_paint_rule", PathPaintRule.DONT_PAINT)
        elif new is self.INHERIT:
            super().__setattr__("_paint_rule", new)
            super().__setattr__("_paint_rule", PathPaintRule.coerce(new))

    def auto_close(self):
        """If True, unclosed paths will be automatically closed before stroking."""
        return self._auto_close  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def auto_close(self, new):
        if new not in {True, False, self.INHERIT}:
            raise TypeError(f"auto_close must be a bool or self.INHERIT, not {new}")

        super().__setattr__("_auto_close", new)

    def intersection_rule(self):
        """The desired intersection rule for this path/group."""
        return self._intersection_rule  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def intersection_rule(self, new):
        # don't allow None for this one.
        if new is self.INHERIT:
            super().__setattr__("_intersection_rule", new)
            super().__setattr__("_intersection_rule", IntersectionRule.coerce(new))

    def fill_color(self):
        The desired fill color for this path/group.

        When setting this property, if the color specifies an opacity value, that will
        be used to set the fill_opacity property as well.
        return self._fill_color  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def fill_color(self, color):
        if isinstance(color, str):
            color = color_from_hex_string(color)

        if isinstance(color, (DeviceRGB, DeviceGray, DeviceCMYK)):
            super().__setattr__("_fill_color", color)
            if color.a is not None:
                self.fill_opacity = color.a

        elif (color is None) or (color is self.INHERIT):
            super().__setattr__("_fill_color", color)

            raise TypeError(f"{color} doesn't look like a drawing color")

    def fill_opacity(self):
        """The desired fill opacity for this path/group."""
        return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.FILL_ALPHA.value)

    def fill_opacity(self, new):
        if new not in {None, self.INHERIT}:

        super().__setattr__(PDFStyleKeys.FILL_ALPHA.value, new)

    def stroke_color(self):
        The desired stroke color for this path/group.

        When setting this property, if the color specifies an opacity value, that will
        be used to set the fill_opacity property as well.
        return self._stroke_color  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def stroke_color(self, color):
        if isinstance(color, str):
            color = color_from_hex_string(color)

        if isinstance(color, (DeviceRGB, DeviceGray, DeviceCMYK)):
            super().__setattr__("_stroke_color", color)
            if color.a is not None:
                self.stroke_opacity = color.a
            if self.stroke_width is self.INHERIT:
                self.stroke_width = 1

        elif (color is None) or (color is self.INHERIT):
            super().__setattr__("_stroke_color", color)

            raise TypeError(f"{color} doesn't look like a drawing color")

    def stroke_opacity(self):
        """The desired stroke opacity for this path/group."""
        return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_ALPHA.value)

    def stroke_opacity(self, new):
        if new not in {None, self.INHERIT}:

        super().__setattr__(PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_ALPHA.value, new)

    def blend_mode(self):
        """The desired blend mode for this path/group."""
        return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.BLEND_MODE.value)

    def blend_mode(self, value):
        if value is self.INHERIT:
            super().__setattr__(PDFStyleKeys.BLEND_MODE.value, value)
                PDFStyleKeys.BLEND_MODE.value, BlendMode.coerce(value).value

    def stroke_width(self):
        """The desired stroke width for this path/group."""
        return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_WIDTH.value)

    def stroke_width(self, width):
        if not isinstance(
            (int, float, decimal.Decimal, type(None), type(self.INHERIT)),
            raise TypeError(f"stroke_width must be a number, not {type(width)}")

        super().__setattr__(PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_WIDTH.value, width)

    def stroke_cap_style(self):
        """The desired stroke cap style for this path/group."""
        return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_CAP_STYLE.value)

    def stroke_cap_style(self, value):
        if value is self.INHERIT:
            super().__setattr__(PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_CAP_STYLE.value, value)
                PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_CAP_STYLE.value, StrokeCapStyle.coerce(value)

    def stroke_join_style(self):
        """The desired stroke join style for this path/group."""
        return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_JOIN_STYLE.value)

    def stroke_join_style(self, value):
        if value is self.INHERIT:
            super().__setattr__(PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_JOIN_STYLE.value, value)

    def stroke_miter_limit(self):
        """The desired stroke miter limit for this path/group."""
        return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_MITER_LIMIT.value)

    def stroke_miter_limit(self, value):
        if (value is self.INHERIT) or isinstance(value, NumberClass):
            super().__setattr__(PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_MITER_LIMIT.value, value)
            raise TypeError(f"{value} is not a number")

    def stroke_dash_pattern(self):
        """The desired stroke dash pattern for this path/group."""
        return self._stroke_dash_pattern  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def stroke_dash_pattern(self, value):
        if value is None:
            result = ()
        elif value is self.INHERIT:
            result = value
        elif isinstance(value, NumberClass):
            result = (value,)
                accum = []
                for item in value:
                    if not isinstance(item, NumberClass):
                        raise TypeError(
                            f"stroke_dash_pattern {value} sequence has non-numeric value"
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"stroke_dash_pattern {value} must be a number or sequence of numbers"
                ) from None
            result = (*accum,)

        super().__setattr__("_stroke_dash_pattern", result)

    def stroke_dash_phase(self):
        """The desired stroke dash pattern phase offset for this path/group."""
        return self._stroke_dash_phase  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def stroke_dash_phase(self, value):
        if value is self.INHERIT or isinstance(value, NumberClass):
            return super().__setattr__("_stroke_dash_phase", value)

        raise TypeError(f"{value} isn't a number or GraphicsStyle.INHERIT")

    def serialize(self):
        Convert this style object to a PDF dictionary with appropriate style keys.

        Only explicitly specified values are emitted.
        result = OrderedDict()

        for key in self.PDF_STYLE_KEYS:
            value = getattr(self, key, self.INHERIT)

            if (value is not self.INHERIT) and (value is not None):
                # None is used for out-of-band signaling on these, e.g. a stroke_width
                # of None doesn't need to land here because it signals the
                # PathPaintRule auto resolution only.
                result[key] = value

        # There is additional logic in GraphicsContext to ensure that this will work
        if self.stroke_dash_pattern and self.stroke_dash_pattern is not self.INHERIT:
            result[PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_DASH_PATTERN.value] = [

        if self.allow_transparency is False:
            for key in self.TRANSPARENCY_KEYS:
                if key in result:
                    del result[key]

        if result:
            # Only insert this key if there is at least one other item in the result so
            # that we don't junk up the output PDF with empty ExtGState dictionaries.
            type_name = Name("Type")
            result[type_name] = Name("ExtGState")
            result.move_to_end(type_name, last=False)

            return render_pdf_primitive(result)

        # this signals to the GraphicsStateDictRegistry that there is nothing to
        # register. This is a success case.
        return None

    def resolve_paint_rule(self):
        Resolve `PathPaintRule.AUTO` to a real paint rule based on this style.

            the resolved `PathPaintRule`.
        if self.paint_rule is PathPaintRule.AUTO:
            want = set()
            if self.stroke_width is not None and self.stroke_color is not None:
            if self.fill_color is not None:
                # we need to guarantee that this will not be None. The default will
                # be "nonzero".
                assert self.intersection_rule is not None

                rule = self._PAINT_RULE_LOOKUP[frozenset(want)]
            except KeyError:
                # don't default to DONT_PAINT because that's almost certainly not a very
                # good default.
                rule = PathPaintRule.STROKE_FILL_NONZERO

        elif self.paint_rule is self.INHERIT:
            # this shouldn't happen under normal usage, but certain API (ab)use can end
            # up in this state. We can't resolve anything meaningful, so fall back to a
            # sane(?) default.
            rule = PathPaintRule.STROKE_FILL_NONZERO

            rule = self.paint_rule

        return rule

A class representing various style attributes that determine drawing appearance.

This class uses the convention that the global Python singleton ellipsis () is exclusively used to represent values that are inherited from the parent style. This is to disambiguate the value None which is used for several values to signal an explicitly disabled style. An example of this is the fill/stroke color styles, which use None as hints to the auto paint style detection code.

Class variables


Singleton specifying a style parameter should be inherited from the parent context.


An ordered collection of properties to use when merging two GraphicsStyles.


An ordered collection of keys to directly emit when serializing the style.


An ordered collection of attributes not to emit in no transparency mode.

Static methods

def merge(parent, child)

Merge parent and child into a single GraphicsStyle.

The result contains the properties of the parent as overridden by any properties explicitly set on the child. If both the parent and the child specify to inherit a given property, that property will preserve the inherit value.

Instance variables

prop allow_transparency
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def allow_transparency(self):
    return self._allow_transparency  # pylint: disable=no-member
prop auto_close
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def auto_close(self):
    """If True, unclosed paths will be automatically closed before stroking."""
    return self._auto_close  # pylint: disable=no-member

If True, unclosed paths will be automatically closed before stroking.

prop blend_mode
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def blend_mode(self):
    """The desired blend mode for this path/group."""
    return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.BLEND_MODE.value)

The desired blend mode for this path/group.

prop fill_color
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def fill_color(self):
    The desired fill color for this path/group.

    When setting this property, if the color specifies an opacity value, that will
    be used to set the fill_opacity property as well.
    return self._fill_color  # pylint: disable=no-member

The desired fill color for this path/group.

When setting this property, if the color specifies an opacity value, that will be used to set the fill_opacity property as well.

prop fill_opacity
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def fill_opacity(self):
    """The desired fill opacity for this path/group."""
    return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.FILL_ALPHA.value)

The desired fill opacity for this path/group.

prop intersection_rule
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def intersection_rule(self):
    """The desired intersection rule for this path/group."""
    return self._intersection_rule  # pylint: disable=no-member

The desired intersection rule for this path/group.

prop paint_rule
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def paint_rule(self):
    """The paint rule to use for this path/group."""
    return self._paint_rule  # pylint: disable=no-member

The paint rule to use for this path/group.

prop stroke_cap_style
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def stroke_cap_style(self):
    """The desired stroke cap style for this path/group."""
    return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_CAP_STYLE.value)

The desired stroke cap style for this path/group.

prop stroke_color
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def stroke_color(self):
    The desired stroke color for this path/group.

    When setting this property, if the color specifies an opacity value, that will
    be used to set the fill_opacity property as well.
    return self._stroke_color  # pylint: disable=no-member

The desired stroke color for this path/group.

When setting this property, if the color specifies an opacity value, that will be used to set the fill_opacity property as well.

prop stroke_dash_pattern
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def stroke_dash_pattern(self):
    """The desired stroke dash pattern for this path/group."""
    return self._stroke_dash_pattern  # pylint: disable=no-member

The desired stroke dash pattern for this path/group.

prop stroke_dash_phase
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def stroke_dash_phase(self):
    """The desired stroke dash pattern phase offset for this path/group."""
    return self._stroke_dash_phase  # pylint: disable=no-member

The desired stroke dash pattern phase offset for this path/group.

prop stroke_join_style
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def stroke_join_style(self):
    """The desired stroke join style for this path/group."""
    return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_JOIN_STYLE.value)

The desired stroke join style for this path/group.

prop stroke_miter_limit
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def stroke_miter_limit(self):
    """The desired stroke miter limit for this path/group."""
    return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_MITER_LIMIT.value)

The desired stroke miter limit for this path/group.

prop stroke_opacity
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def stroke_opacity(self):
    """The desired stroke opacity for this path/group."""
    return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_ALPHA.value)

The desired stroke opacity for this path/group.

prop stroke_width
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def stroke_width(self):
    """The desired stroke width for this path/group."""
    return getattr(self, PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_WIDTH.value)

The desired stroke width for this path/group.


def serialize(self)
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def serialize(self):
    Convert this style object to a PDF dictionary with appropriate style keys.

    Only explicitly specified values are emitted.
    result = OrderedDict()

    for key in self.PDF_STYLE_KEYS:
        value = getattr(self, key, self.INHERIT)

        if (value is not self.INHERIT) and (value is not None):
            # None is used for out-of-band signaling on these, e.g. a stroke_width
            # of None doesn't need to land here because it signals the
            # PathPaintRule auto resolution only.
            result[key] = value

    # There is additional logic in GraphicsContext to ensure that this will work
    if self.stroke_dash_pattern and self.stroke_dash_pattern is not self.INHERIT:
        result[PDFStyleKeys.STROKE_DASH_PATTERN.value] = [

    if self.allow_transparency is False:
        for key in self.TRANSPARENCY_KEYS:
            if key in result:
                del result[key]

    if result:
        # Only insert this key if there is at least one other item in the result so
        # that we don't junk up the output PDF with empty ExtGState dictionaries.
        type_name = Name("Type")
        result[type_name] = Name("ExtGState")
        result.move_to_end(type_name, last=False)

        return render_pdf_primitive(result)

    # this signals to the GraphicsStateDictRegistry that there is nothing to
    # register. This is a success case.
    return None

Convert this style object to a PDF dictionary with appropriate style keys.

Only explicitly specified values are emitted.

class HorizontalLine (x: int | float | decimal.Decimal)
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class HorizontalLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element that takes its ordinate from the end of the previous element.

    See: `PaintedPath.horizontal_line_to`

    x: Number
    """The abscissa of the horizontal line's end point."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        end_point = Point(x=self.x, y=last_item.end_point.y)
        return _render_line(end_point), Line(end_point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `HorizontalLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path line element that takes its ordinate from the end of the previous element.

See: PaintedPath.horizontal_line_to()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var x : int | float | decimal.Decimal
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class HorizontalLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element that takes its ordinate from the end of the previous element.

    See: `PaintedPath.horizontal_line_to`

    x: Number
    """The abscissa of the horizontal line's end point."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        end_point = Point(x=self.x, y=last_item.end_point.y)
        return _render_line(end_point), Line(end_point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `HorizontalLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The abscissa of the horizontal line's end point.

class ImplicitClose
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class ImplicitClose(NamedTuple):
    A path close element that is conditionally rendered depending on the value of

    # pylint: disable=no-self-use
    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is whatever the old
            last_item was.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        if style.auto_close:
            return "h", last_item, initial_point

        return "", last_item, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `ImplicitClose.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {rendered}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path close element that is conditionally rendered depending on the value of GraphicsStyle.auto_close.


  • builtins.tuple
class Line (pt: Point)
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class Line(NamedTuple):
    A path line element.

    This draws a straight line from the end point of the previous path element to the
    point specified by `pt`.

    See: `PaintedPath.line_to`

    pt: Point
    """The point to which the line is drawn."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return _render_line(, self, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Line.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(str(self) + "\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path line element.

This draws a straight line from the end point of the previous path element to the point specified by pt.

See: PaintedPath.line_to()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

prop end_point
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def end_point(self):
    """The end point of this path element."""

The end point of this path element.

var ptPoint
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class Line(NamedTuple):
    A path line element.

    This draws a straight line from the end point of the previous path element to the
    point specified by `pt`.

    See: `PaintedPath.line_to`

    pt: Point
    """The point to which the line is drawn."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return _render_line(, self, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Line.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(str(self) + "\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The point to which the line is drawn.

class Move (pt: Point)
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class Move(NamedTuple):
    A path move element.

    If a path has been created but not yet painted, this will create a new subpath.

    See: `PaintedPath.move_to`

    pt: Point
    """The point to which to move."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return _render_move(, self,

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Move.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(str(self) + "\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path move element.

If a path has been created but not yet painted, this will create a new subpath.

See: PaintedPath.move_to()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

prop end_point
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def end_point(self):
    """The end point of this path element."""

The end point of this path element.

var ptPoint
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class Move(NamedTuple):
    A path move element.

    If a path has been created but not yet painted, this will create a new subpath.

    See: `PaintedPath.move_to`

    pt: Point
    """The point to which to move."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return _render_move(, self,

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Move.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(str(self) + "\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The point to which to move.

class PaintedPath (x=0, y=0)
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class PaintedPath:
    A path to be drawn by the PDF renderer.

    A painted path is defined by a style and an arbitrary sequence of path elements,
    which include the primitive path elements (`Move`, `Line`, `BezierCurve`, ...) as
    well as arbitrarily nested `GraphicsContext` containing their own sequence of
    primitive path elements and `GraphicsContext`.

    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
        self._root_graphics_context = GraphicsContext()
        self._graphics_context = self._root_graphics_context

        self._closed = True
        self._close_context = self._graphics_context

        self._starter_move = Move(Point(x, y))

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        # there's no real way to recover the matching current _graphics_context after
        # copying the root context, but that's ok because we can just disallow copying
        # of paths under modification as that is almost certainly wrong usage.
        if self._graphics_context is not self._root_graphics_context:
            raise RuntimeError(f"cannot copy path {self} while it is being modified")

        copied = self.__class__()
        copied._root_graphics_context = copy.deepcopy(self._root_graphics_context, memo)
        copied._graphics_context = copied._root_graphics_context
        copied._closed = self._closed
        copied._close_context = copied._graphics_context

        return copied

    def style(self):
        """The `GraphicsStyle` applied to all elements of this path."""

    def transform(self):
        """The `Transform` that applies to all of the elements of this path."""
        return self._root_graphics_context.transform

    def transform(self, tf):
        self._root_graphics_context.transform = tf

    def auto_close(self):
        """If true, the path should automatically close itself before painting."""

    def auto_close(self, should): = should

    def paint_rule(self):
        """Manually specify the `PathPaintRule` to use for rendering the path."""

    def paint_rule(self, style): = style

    def clipping_path(self):
        """Set the clipping path for this path."""
        return self._root_graphics_context.clipping_path

    def clipping_path(self, new_clipath):
        self._root_graphics_context.clipping_path = new_clipath

    def _new_graphics_context(self, _attach=True):
        old_graphics_context = self._graphics_context
        new_graphics_context = GraphicsContext()
        self._graphics_context = new_graphics_context
            yield new_graphics_context
            if _attach:
            self._graphics_context = old_graphics_context

    def transform_group(self, transform):
        Apply the provided `Transform` to all points added within this context.
        with self._new_graphics_context() as ctxt:
            ctxt.transform = transform
            yield self

    def add_path_element(self, item, _copy=True):
        Add the given element as a path item of this path.

            item: the item to add to this path.
            _copy (bool): if true (the default), the item will be copied before being
                appended. This prevents modifications to a referenced object from
                "retroactively" altering its style/shape and should be disabled with
        if self._starter_move is not None:
            self._closed = False
            self._graphics_context.add_item(self._starter_move, _copy=False)
            self._close_context = self._graphics_context
            self._starter_move = None

        self._graphics_context.add_item(item, _copy=_copy)

    def remove_last_path_element(self):

    def rectangle(self, x, y, w, h, rx=0, ry=0):
        Append a rectangle as a closed subpath to the current path.

        If the width or the height are 0, the rectangle will be collapsed to a line
        (unless they're both 0, in which case it's collapsed to nothing).

            x (Number): the abscissa of the starting corner of the rectangle.
            y (Number): the ordinate of the starting corner of the rectangle.
            w (Number): the width of the rectangle (if 0, the rectangle will be
                rendered as a vertical line).
            h (Number): the height of the rectangle (if 0, the rectangle will be
                rendered as a horizontal line).
            rx (Number): the x-radius of the rectangle rounded corner (if 0 the corners
                will not be rounded).
            ry (Number): the y-radius of the rectangle rounded corner (if 0 the corners
                will not be rounded).

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.

            RoundedRectangle(Point(x, y), Point(w, h), Point(rx, ry)), _copy=False
        self._closed = True
        self.move_to(x, y)

        return self

    def circle(self, cx, cy, r):
        Append a circle as a closed subpath to the current path.

            cx (Number): the abscissa of the circle's center point.
            cy (Number): the ordinate of the circle's center point.
            r (Number): the radius of the circle.

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        return self.ellipse(cx, cy, r, r)

    def ellipse(self, cx, cy, rx, ry):
        Append an ellipse as a closed subpath to the current path.

            cx (Number): the abscissa of the ellipse's center point.
            cy (Number): the ordinate of the ellipse's center point.
            rx (Number): the x-radius of the ellipse.
            ry (Number): the y-radius of the ellipse.

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        self.add_path_element(Ellipse(Point(rx, ry), Point(cx, cy)), _copy=False)
        self._closed = True
        self.move_to(cx, cy)

        return self

    def move_to(self, x, y):
        Start a new subpath or move the path starting point.

        If no path elements have been added yet, this will change the path starting
        point. If path elements have been added, this will insert an implicit close in
        order to start a new subpath.

            x (Number): abscissa of the (sub)path starting point.
            y (Number): ordinate of the (sub)path starting point.

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        self._starter_move = Move(Point(x, y))
        return self

    def move_relative(self, x, y):
        Start a new subpath or move the path start point relative to the previous point.

        If no path elements have been added yet, this will change the path starting
        point. If path elements have been added, this will insert an implicit close in
        order to start a new subpath.

        This will overwrite an absolute move_to as long as no non-move path items have
        been appended. The relative position is resolved from the previous item when
        the path is being rendered, or from 0, 0 if it is the first item.

            x (Number): abscissa of the (sub)path starting point relative to the.
            y (Number): ordinate of the (sub)path starting point relative to the.
        if self._starter_move is not None:
            self._closed = False
            self._graphics_context.add_item(self._starter_move, _copy=False)
            self._close_context = self._graphics_context
        self._starter_move = RelativeMove(Point(x, y))
        return self

    def line_to(self, x, y):
        Append a straight line to this path.

            x (Number): abscissa the line's end point.
            y (Number): ordinate of the line's end point.

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        self.add_path_element(Line(Point(x, y)), _copy=False)
        return self

    def line_relative(self, dx, dy):
        Append a straight line whose end is computed as an offset from the end of the
        previous path element.

            x (Number): abscissa the line's end point relative to the end point of the
                previous path element.
            y (Number): ordinate of the line's end point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element.

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        self.add_path_element(RelativeLine(Point(dx, dy)), _copy=False)
        return self

    def horizontal_line_to(self, x):
        Append a straight horizontal line to the given abscissa. The ordinate is
        retrieved from the end point of the previous path element.

            x (Number): abscissa of the line's end point.

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        self.add_path_element(HorizontalLine(x), _copy=False)
        return self

    def horizontal_line_relative(self, dx):
        Append a straight horizontal line to the given offset from the previous path
        element. The ordinate is retrieved from the end point of the previous path

            x (Number): abscissa of the line's end point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element.

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        self.add_path_element(RelativeHorizontalLine(dx), _copy=False)
        return self

    def vertical_line_to(self, y):
        Append a straight vertical line to the given ordinate. The abscissa is
        retrieved from the end point of the previous path element.

            y (Number): ordinate of the line's end point.

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        self.add_path_element(VerticalLine(y), _copy=False)
        return self

    def vertical_line_relative(self, dy):
        Append a straight vertical line to the given offset from the previous path
        element. The abscissa is retrieved from the end point of the previous path

            y (Number): ordinate of the line's end point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element.

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        self.add_path_element(RelativeVerticalLine(dy), _copy=False)
        return self

    def curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
        Append a cubic Bézier curve to this path.

            x1 (Number): abscissa of the first control point
            y1 (Number): ordinate of the first control point
            x2 (Number): abscissa of the second control point
            y2 (Number): ordinate of the second control point
            x3 (Number): abscissa of the end point
            y3 (Number): ordinate of the end point

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        ctrl1 = Point(x1, y1)
        ctrl2 = Point(x2, y2)
        end = Point(x3, y3)

        self.add_path_element(BezierCurve(ctrl1, ctrl2, end), _copy=False)
        return self

    def curve_relative(self, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3):
        Append a cubic Bézier curve whose points are expressed relative to the
        end point of the previous path element.

        E.g. with a start point of (0, 0), given (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), the output
        curve would have the points:

        (0, 0) c1 (1, 1) c2 (3, 3) e (6, 6)

            dx1 (Number): abscissa of the first control point relative to the end point
                of the previous path element
            dy1 (Number): ordinate of the first control point relative to the end point
                of the previous path element
            dx2 (Number): abscissa offset of the second control point relative to the
                end point of the previous path element
            dy2 (Number): ordinate offset of the second control point relative to the
                end point of the previous path element
            dx3 (Number): abscissa offset of the end point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element
            dy3 (Number): ordinate offset of the end point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        c1d = Point(dx1, dy1)
        c2d = Point(dx2, dy2)
        end = Point(dx3, dy3)

        self.add_path_element(RelativeBezierCurve(c1d, c2d, end), _copy=False)
        return self

    def quadratic_curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
        Append a cubic Bézier curve mimicking the specified quadratic Bézier curve.

            x1 (Number): abscissa of the control point
            y1 (Number): ordinate of the control point
            x2 (Number): abscissa of the end point
            y2 (Number): ordinate of the end point

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        ctrl = Point(x1, y1)
        end = Point(x2, y2)
        self.add_path_element(QuadraticBezierCurve(ctrl, end), _copy=False)
        return self

    def quadratic_curve_relative(self, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2):
        Append a cubic Bézier curve mimicking the specified quadratic Bézier curve.

            dx1 (Number): abscissa of the control point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element
            dy1 (Number): ordinate of the control point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element
            dx2 (Number): abscissa offset of the end point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element
            dy2 (Number): ordinate offset of the end point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element

            The path, to allow chaining method calls.
        ctrl = Point(dx1, dy1)
        end = Point(dx2, dy2)
        self.add_path_element(RelativeQuadraticBezierCurve(ctrl, end), _copy=False)
        return self

    def arc_to(self, rx, ry, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, x, y):
        Append an elliptical arc from the end of the previous path point to the
        specified end point.

        The arc is approximated using Bézier curves, so it is not perfectly accurate.
        However, the error is small enough to not be noticeable at any reasonable
        (and even most unreasonable) scales, with a worst-case deviation of around 3‱.

            - The signs of the radii arguments (`rx` and `ry`) are ignored (i.e. their
              absolute values are used instead).
            - If either radius is 0, then a straight line will be emitted instead of an
            - If the radii are too small for the arc to reach from the current point to
              the specified end point (`x` and `y`), then they will be proportionally
              scaled up until they are big enough, which will always result in a
              half-ellipse arc (i.e. an 180 degree sweep)

            rx (Number): radius in the x-direction.
            ry (Number): radius in the y-direction.
            rotation (Number): angle (in degrees) that the arc should be rotated
                clockwise from the principle axes. This parameter does not have
                a visual effect in the case that `rx == ry`.
            large_arc (bool): if True, the arc will cover a sweep angle of at least 180
                degrees. Otherwise, the sweep angle will be at most 180 degrees.
            positive_sweep (bool): if True, the arc will be swept over a positive angle,
                i.e. clockwise. Otherwise, the arc will be swept over a negative
            x (Number): abscissa of the arc's end point.
            y (Number): ordinate of the arc's end point.

        if rx == 0 or ry == 0:
            return self.line_to(x, y)

        radii = Point(abs(rx), abs(ry))
        large_arc = bool(large_arc)
        rotation = math.radians(rotation)
        positive_sweep = bool(positive_sweep)
        end = Point(x, y)

            Arc(radii, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, end), _copy=False
        return self

    def arc_relative(self, rx, ry, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, dx, dy):
        Append an elliptical arc from the end of the previous path point to an offset

        The arc is approximated using Bézier curves, so it is not perfectly accurate.
        However, the error is small enough to not be noticeable at any reasonable
        (and even most unreasonable) scales, with a worst-case deviation of around 3‱.

            - The signs of the radii arguments (`rx` and `ry`) are ignored (i.e. their
              absolute values are used instead).
            - If either radius is 0, then a straight line will be emitted instead of an
            - If the radii are too small for the arc to reach from the current point to
              the specified end point (`x` and `y`), then they will be proportionally
              scaled up until they are big enough, which will always result in a
              half-ellipse arc (i.e. an 180 degree sweep)

            rx (Number): radius in the x-direction.
            ry (Number): radius in the y-direction.
            rotation (Number): angle (in degrees) that the arc should be rotated
                clockwise from the principle axes. This parameter does not have
                a visual effect in the case that `rx == ry`.
            large_arc (bool): if True, the arc will cover a sweep angle of at least 180
                degrees. Otherwise, the sweep angle will be at most 180 degrees.
            positive_sweep (bool): if True, the arc will be swept over a positive angle,
                i.e. clockwise. Otherwise, the arc will be swept over a negative
            dx (Number): abscissa of the arc's end point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element.
            dy (Number): ordinate of the arc's end point relative to the end point of
                the previous path element.
        if rx == 0 or ry == 0:
            return self.line_relative(dx, dy)

        radii = Point(abs(rx), abs(ry))
        large_arc = bool(large_arc)
        rotation = math.radians(rotation)
        positive_sweep = bool(positive_sweep)
        end = Point(dx, dy)

            RelativeArc(radii, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, end), _copy=False
        return self

    def close(self):
        Explicitly close the current (sub)path.
        self.add_path_element(Close(), _copy=False)
        self._closed = True
        self.move_relative(0, 0)

    def _insert_implicit_close_if_open(self):
        if not self._closed:
            self._close_context.add_item(ImplicitClose(), _copy=False)
            self._close_context = self._graphics_context
            self._closed = True

    def render(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream=None, pfx=None

        ) = self._root_graphics_context.build_render_list(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx

        paint_rule = GraphicsStyle.merge(style,

        render_list.insert(-1, paint_rule.value)

        return " ".join(render_list), last_item, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `PaintedPath.render`.
        return self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx

A path to be drawn by the PDF renderer.

A painted path is defined by a style and an arbitrary sequence of path elements, which include the primitive path elements (Move, Line, BezierCurve, …) as well as arbitrarily nested GraphicsContext containing their own sequence of primitive path elements and GraphicsContext.


Instance variables

prop auto_close
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def auto_close(self):
    """If true, the path should automatically close itself before painting."""

If true, the path should automatically close itself before painting.

prop clipping_path
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def clipping_path(self):
    """Set the clipping path for this path."""
    return self._root_graphics_context.clipping_path

Set the clipping path for this path.

prop paint_rule
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def paint_rule(self):
    """Manually specify the `PathPaintRule` to use for rendering the path."""

Manually specify the PathPaintRule to use for rendering the path.

prop style
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def style(self):
    """The `GraphicsStyle` applied to all elements of this path."""

The GraphicsStyle applied to all elements of this path.

prop transform
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def transform(self):
    """The `Transform` that applies to all of the elements of this path."""
    return self._root_graphics_context.transform

The Transform that applies to all of the elements of this path.


def add_path_element(self, item)
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def add_path_element(self, item, _copy=True):
    Add the given element as a path item of this path.

        item: the item to add to this path.
        _copy (bool): if true (the default), the item will be copied before being
            appended. This prevents modifications to a referenced object from
            "retroactively" altering its style/shape and should be disabled with
    if self._starter_move is not None:
        self._closed = False
        self._graphics_context.add_item(self._starter_move, _copy=False)
        self._close_context = self._graphics_context
        self._starter_move = None

    self._graphics_context.add_item(item, _copy=_copy)

Add the given element as a path item of this path.


the item to add to this path.
_copy : bool
if true (the default), the item will be copied before being appended. This prevents modifications to a referenced object from "retroactively" altering its style/shape and should be disabled with caution.
def arc_relative(self, rx, ry, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, dx, dy)
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def arc_relative(self, rx, ry, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, dx, dy):
    Append an elliptical arc from the end of the previous path point to an offset

    The arc is approximated using Bézier curves, so it is not perfectly accurate.
    However, the error is small enough to not be noticeable at any reasonable
    (and even most unreasonable) scales, with a worst-case deviation of around 3‱.

        - The signs of the radii arguments (`rx` and `ry`) are ignored (i.e. their
          absolute values are used instead).
        - If either radius is 0, then a straight line will be emitted instead of an
        - If the radii are too small for the arc to reach from the current point to
          the specified end point (`x` and `y`), then they will be proportionally
          scaled up until they are big enough, which will always result in a
          half-ellipse arc (i.e. an 180 degree sweep)

        rx (Number): radius in the x-direction.
        ry (Number): radius in the y-direction.
        rotation (Number): angle (in degrees) that the arc should be rotated
            clockwise from the principle axes. This parameter does not have
            a visual effect in the case that `rx == ry`.
        large_arc (bool): if True, the arc will cover a sweep angle of at least 180
            degrees. Otherwise, the sweep angle will be at most 180 degrees.
        positive_sweep (bool): if True, the arc will be swept over a positive angle,
            i.e. clockwise. Otherwise, the arc will be swept over a negative
        dx (Number): abscissa of the arc's end point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element.
        dy (Number): ordinate of the arc's end point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element.
    if rx == 0 or ry == 0:
        return self.line_relative(dx, dy)

    radii = Point(abs(rx), abs(ry))
    large_arc = bool(large_arc)
    rotation = math.radians(rotation)
    positive_sweep = bool(positive_sweep)
    end = Point(dx, dy)

        RelativeArc(radii, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, end), _copy=False
    return self

Append an elliptical arc from the end of the previous path point to an offset point.

The arc is approximated using Bézier curves, so it is not perfectly accurate. However, the error is small enough to not be noticeable at any reasonable (and even most unreasonable) scales, with a worst-case deviation of around 3‱.


  • The signs of the radii arguments (rx and ry) are ignored (i.e. their absolute values are used instead).
  • If either radius is 0, then a straight line will be emitted instead of an arc.
  • If the radii are too small for the arc to reach from the current point to the specified end point (x and y), then they will be proportionally scaled up until they are big enough, which will always result in a half-ellipse arc (i.e. an 180 degree sweep)


rx : Number
radius in the x-direction.
ry : Number
radius in the y-direction.
rotation : Number
angle (in degrees) that the arc should be rotated clockwise from the principle axes. This parameter does not have a visual effect in the case that rx == ry.
large_arc : bool
if True, the arc will cover a sweep angle of at least 180 degrees. Otherwise, the sweep angle will be at most 180 degrees.
positive_sweep : bool
if True, the arc will be swept over a positive angle, i.e. clockwise. Otherwise, the arc will be swept over a negative angle.
dx : Number
abscissa of the arc's end point relative to the end point of the previous path element.
dy : Number
ordinate of the arc's end point relative to the end point of the previous path element.
def arc_to(self, rx, ry, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, x, y)
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def arc_to(self, rx, ry, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, x, y):
    Append an elliptical arc from the end of the previous path point to the
    specified end point.

    The arc is approximated using Bézier curves, so it is not perfectly accurate.
    However, the error is small enough to not be noticeable at any reasonable
    (and even most unreasonable) scales, with a worst-case deviation of around 3‱.

        - The signs of the radii arguments (`rx` and `ry`) are ignored (i.e. their
          absolute values are used instead).
        - If either radius is 0, then a straight line will be emitted instead of an
        - If the radii are too small for the arc to reach from the current point to
          the specified end point (`x` and `y`), then they will be proportionally
          scaled up until they are big enough, which will always result in a
          half-ellipse arc (i.e. an 180 degree sweep)

        rx (Number): radius in the x-direction.
        ry (Number): radius in the y-direction.
        rotation (Number): angle (in degrees) that the arc should be rotated
            clockwise from the principle axes. This parameter does not have
            a visual effect in the case that `rx == ry`.
        large_arc (bool): if True, the arc will cover a sweep angle of at least 180
            degrees. Otherwise, the sweep angle will be at most 180 degrees.
        positive_sweep (bool): if True, the arc will be swept over a positive angle,
            i.e. clockwise. Otherwise, the arc will be swept over a negative
        x (Number): abscissa of the arc's end point.
        y (Number): ordinate of the arc's end point.

    if rx == 0 or ry == 0:
        return self.line_to(x, y)

    radii = Point(abs(rx), abs(ry))
    large_arc = bool(large_arc)
    rotation = math.radians(rotation)
    positive_sweep = bool(positive_sweep)
    end = Point(x, y)

        Arc(radii, rotation, large_arc, positive_sweep, end), _copy=False
    return self

Append an elliptical arc from the end of the previous path point to the specified end point.

The arc is approximated using Bézier curves, so it is not perfectly accurate. However, the error is small enough to not be noticeable at any reasonable (and even most unreasonable) scales, with a worst-case deviation of around 3‱.


  • The signs of the radii arguments (rx and ry) are ignored (i.e. their absolute values are used instead).
  • If either radius is 0, then a straight line will be emitted instead of an arc.
  • If the radii are too small for the arc to reach from the current point to the specified end point (x and y), then they will be proportionally scaled up until they are big enough, which will always result in a half-ellipse arc (i.e. an 180 degree sweep)


rx : Number
radius in the x-direction.
ry : Number
radius in the y-direction.
rotation : Number
angle (in degrees) that the arc should be rotated clockwise from the principle axes. This parameter does not have a visual effect in the case that rx == ry.
large_arc : bool
if True, the arc will cover a sweep angle of at least 180 degrees. Otherwise, the sweep angle will be at most 180 degrees.
positive_sweep : bool
if True, the arc will be swept over a positive angle, i.e. clockwise. Otherwise, the arc will be swept over a negative angle.
x : Number
abscissa of the arc's end point.
y : Number
ordinate of the arc's end point.
def circle(self, cx, cy, r)
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def circle(self, cx, cy, r):
    Append a circle as a closed subpath to the current path.

        cx (Number): the abscissa of the circle's center point.
        cy (Number): the ordinate of the circle's center point.
        r (Number): the radius of the circle.

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    return self.ellipse(cx, cy, r, r)

Append a circle as a closed subpath to the current path.


cx : Number
the abscissa of the circle's center point.
cy : Number
the ordinate of the circle's center point.
r : Number
the radius of the circle.


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def close(self)
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def close(self):
    Explicitly close the current (sub)path.
    self.add_path_element(Close(), _copy=False)
    self._closed = True
    self.move_relative(0, 0)

Explicitly close the current (sub)path.

def curve_relative(self, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3)
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def curve_relative(self, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3):
    Append a cubic Bézier curve whose points are expressed relative to the
    end point of the previous path element.

    E.g. with a start point of (0, 0), given (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), the output
    curve would have the points:

    (0, 0) c1 (1, 1) c2 (3, 3) e (6, 6)

        dx1 (Number): abscissa of the first control point relative to the end point
            of the previous path element
        dy1 (Number): ordinate of the first control point relative to the end point
            of the previous path element
        dx2 (Number): abscissa offset of the second control point relative to the
            end point of the previous path element
        dy2 (Number): ordinate offset of the second control point relative to the
            end point of the previous path element
        dx3 (Number): abscissa offset of the end point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element
        dy3 (Number): ordinate offset of the end point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    c1d = Point(dx1, dy1)
    c2d = Point(dx2, dy2)
    end = Point(dx3, dy3)

    self.add_path_element(RelativeBezierCurve(c1d, c2d, end), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a cubic Bézier curve whose points are expressed relative to the end point of the previous path element.

E.g. with a start point of (0, 0), given (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), the output curve would have the points:

(0, 0) c1 (1, 1) c2 (3, 3) e (6, 6)


dx1 : Number
abscissa of the first control point relative to the end point of the previous path element
dy1 : Number
ordinate of the first control point relative to the end point of the previous path element
dx2 : Number
abscissa offset of the second control point relative to the end point of the previous path element
dy2 : Number
ordinate offset of the second control point relative to the end point of the previous path element
dx3 : Number
abscissa offset of the end point relative to the end point of the previous path element
dy3 : Number
ordinate offset of the end point relative to the end point of the previous path element


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
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def curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
    Append a cubic Bézier curve to this path.

        x1 (Number): abscissa of the first control point
        y1 (Number): ordinate of the first control point
        x2 (Number): abscissa of the second control point
        y2 (Number): ordinate of the second control point
        x3 (Number): abscissa of the end point
        y3 (Number): ordinate of the end point

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    ctrl1 = Point(x1, y1)
    ctrl2 = Point(x2, y2)
    end = Point(x3, y3)

    self.add_path_element(BezierCurve(ctrl1, ctrl2, end), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a cubic Bézier curve to this path.


x1 : Number
abscissa of the first control point
y1 : Number
ordinate of the first control point
x2 : Number
abscissa of the second control point
y2 : Number
ordinate of the second control point
x3 : Number
abscissa of the end point
y3 : Number
ordinate of the end point


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def ellipse(self, cx, cy, rx, ry)
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def ellipse(self, cx, cy, rx, ry):
    Append an ellipse as a closed subpath to the current path.

        cx (Number): the abscissa of the ellipse's center point.
        cy (Number): the ordinate of the ellipse's center point.
        rx (Number): the x-radius of the ellipse.
        ry (Number): the y-radius of the ellipse.

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    self.add_path_element(Ellipse(Point(rx, ry), Point(cx, cy)), _copy=False)
    self._closed = True
    self.move_to(cx, cy)

    return self

Append an ellipse as a closed subpath to the current path.


cx : Number
the abscissa of the ellipse's center point.
cy : Number
the ordinate of the ellipse's center point.
rx : Number
the x-radius of the ellipse.
ry : Number
the y-radius of the ellipse.


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def horizontal_line_relative(self, dx)
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def horizontal_line_relative(self, dx):
    Append a straight horizontal line to the given offset from the previous path
    element. The ordinate is retrieved from the end point of the previous path

        x (Number): abscissa of the line's end point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element.

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    self.add_path_element(RelativeHorizontalLine(dx), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a straight horizontal line to the given offset from the previous path element. The ordinate is retrieved from the end point of the previous path element.


x : Number
abscissa of the line's end point relative to the end point of the previous path element.


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def horizontal_line_to(self, x)
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def horizontal_line_to(self, x):
    Append a straight horizontal line to the given abscissa. The ordinate is
    retrieved from the end point of the previous path element.

        x (Number): abscissa of the line's end point.

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    self.add_path_element(HorizontalLine(x), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a straight horizontal line to the given abscissa. The ordinate is retrieved from the end point of the previous path element.


x : Number
abscissa of the line's end point.


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def line_relative(self, dx, dy)
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def line_relative(self, dx, dy):
    Append a straight line whose end is computed as an offset from the end of the
    previous path element.

        x (Number): abscissa the line's end point relative to the end point of the
            previous path element.
        y (Number): ordinate of the line's end point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element.

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    self.add_path_element(RelativeLine(Point(dx, dy)), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a straight line whose end is computed as an offset from the end of the previous path element.


x : Number
abscissa the line's end point relative to the end point of the previous path element.
y : Number
ordinate of the line's end point relative to the end point of the previous path element.


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def line_to(self, x, y)
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def line_to(self, x, y):
    Append a straight line to this path.

        x (Number): abscissa the line's end point.
        y (Number): ordinate of the line's end point.

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    self.add_path_element(Line(Point(x, y)), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a straight line to this path.


x : Number
abscissa the line's end point.
y : Number
ordinate of the line's end point.


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def move_relative(self, x, y)
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def move_relative(self, x, y):
    Start a new subpath or move the path start point relative to the previous point.

    If no path elements have been added yet, this will change the path starting
    point. If path elements have been added, this will insert an implicit close in
    order to start a new subpath.

    This will overwrite an absolute move_to as long as no non-move path items have
    been appended. The relative position is resolved from the previous item when
    the path is being rendered, or from 0, 0 if it is the first item.

        x (Number): abscissa of the (sub)path starting point relative to the.
        y (Number): ordinate of the (sub)path starting point relative to the.
    if self._starter_move is not None:
        self._closed = False
        self._graphics_context.add_item(self._starter_move, _copy=False)
        self._close_context = self._graphics_context
    self._starter_move = RelativeMove(Point(x, y))
    return self

Start a new subpath or move the path start point relative to the previous point.

If no path elements have been added yet, this will change the path starting point. If path elements have been added, this will insert an implicit close in order to start a new subpath.

This will overwrite an absolute move_to as long as no non-move path items have been appended. The relative position is resolved from the previous item when the path is being rendered, or from 0, 0 if it is the first item.


x : Number
abscissa of the (sub)path starting point relative to the.
y : Number
ordinate of the (sub)path starting point relative to the.
def move_to(self, x, y)
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def move_to(self, x, y):
    Start a new subpath or move the path starting point.

    If no path elements have been added yet, this will change the path starting
    point. If path elements have been added, this will insert an implicit close in
    order to start a new subpath.

        x (Number): abscissa of the (sub)path starting point.
        y (Number): ordinate of the (sub)path starting point.

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    self._starter_move = Move(Point(x, y))
    return self

Start a new subpath or move the path starting point.

If no path elements have been added yet, this will change the path starting point. If path elements have been added, this will insert an implicit close in order to start a new subpath.


x : Number
abscissa of the (sub)path starting point.
y : Number
ordinate of the (sub)path starting point.


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def quadratic_curve_relative(self, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2)
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def quadratic_curve_relative(self, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2):
    Append a cubic Bézier curve mimicking the specified quadratic Bézier curve.

        dx1 (Number): abscissa of the control point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element
        dy1 (Number): ordinate of the control point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element
        dx2 (Number): abscissa offset of the end point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element
        dy2 (Number): ordinate offset of the end point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    ctrl = Point(dx1, dy1)
    end = Point(dx2, dy2)
    self.add_path_element(RelativeQuadraticBezierCurve(ctrl, end), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a cubic Bézier curve mimicking the specified quadratic Bézier curve.


dx1 : Number
abscissa of the control point relative to the end point of the previous path element
dy1 : Number
ordinate of the control point relative to the end point of the previous path element
dx2 : Number
abscissa offset of the end point relative to the end point of the previous path element
dy2 : Number
ordinate offset of the end point relative to the end point of the previous path element


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def quadratic_curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2)
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def quadratic_curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
    Append a cubic Bézier curve mimicking the specified quadratic Bézier curve.

        x1 (Number): abscissa of the control point
        y1 (Number): ordinate of the control point
        x2 (Number): abscissa of the end point
        y2 (Number): ordinate of the end point

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    ctrl = Point(x1, y1)
    end = Point(x2, y2)
    self.add_path_element(QuadraticBezierCurve(ctrl, end), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a cubic Bézier curve mimicking the specified quadratic Bézier curve.


x1 : Number
abscissa of the control point
y1 : Number
ordinate of the control point
x2 : Number
abscissa of the end point
y2 : Number
ordinate of the end point


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def rectangle(self, x, y, w, h, rx=0, ry=0)
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def rectangle(self, x, y, w, h, rx=0, ry=0):
    Append a rectangle as a closed subpath to the current path.

    If the width or the height are 0, the rectangle will be collapsed to a line
    (unless they're both 0, in which case it's collapsed to nothing).

        x (Number): the abscissa of the starting corner of the rectangle.
        y (Number): the ordinate of the starting corner of the rectangle.
        w (Number): the width of the rectangle (if 0, the rectangle will be
            rendered as a vertical line).
        h (Number): the height of the rectangle (if 0, the rectangle will be
            rendered as a horizontal line).
        rx (Number): the x-radius of the rectangle rounded corner (if 0 the corners
            will not be rounded).
        ry (Number): the y-radius of the rectangle rounded corner (if 0 the corners
            will not be rounded).

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.

        RoundedRectangle(Point(x, y), Point(w, h), Point(rx, ry)), _copy=False
    self._closed = True
    self.move_to(x, y)

    return self

Append a rectangle as a closed subpath to the current path.

If the width or the height are 0, the rectangle will be collapsed to a line (unless they're both 0, in which case it's collapsed to nothing).


x : Number
the abscissa of the starting corner of the rectangle.
y : Number
the ordinate of the starting corner of the rectangle.
w : Number
the width of the rectangle (if 0, the rectangle will be rendered as a vertical line).
h : Number
the height of the rectangle (if 0, the rectangle will be rendered as a horizontal line).
rx : Number
the x-radius of the rectangle rounded corner (if 0 the corners will not be rounded).
ry : Number
the y-radius of the rectangle rounded corner (if 0 the corners will not be rounded).


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def remove_last_path_element(self)
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def remove_last_path_element(self):
def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream=None, pfx=None)
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def render(
    self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream=None, pfx=None

    ) = self._root_graphics_context.build_render_list(
        gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx

    paint_rule = GraphicsStyle.merge(style,

    render_list.insert(-1, paint_rule.value)

    return " ".join(render_list), last_item, initial_point
def render_debug(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx)
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def render_debug(
    self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
    Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

        gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
            dictionary registry.
        style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
        last_item: the previous path element.
        initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
        debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
            written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
        pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
            more than one line).

        The same tuple as `PaintedPath.render`.
    return self.render(
        gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx

Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug information.


gsd_registry : GraphicsStateDictRegistry
the owner's graphics state dictionary registry.
style : GraphicsStyle
the current resolved graphics style
the previous path element.
last position set by a "M" or "m" command
debug_stream : io.TextIO
the stream to which the debug output should be written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or stderr).
pfx : str
the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting more than one line).


The same tuple as PaintedPath.render().

def transform_group(self, transform)
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def transform_group(self, transform):
    Apply the provided `Transform` to all points added within this context.
    with self._new_graphics_context() as ctxt:
        ctxt.transform = transform
        yield self

Apply the provided Transform to all points added within this context.

def vertical_line_relative(self, dy)
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def vertical_line_relative(self, dy):
    Append a straight vertical line to the given offset from the previous path
    element. The abscissa is retrieved from the end point of the previous path

        y (Number): ordinate of the line's end point relative to the end point of
            the previous path element.

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    self.add_path_element(RelativeVerticalLine(dy), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a straight vertical line to the given offset from the previous path element. The abscissa is retrieved from the end point of the previous path element.


y : Number
ordinate of the line's end point relative to the end point of the previous path element.


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

def vertical_line_to(self, y)
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def vertical_line_to(self, y):
    Append a straight vertical line to the given ordinate. The abscissa is
    retrieved from the end point of the previous path element.

        y (Number): ordinate of the line's end point.

        The path, to allow chaining method calls.
    self.add_path_element(VerticalLine(y), _copy=False)
    return self

Append a straight vertical line to the given ordinate. The abscissa is retrieved from the end point of the previous path element.


y : Number
ordinate of the line's end point.


The path, to allow chaining method calls.

class Point (x: int | float | decimal.Decimal, y: int | float | decimal.Decimal)
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class Point(NamedTuple):
    An x-y coordinate pair within the two-dimensional coordinate frame.

    x: Number
    """The abscissa of the point."""

    y: Number
    """The ordinate of the point."""

    def render(self):
        """Render the point to the string `"x y"` for emitting to a PDF."""

        return f"{number_to_str(self.x)} {number_to_str(self.y)}"

    def dot(self, other):
        Compute the dot product of two points.

            other (Point): the point with which to compute the dot product.

            The scalar result of the dot product computation.

            TypeError: if `other` is not a `Point`.
        if not isinstance(other, Point):
            raise TypeError(f"cannot dot with {other!r}")

        return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y

    def angle(self, other):
        Compute the angle between two points (interpreted as vectors from the origin).

        The return value is in the interval (-pi, pi]. Sign is dependent on ordering,
        with clockwise angle travel considered to be positive due to the orientation of
        the coordinate frame basis vectors (i.e. the angle between `(1, 0)` and `(0, 1)`
        is `+pi/2`, the angle between `(1, 0)` and `(0, -1)` is `-pi/2`, and the angle
        between `(0, -1)` and `(1, 0)` is `+pi/2`).

            other (Point): the point to compute the angle sweep toward.

            The scalar angle between the two points **in radians**.

            TypeError: if `other` is not a `Point`.

        if not isinstance(other, Point):
            raise TypeError(f"cannot compute angle with {other!r}")

        signifier = (self.x * other.y) - (self.y * other.x)
        sign = (signifier >= 0) - (signifier < 0)
        return sign * math.acos(round( / (self.mag() * other.mag()), 8))

    def mag(self):
        Compute the Cartesian distance from this point to the origin

        This is the same as computing the magnitude of the vector represented by this

            The scalar result of the distance computation.

        return (self.x**2 + self.y**2) ** 0.5

    def __add__(self, other):
        Produce the sum of two points.

        Adding two points is the same as translating the source point by interpreting
        the other point's x and y coordinates as distances.

            other (Point): right-hand side of the infix addition operation

            A Point which is the sum of the two source points.
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            return Point(x=self.x + other.x, y=self.y + other.y)

        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other):
        Produce the difference between two points.

        Unlike addition, this is not a commutative operation!

            other (Point): right-hand side of the infix subtraction operation

            A Point which is the difference of the two source points.
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            return Point(x=self.x - other.x, y=self.y - other.y)

        return NotImplemented

    def __neg__(self):
        Produce a point by negating this point's coordinates.

            A Point whose coordinates are this points coordinates negated.
        return Point(x=-self.x, y=-self.y)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        Multiply a point by a scalar value.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to multiply the point's

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of the multiplication.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Point(self.x * other, self.y * other)

        return NotImplemented

    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        Divide a point by a scalar value.

        .. note::

            Because division is not commutative, `Point / scalar` is implemented, but
            `scalar / Point` is nonsensical and not implemented.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Point(self.x / other, self.y / other)

        return NotImplemented

    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        Divide a point by a scalar value using integer division.

        .. note::

            Because division is not commutative, `Point // scalar` is implemented, but
            `scalar // Point` is nonsensical and not implemented.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Point(self.x // other, self.y // other)

        return NotImplemented

    # no __r(true|floor)div__ because division is not commutative!

    def __matmul__(self, other):
        Transform a point with the given transform matrix.

        .. note::
            This operator is only implemented for Transforms. This transform is not
            commutative, so `Point @ Transform` is implemented, but `Transform @ Point`
            is not implemented (technically speaking, the current implementation is
            commutative because of the way points and transforms are represented, but
            if that representation were to change this operation could stop being

            other (Transform): the transform to apply to the point

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of applying the transform.
        if isinstance(other, Transform):
            return Point(
                x=other.a * self.x + other.c * self.y + other.e,
                y=other.b * self.x + other.d * self.y + other.f,

        return NotImplemented

    def __str__(self):
        return f"(x={number_to_str(self.x)}, y={number_to_str(self.y)})"

An x-y coordinate pair within the two-dimensional coordinate frame.


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var x : int | float | decimal.Decimal
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class Point(NamedTuple):
    An x-y coordinate pair within the two-dimensional coordinate frame.

    x: Number
    """The abscissa of the point."""

    y: Number
    """The ordinate of the point."""

    def render(self):
        """Render the point to the string `"x y"` for emitting to a PDF."""

        return f"{number_to_str(self.x)} {number_to_str(self.y)}"

    def dot(self, other):
        Compute the dot product of two points.

            other (Point): the point with which to compute the dot product.

            The scalar result of the dot product computation.

            TypeError: if `other` is not a `Point`.
        if not isinstance(other, Point):
            raise TypeError(f"cannot dot with {other!r}")

        return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y

    def angle(self, other):
        Compute the angle between two points (interpreted as vectors from the origin).

        The return value is in the interval (-pi, pi]. Sign is dependent on ordering,
        with clockwise angle travel considered to be positive due to the orientation of
        the coordinate frame basis vectors (i.e. the angle between `(1, 0)` and `(0, 1)`
        is `+pi/2`, the angle between `(1, 0)` and `(0, -1)` is `-pi/2`, and the angle
        between `(0, -1)` and `(1, 0)` is `+pi/2`).

            other (Point): the point to compute the angle sweep toward.

            The scalar angle between the two points **in radians**.

            TypeError: if `other` is not a `Point`.

        if not isinstance(other, Point):
            raise TypeError(f"cannot compute angle with {other!r}")

        signifier = (self.x * other.y) - (self.y * other.x)
        sign = (signifier >= 0) - (signifier < 0)
        return sign * math.acos(round( / (self.mag() * other.mag()), 8))

    def mag(self):
        Compute the Cartesian distance from this point to the origin

        This is the same as computing the magnitude of the vector represented by this

            The scalar result of the distance computation.

        return (self.x**2 + self.y**2) ** 0.5

    def __add__(self, other):
        Produce the sum of two points.

        Adding two points is the same as translating the source point by interpreting
        the other point's x and y coordinates as distances.

            other (Point): right-hand side of the infix addition operation

            A Point which is the sum of the two source points.
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            return Point(x=self.x + other.x, y=self.y + other.y)

        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other):
        Produce the difference between two points.

        Unlike addition, this is not a commutative operation!

            other (Point): right-hand side of the infix subtraction operation

            A Point which is the difference of the two source points.
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            return Point(x=self.x - other.x, y=self.y - other.y)

        return NotImplemented

    def __neg__(self):
        Produce a point by negating this point's coordinates.

            A Point whose coordinates are this points coordinates negated.
        return Point(x=-self.x, y=-self.y)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        Multiply a point by a scalar value.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to multiply the point's

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of the multiplication.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Point(self.x * other, self.y * other)

        return NotImplemented

    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        Divide a point by a scalar value.

        .. note::

            Because division is not commutative, `Point / scalar` is implemented, but
            `scalar / Point` is nonsensical and not implemented.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Point(self.x / other, self.y / other)

        return NotImplemented

    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        Divide a point by a scalar value using integer division.

        .. note::

            Because division is not commutative, `Point // scalar` is implemented, but
            `scalar // Point` is nonsensical and not implemented.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Point(self.x // other, self.y // other)

        return NotImplemented

    # no __r(true|floor)div__ because division is not commutative!

    def __matmul__(self, other):
        Transform a point with the given transform matrix.

        .. note::
            This operator is only implemented for Transforms. This transform is not
            commutative, so `Point @ Transform` is implemented, but `Transform @ Point`
            is not implemented (technically speaking, the current implementation is
            commutative because of the way points and transforms are represented, but
            if that representation were to change this operation could stop being

            other (Transform): the transform to apply to the point

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of applying the transform.
        if isinstance(other, Transform):
            return Point(
                x=other.a * self.x + other.c * self.y + other.e,
                y=other.b * self.x + other.d * self.y + other.f,

        return NotImplemented

    def __str__(self):
        return f"(x={number_to_str(self.x)}, y={number_to_str(self.y)})"

The abscissa of the point.

var y : int | float | decimal.Decimal
Expand source code Browse git
class Point(NamedTuple):
    An x-y coordinate pair within the two-dimensional coordinate frame.

    x: Number
    """The abscissa of the point."""

    y: Number
    """The ordinate of the point."""

    def render(self):
        """Render the point to the string `"x y"` for emitting to a PDF."""

        return f"{number_to_str(self.x)} {number_to_str(self.y)}"

    def dot(self, other):
        Compute the dot product of two points.

            other (Point): the point with which to compute the dot product.

            The scalar result of the dot product computation.

            TypeError: if `other` is not a `Point`.
        if not isinstance(other, Point):
            raise TypeError(f"cannot dot with {other!r}")

        return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y

    def angle(self, other):
        Compute the angle between two points (interpreted as vectors from the origin).

        The return value is in the interval (-pi, pi]. Sign is dependent on ordering,
        with clockwise angle travel considered to be positive due to the orientation of
        the coordinate frame basis vectors (i.e. the angle between `(1, 0)` and `(0, 1)`
        is `+pi/2`, the angle between `(1, 0)` and `(0, -1)` is `-pi/2`, and the angle
        between `(0, -1)` and `(1, 0)` is `+pi/2`).

            other (Point): the point to compute the angle sweep toward.

            The scalar angle between the two points **in radians**.

            TypeError: if `other` is not a `Point`.

        if not isinstance(other, Point):
            raise TypeError(f"cannot compute angle with {other!r}")

        signifier = (self.x * other.y) - (self.y * other.x)
        sign = (signifier >= 0) - (signifier < 0)
        return sign * math.acos(round( / (self.mag() * other.mag()), 8))

    def mag(self):
        Compute the Cartesian distance from this point to the origin

        This is the same as computing the magnitude of the vector represented by this

            The scalar result of the distance computation.

        return (self.x**2 + self.y**2) ** 0.5

    def __add__(self, other):
        Produce the sum of two points.

        Adding two points is the same as translating the source point by interpreting
        the other point's x and y coordinates as distances.

            other (Point): right-hand side of the infix addition operation

            A Point which is the sum of the two source points.
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            return Point(x=self.x + other.x, y=self.y + other.y)

        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other):
        Produce the difference between two points.

        Unlike addition, this is not a commutative operation!

            other (Point): right-hand side of the infix subtraction operation

            A Point which is the difference of the two source points.
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            return Point(x=self.x - other.x, y=self.y - other.y)

        return NotImplemented

    def __neg__(self):
        Produce a point by negating this point's coordinates.

            A Point whose coordinates are this points coordinates negated.
        return Point(x=-self.x, y=-self.y)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        Multiply a point by a scalar value.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to multiply the point's

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of the multiplication.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Point(self.x * other, self.y * other)

        return NotImplemented

    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        Divide a point by a scalar value.

        .. note::

            Because division is not commutative, `Point / scalar` is implemented, but
            `scalar / Point` is nonsensical and not implemented.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Point(self.x / other, self.y / other)

        return NotImplemented

    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        Divide a point by a scalar value using integer division.

        .. note::

            Because division is not commutative, `Point // scalar` is implemented, but
            `scalar // Point` is nonsensical and not implemented.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Point(self.x // other, self.y // other)

        return NotImplemented

    # no __r(true|floor)div__ because division is not commutative!

    def __matmul__(self, other):
        Transform a point with the given transform matrix.

        .. note::
            This operator is only implemented for Transforms. This transform is not
            commutative, so `Point @ Transform` is implemented, but `Transform @ Point`
            is not implemented (technically speaking, the current implementation is
            commutative because of the way points and transforms are represented, but
            if that representation were to change this operation could stop being

            other (Transform): the transform to apply to the point

            A Point whose coordinates are the result of applying the transform.
        if isinstance(other, Transform):
            return Point(
                x=other.a * self.x + other.c * self.y + other.e,
                y=other.b * self.x + other.d * self.y + other.f,

        return NotImplemented

    def __str__(self):
        return f"(x={number_to_str(self.x)}, y={number_to_str(self.y)})"

The ordinate of the point.


def __add__(self, other)
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def __add__(self, other):
    Produce the sum of two points.

    Adding two points is the same as translating the source point by interpreting
    the other point's x and y coordinates as distances.

        other (Point): right-hand side of the infix addition operation

        A Point which is the sum of the two source points.
    if isinstance(other, Point):
        return Point(x=self.x + other.x, y=self.y + other.y)

    return NotImplemented

Produce the sum of two points.

Adding two points is the same as translating the source point by interpreting the other point's x and y coordinates as distances.


other : Point
right-hand side of the infix addition operation


A Point which is the sum of the two source points.

def __floordiv__(self, other)
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def __floordiv__(self, other):
    Divide a point by a scalar value using integer division.

    .. note::

        Because division is not commutative, `Point // scalar` is implemented, but
        `scalar // Point` is nonsensical and not implemented.

        other (Number): the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.

        A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.
    if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
        return Point(self.x // other, self.y // other)

    return NotImplemented

Divide a point by a scalar value using integer division.


Because division is not commutative, Point // scalar is implemented, but scalar // Point is nonsensical and not implemented.


other : Number
the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.


A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.

def __matmul__(self, other)
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def __matmul__(self, other):
    Transform a point with the given transform matrix.

    .. note::
        This operator is only implemented for Transforms. This transform is not
        commutative, so `Point @ Transform` is implemented, but `Transform @ Point`
        is not implemented (technically speaking, the current implementation is
        commutative because of the way points and transforms are represented, but
        if that representation were to change this operation could stop being

        other (Transform): the transform to apply to the point

        A Point whose coordinates are the result of applying the transform.
    if isinstance(other, Transform):
        return Point(
            x=other.a * self.x + other.c * self.y + other.e,
            y=other.b * self.x + other.d * self.y + other.f,

    return NotImplemented

Transform a point with the given transform matrix.


This operator is only implemented for Transforms. This transform is not commutative, so Point @ Transform is implemented, but Transform @ Point is not implemented (technically speaking, the current implementation is commutative because of the way points and transforms are represented, but if that representation were to change this operation could stop being commutative)


other : Transform
the transform to apply to the point


A Point whose coordinates are the result of applying the transform.

def __mul__(self, other)
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def __mul__(self, other):
    Multiply a point by a scalar value.

        other (Number): the scalar value by which to multiply the point's

        A Point whose coordinates are the result of the multiplication.
    if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
        return Point(self.x * other, self.y * other)

    return NotImplemented

Multiply a point by a scalar value.


other : Number
the scalar value by which to multiply the point's coordinates.


A Point whose coordinates are the result of the multiplication.

def __neg__(self)
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def __neg__(self):
    Produce a point by negating this point's coordinates.

        A Point whose coordinates are this points coordinates negated.
    return Point(x=-self.x, y=-self.y)

Produce a point by negating this point's coordinates.


A Point whose coordinates are this points coordinates negated.

def __sub__(self, other)
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def __sub__(self, other):
    Produce the difference between two points.

    Unlike addition, this is not a commutative operation!

        other (Point): right-hand side of the infix subtraction operation

        A Point which is the difference of the two source points.
    if isinstance(other, Point):
        return Point(x=self.x - other.x, y=self.y - other.y)

    return NotImplemented

Produce the difference between two points.

Unlike addition, this is not a commutative operation!


other : Point
right-hand side of the infix subtraction operation


A Point which is the difference of the two source points.

def __truediv__(self, other)
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def __truediv__(self, other):
    Divide a point by a scalar value.

    .. note::

        Because division is not commutative, `Point / scalar` is implemented, but
        `scalar / Point` is nonsensical and not implemented.

        other (Number): the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.

        A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.
    if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
        return Point(self.x / other, self.y / other)

    return NotImplemented

Divide a point by a scalar value.


Because division is not commutative, Point / scalar is implemented, but scalar / Point is nonsensical and not implemented.


other : Number
the scalar value by which to divide the point's coordinates.


A Point whose coordinates are the result of the division.

def angle(self, other)
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def angle(self, other):
    Compute the angle between two points (interpreted as vectors from the origin).

    The return value is in the interval (-pi, pi]. Sign is dependent on ordering,
    with clockwise angle travel considered to be positive due to the orientation of
    the coordinate frame basis vectors (i.e. the angle between `(1, 0)` and `(0, 1)`
    is `+pi/2`, the angle between `(1, 0)` and `(0, -1)` is `-pi/2`, and the angle
    between `(0, -1)` and `(1, 0)` is `+pi/2`).

        other (Point): the point to compute the angle sweep toward.

        The scalar angle between the two points **in radians**.

        TypeError: if `other` is not a `Point`.

    if not isinstance(other, Point):
        raise TypeError(f"cannot compute angle with {other!r}")

    signifier = (self.x * other.y) - (self.y * other.x)
    sign = (signifier >= 0) - (signifier < 0)
    return sign * math.acos(round( / (self.mag() * other.mag()), 8))

Compute the angle between two points (interpreted as vectors from the origin).

The return value is in the interval (-pi, pi]. Sign is dependent on ordering, with clockwise angle travel considered to be positive due to the orientation of the coordinate frame basis vectors (i.e. the angle between (1, 0) and (0, 1) is +pi/2, the angle between (1, 0) and (0, -1) is -pi/2, and the angle between (0, -1) and (1, 0) is +pi/2).


other : Point
the point to compute the angle sweep toward.


The scalar angle between the two points in radians.


if other is not a Point.
def dot(self, other)
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def dot(self, other):
    Compute the dot product of two points.

        other (Point): the point with which to compute the dot product.

        The scalar result of the dot product computation.

        TypeError: if `other` is not a `Point`.
    if not isinstance(other, Point):
        raise TypeError(f"cannot dot with {other!r}")

    return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y

Compute the dot product of two points.


other : Point
the point with which to compute the dot product.


The scalar result of the dot product computation.


if other is not a Point.
def mag(self)
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def mag(self):
    Compute the Cartesian distance from this point to the origin

    This is the same as computing the magnitude of the vector represented by this

        The scalar result of the distance computation.

    return (self.x**2 + self.y**2) ** 0.5

Compute the Cartesian distance from this point to the origin

This is the same as computing the magnitude of the vector represented by this point.


The scalar result of the distance computation.

def render(self)
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def render(self):
    """Render the point to the string `"x y"` for emitting to a PDF."""

    return f"{number_to_str(self.x)} {number_to_str(self.y)}"

Render the point to the string "x y" for emitting to a PDF.

class QuadraticBezierCurve (ctrl: Point,
end: Point)
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class QuadraticBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A quadratic Bézier curve path element.

    This draws a Bézier curve parameterized by the end point of the previous path
    element, one off-curve control point, and an end point.

    See: `PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_to`

    ctrl: Point
    """The curve's control point."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""
        return self.end

    def to_cubic_curve(self, start_point):
        ctrl = self.ctrl
        end = self.end

        ctrl1 = Point(
            x=start_point.x + 2 * (ctrl.x - start_point.x) / 3,
            y=start_point.y + 2 * (ctrl.y - start_point.y) / 3,
        ctrl2 = Point(
            x=end.x + 2 * (ctrl.x - end.x) / 3,
            y=end.y + 2 * (ctrl.y - end.y) / 3,

        return BezierCurve(ctrl1, ctrl2, end)

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`.
        return (
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `QuadraticBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            f"{self} resolved to {self.to_cubic_curve(last_item.end_point)}\n"

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A quadratic Bézier curve path element.

This draws a Bézier curve parameterized by the end point of the previous path element, one off-curve control point, and an end point.

See: PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_to()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var ctrlPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class QuadraticBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A quadratic Bézier curve path element.

    This draws a Bézier curve parameterized by the end point of the previous path
    element, one off-curve control point, and an end point.

    See: `PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_to`

    ctrl: Point
    """The curve's control point."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""
        return self.end

    def to_cubic_curve(self, start_point):
        ctrl = self.ctrl
        end = self.end

        ctrl1 = Point(
            x=start_point.x + 2 * (ctrl.x - start_point.x) / 3,
            y=start_point.y + 2 * (ctrl.y - start_point.y) / 3,
        ctrl2 = Point(
            x=end.x + 2 * (ctrl.x - end.x) / 3,
            y=end.y + 2 * (ctrl.y - end.y) / 3,

        return BezierCurve(ctrl1, ctrl2, end)

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`.
        return (
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `QuadraticBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            f"{self} resolved to {self.to_cubic_curve(last_item.end_point)}\n"

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's control point.

var endPoint
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class QuadraticBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A quadratic Bézier curve path element.

    This draws a Bézier curve parameterized by the end point of the previous path
    element, one off-curve control point, and an end point.

    See: `PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_to`

    ctrl: Point
    """The curve's control point."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point."""

    def end_point(self):
        """The end point of this path element."""
        return self.end

    def to_cubic_curve(self, start_point):
        ctrl = self.ctrl
        end = self.end

        ctrl1 = Point(
            x=start_point.x + 2 * (ctrl.x - start_point.x) / 3,
            y=start_point.y + 2 * (ctrl.y - start_point.y) / 3,
        ctrl2 = Point(
            x=end.x + 2 * (ctrl.x - end.x) / 3,
            y=end.y + 2 * (ctrl.y - end.y) / 3,

        return BezierCurve(ctrl1, ctrl2, end)

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is `self`.
        return (
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `QuadraticBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            f"{self} resolved to {self.to_cubic_curve(last_item.end_point)}\n"

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's end point.

prop end_point
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def end_point(self):
    """The end point of this path element."""
    return self.end

The end point of this path element.


def to_cubic_curve(self, start_point)
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def to_cubic_curve(self, start_point):
    ctrl = self.ctrl
    end = self.end

    ctrl1 = Point(
        x=start_point.x + 2 * (ctrl.x - start_point.x) / 3,
        y=start_point.y + 2 * (ctrl.y - start_point.y) / 3,
    ctrl2 = Point(
        x=end.x + 2 * (ctrl.x - end.x) / 3,
        y=end.y + 2 * (ctrl.y - end.y) / 3,

    return BezierCurve(ctrl1, ctrl2, end)
class Rectangle (org: Point,
size: Point)
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class Rectangle(NamedTuple):
    """A pdf primitive rectangle."""

    org: Point
    """The top-left corner of the rectangle."""
    size: Point
    """The width and height of the rectangle."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a `Line` back to
            the rectangle's origin.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument

        return (
            f"{} {self.size.render()} re",

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Rectangle.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {rendered}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A pdf primitive rectangle.


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var orgPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class Rectangle(NamedTuple):
    """A pdf primitive rectangle."""

    org: Point
    """The top-left corner of the rectangle."""
    size: Point
    """The width and height of the rectangle."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a `Line` back to
            the rectangle's origin.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument

        return (
            f"{} {self.size.render()} re",

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Rectangle.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {rendered}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The top-left corner of the rectangle.

var sizePoint
Expand source code Browse git
class Rectangle(NamedTuple):
    """A pdf primitive rectangle."""

    org: Point
    """The top-left corner of the rectangle."""
    size: Point
    """The width and height of the rectangle."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a `Line` back to
            the rectangle's origin.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument

        return (
            f"{} {self.size.render()} re",

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `Rectangle.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {rendered}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The width and height of the rectangle.

class RelativeArc (radii: Point,
rotation: int | float | decimal.Decimal,
large: bool,
sweep: bool,
end: Point)
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeArc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_relative`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeArc.render`.
        # newline is intentionally missing here
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to ")

        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render_debug(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx)

An elliptical arc path element.

The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

See: PaintedPath.arc_relative()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var endPoint
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class RelativeArc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_relative`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeArc.render`.
        # newline is intentionally missing here
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to ")

        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render_debug(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx)

The end point of the arc relative to the end of the previous path element.

var large : bool
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeArc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_relative`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeArc.render`.
        # newline is intentionally missing here
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to ")

        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render_debug(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx)

If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees.

var radiiPoint
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class RelativeArc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_relative`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeArc.render`.
        # newline is intentionally missing here
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to ")

        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render_debug(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx)

The x- and y-radii of the arc. If radii.x == radii.y the arc will be circular.

var rotation : int | float | decimal.Decimal
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeArc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_relative`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeArc.render`.
        # newline is intentionally missing here
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to ")

        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render_debug(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx)

The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame.

var sweep : bool
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class RelativeArc(NamedTuple):
    An elliptical arc path element.

    The arc is drawn from the end of the current path element to its specified end point
    using a number of parameters to determine how it is constructed.

    See: `PaintedPath.arc_relative`

    radii: Point
    The x- and y-radii of the arc. If `radii.x == radii.y` the arc will be circular.
    rotation: Number
    """The rotation of the arc's major/minor axes relative to the coordinate frame."""
    large: bool
    """If True, sweep the arc over an angle greater than or equal to 180 degrees."""
    sweep: bool
    """If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction."""
    end: Point
    """The end point of the arc relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeArc.render`.
        # newline is intentionally missing here
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to ")

        return Arc(
            last_item.end_point + self.end,
        ).render_debug(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx)

If True, the arc is swept in the positive angular direction.

class RelativeBezierCurve (c1: Point,
c2: Point,
end: Point)
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A cubic Bézier curve path element whose points are specified relative to the end
    point of the previous path element.

    See: `PaintedPath.curve_relative`

    c1: Point
    The curve's first control point relative to the end of the previous path element.
    c2: Point
    The curve's second control point relative to the end of the previous path element.
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        last_point = last_item.end_point

        c1 = last_point + self.c1
        c2 = last_point + self.c2
        end = last_point + self.end

        return (
            _render_curve(c1, c2, end),
            BezierCurve(c1=c1, c2=c2, end=end),

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A cubic Bézier curve path element whose points are specified relative to the end point of the previous path element.

See: PaintedPath.curve_relative()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var c1Point
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A cubic Bézier curve path element whose points are specified relative to the end
    point of the previous path element.

    See: `PaintedPath.curve_relative`

    c1: Point
    The curve's first control point relative to the end of the previous path element.
    c2: Point
    The curve's second control point relative to the end of the previous path element.
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        last_point = last_item.end_point

        c1 = last_point + self.c1
        c2 = last_point + self.c2
        end = last_point + self.end

        return (
            _render_curve(c1, c2, end),
            BezierCurve(c1=c1, c2=c2, end=end),

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's first control point relative to the end of the previous path element.

var c2Point
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class RelativeBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A cubic Bézier curve path element whose points are specified relative to the end
    point of the previous path element.

    See: `PaintedPath.curve_relative`

    c1: Point
    The curve's first control point relative to the end of the previous path element.
    c2: Point
    The curve's second control point relative to the end of the previous path element.
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        last_point = last_item.end_point

        c1 = last_point + self.c1
        c2 = last_point + self.c2
        end = last_point + self.end

        return (
            _render_curve(c1, c2, end),
            BezierCurve(c1=c1, c2=c2, end=end),

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's second control point relative to the end of the previous path element.

var endPoint
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class RelativeBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A cubic Bézier curve path element whose points are specified relative to the end
    point of the previous path element.

    See: `PaintedPath.curve_relative`

    c1: Point
    The curve's first control point relative to the end of the previous path element.
    c2: Point
    The curve's second control point relative to the end of the previous path element.
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        last_point = last_item.end_point

        c1 = last_point + self.c1
        c2 = last_point + self.c2
        end = last_point + self.end

        return (
            _render_curve(c1, c2, end),
            BezierCurve(c1=c1, c2=c2, end=end),

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's end point relative to the end of the previous path element.

class RelativeHorizontalLine (x: int | float | decimal.Decimal)
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class RelativeHorizontalLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element that takes its ordinate from the end of the previous element and
    computes its abscissa offset from the end of that element.

    See: `PaintedPath.horizontal_line_relative`

    x: Number
    The abscissa of the horizontal line's end point relative to the abscissa of the
    previous path element.

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        end_point = Point(x=last_item.end_point.x + self.x, y=last_item.end_point.y)
        return _render_line(end_point), Line(end_point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeHorizontalLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path line element that takes its ordinate from the end of the previous element and computes its abscissa offset from the end of that element.

See: PaintedPath.horizontal_line_relative()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var x : int | float | decimal.Decimal
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class RelativeHorizontalLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element that takes its ordinate from the end of the previous element and
    computes its abscissa offset from the end of that element.

    See: `PaintedPath.horizontal_line_relative`

    x: Number
    The abscissa of the horizontal line's end point relative to the abscissa of the
    previous path element.

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        end_point = Point(x=last_item.end_point.x + self.x, y=last_item.end_point.y)
        return _render_line(end_point), Line(end_point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeHorizontalLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The abscissa of the horizontal line's end point relative to the abscissa of the previous path element.

class RelativeLine (pt: Point)
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class RelativeLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element with an endpoint relative to the end of the previous element.

    This draws a straight line from the end point of the previous path element to the
    point specified by `last_item.end_point + pt`. The absolute coordinates of the end
    point are resolved during the rendering process.

    See: `PaintedPath.line_relative`

    pt: Point
    """The endpoint of the line relative to the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        point = last_item.end_point +
        return _render_line(point), Line(point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path line element with an endpoint relative to the end of the previous element.

This draws a straight line from the end point of the previous path element to the point specified by last_item.end_point + pt. The absolute coordinates of the end point are resolved during the rendering process.

See: PaintedPath.line_relative()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var ptPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element with an endpoint relative to the end of the previous element.

    This draws a straight line from the end point of the previous path element to the
    point specified by `last_item.end_point + pt`. The absolute coordinates of the end
    point are resolved during the rendering process.

    See: `PaintedPath.line_relative`

    pt: Point
    """The endpoint of the line relative to the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        point = last_item.end_point +
        return _render_line(point), Line(point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The endpoint of the line relative to the previous path element.

class RelativeMove (pt: Point)
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class RelativeMove(NamedTuple):
    A path move element with an end point relative to the end of the previous path

    If a path has been created but not yet painted, this will create a new subpath.

    See: `PaintedPath.move_relative`

    pt: Point
    """The offset by which to move."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        point = last_item.end_point +
        return _render_move(point), Move(point), point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeMove.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path move element with an end point relative to the end of the previous path element.

If a path has been created but not yet painted, this will create a new subpath.

See: PaintedPath.move_relative()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var ptPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeMove(NamedTuple):
    A path move element with an end point relative to the end of the previous path

    If a path has been created but not yet painted, this will create a new subpath.

    See: `PaintedPath.move_relative`

    pt: Point
    """The offset by which to move."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        point = last_item.end_point +
        return _render_move(point), Move(point), point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeMove.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The offset by which to move.

class RelativeQuadraticBezierCurve (ctrl: Point,
end: Point)
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class RelativeQuadraticBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A quadratic Bézier curve path element whose points are specified relative to the end
    point of the previous path element.

    See: `PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_relative`

    ctrl: Point
    """The curve's control point relative to the end of the previous path element."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        last_point = last_item.end_point

        ctrl = last_point + self.ctrl
        end = last_point + self.end

        absolute = QuadraticBezierCurve(ctrl=ctrl, end=end)
        return absolute.render(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeQuadraticBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            f"{self} resolved to {resolved} "
            f"then to {resolved.to_cubic_curve(last_item.end_point)}\n"

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A quadratic Bézier curve path element whose points are specified relative to the end point of the previous path element.

See: PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_relative()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var ctrlPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeQuadraticBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A quadratic Bézier curve path element whose points are specified relative to the end
    point of the previous path element.

    See: `PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_relative`

    ctrl: Point
    """The curve's control point relative to the end of the previous path element."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        last_point = last_item.end_point

        ctrl = last_point + self.ctrl
        end = last_point + self.end

        absolute = QuadraticBezierCurve(ctrl=ctrl, end=end)
        return absolute.render(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeQuadraticBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            f"{self} resolved to {resolved} "
            f"then to {resolved.to_cubic_curve(last_item.end_point)}\n"

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's control point relative to the end of the previous path element.

var endPoint
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeQuadraticBezierCurve(NamedTuple):
    A quadratic Bézier curve path element whose points are specified relative to the end
    point of the previous path element.

    See: `PaintedPath.quadratic_curve_relative`

    ctrl: Point
    """The curve's control point relative to the end of the previous path element."""
    end: Point
    """The curve's end point relative to the end of the previous path element."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        last_point = last_item.end_point

        ctrl = last_point + self.ctrl
        end = last_point + self.end

        absolute = QuadraticBezierCurve(ctrl=ctrl, end=end)
        return absolute.render(gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point)

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeQuadraticBezierCurve.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            f"{self} resolved to {resolved} "
            f"then to {resolved.to_cubic_curve(last_item.end_point)}\n"

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The curve's end point relative to the end of the previous path element.

class RelativeVerticalLine (y: int | float | decimal.Decimal)
Expand source code Browse git
class RelativeVerticalLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element that takes its abscissa from the end of the previous element and
    computes its ordinate offset from the end of that element.

    See: `PaintedPath.vertical_line_relative`

    y: Number
    The ordinate of the vertical line's end point relative to the ordinate of the
    previous path element.

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        end_point = Point(x=last_item.end_point.x, y=last_item.end_point.y + self.y)
        return _render_line(end_point), Line(end_point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeVerticalLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path line element that takes its abscissa from the end of the previous element and computes its ordinate offset from the end of that element.

See: PaintedPath.vertical_line_relative()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var y : int | float | decimal.Decimal
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class RelativeVerticalLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element that takes its abscissa from the end of the previous element and
    computes its ordinate offset from the end of that element.

    See: `PaintedPath.vertical_line_relative`

    y: Number
    The ordinate of the vertical line's end point relative to the ordinate of the
    previous path element.

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        end_point = Point(x=last_item.end_point.x, y=last_item.end_point.y + self.y)
        return _render_line(end_point), Line(end_point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RelativeVerticalLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The ordinate of the vertical line's end point relative to the ordinate of the previous path element.

class RoundedRectangle (org: Point,
size: Point,
corner_radii: Point)
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class RoundedRectangle(NamedTuple):
    A rectangle with rounded corners.

    See: `PaintedPath.rectangle`

    org: Point
    """The top-left corner of the rectangle."""
    size: Point
    """The width and height of the rectangle."""
    corner_radii: Point
    """The x- and y-radius of the corners."""

    def _decompose(self):
        items = []

        if (self.size.x == 0) and (self.size.y == 0):
        elif (self.size.x == 0) or (self.size.y == 0):
            items.append(Line( + self.size))
        elif (self.corner_radii.x == 0) or (self.corner_radii.y == 0):
            items.append(Rectangle(, self.size))
            x, y =
            w, h = self.size
            rx, ry = self.corner_radii
            sign_width = (self.size.x >= 0) - (self.size.x < 0)
            sign_height = (self.size.y >= 0) - (self.size.y < 0)

            if abs(rx) > abs(w):
                rx = self.size.x

            if abs(ry) > abs(h):
                ry = self.size.y

            rx = sign_width * abs(rx)
            ry = sign_height * abs(ry)
            arc_rad = Point(rx, ry)

            items.append(Move(Point(x + rx, y)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + w - rx, y)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + w, y + ry)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + w, y + h - ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + w - rx, y + h)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + rx, y + h)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x, y + h - ry)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x, y + ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + rx, y)))

        return items

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        components = self._decompose()

        if not components:
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

        return " ".join(render_list), Line(, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RoundedRectangle.render`.
        components = self._decompose()

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not components:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components[:-1]:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {item}\n")

        rendered, last_item, initial_point = components[-1].render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {components[-1]}\n")

        return " ".join(render_list), Line(, initial_point

A rectangle with rounded corners.

See: PaintedPath.rectangle()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var corner_radiiPoint
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class RoundedRectangle(NamedTuple):
    A rectangle with rounded corners.

    See: `PaintedPath.rectangle`

    org: Point
    """The top-left corner of the rectangle."""
    size: Point
    """The width and height of the rectangle."""
    corner_radii: Point
    """The x- and y-radius of the corners."""

    def _decompose(self):
        items = []

        if (self.size.x == 0) and (self.size.y == 0):
        elif (self.size.x == 0) or (self.size.y == 0):
            items.append(Line( + self.size))
        elif (self.corner_radii.x == 0) or (self.corner_radii.y == 0):
            items.append(Rectangle(, self.size))
            x, y =
            w, h = self.size
            rx, ry = self.corner_radii
            sign_width = (self.size.x >= 0) - (self.size.x < 0)
            sign_height = (self.size.y >= 0) - (self.size.y < 0)

            if abs(rx) > abs(w):
                rx = self.size.x

            if abs(ry) > abs(h):
                ry = self.size.y

            rx = sign_width * abs(rx)
            ry = sign_height * abs(ry)
            arc_rad = Point(rx, ry)

            items.append(Move(Point(x + rx, y)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + w - rx, y)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + w, y + ry)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + w, y + h - ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + w - rx, y + h)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + rx, y + h)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x, y + h - ry)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x, y + ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + rx, y)))

        return items

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        components = self._decompose()

        if not components:
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

        return " ".join(render_list), Line(, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RoundedRectangle.render`.
        components = self._decompose()

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not components:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components[:-1]:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {item}\n")

        rendered, last_item, initial_point = components[-1].render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {components[-1]}\n")

        return " ".join(render_list), Line(, initial_point

The x- and y-radius of the corners.

var orgPoint
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class RoundedRectangle(NamedTuple):
    A rectangle with rounded corners.

    See: `PaintedPath.rectangle`

    org: Point
    """The top-left corner of the rectangle."""
    size: Point
    """The width and height of the rectangle."""
    corner_radii: Point
    """The x- and y-radius of the corners."""

    def _decompose(self):
        items = []

        if (self.size.x == 0) and (self.size.y == 0):
        elif (self.size.x == 0) or (self.size.y == 0):
            items.append(Line( + self.size))
        elif (self.corner_radii.x == 0) or (self.corner_radii.y == 0):
            items.append(Rectangle(, self.size))
            x, y =
            w, h = self.size
            rx, ry = self.corner_radii
            sign_width = (self.size.x >= 0) - (self.size.x < 0)
            sign_height = (self.size.y >= 0) - (self.size.y < 0)

            if abs(rx) > abs(w):
                rx = self.size.x

            if abs(ry) > abs(h):
                ry = self.size.y

            rx = sign_width * abs(rx)
            ry = sign_height * abs(ry)
            arc_rad = Point(rx, ry)

            items.append(Move(Point(x + rx, y)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + w - rx, y)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + w, y + ry)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + w, y + h - ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + w - rx, y + h)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + rx, y + h)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x, y + h - ry)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x, y + ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + rx, y)))

        return items

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        components = self._decompose()

        if not components:
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

        return " ".join(render_list), Line(, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RoundedRectangle.render`.
        components = self._decompose()

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not components:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components[:-1]:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {item}\n")

        rendered, last_item, initial_point = components[-1].render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {components[-1]}\n")

        return " ".join(render_list), Line(, initial_point

The top-left corner of the rectangle.

var sizePoint
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class RoundedRectangle(NamedTuple):
    A rectangle with rounded corners.

    See: `PaintedPath.rectangle`

    org: Point
    """The top-left corner of the rectangle."""
    size: Point
    """The width and height of the rectangle."""
    corner_radii: Point
    """The x- and y-radius of the corners."""

    def _decompose(self):
        items = []

        if (self.size.x == 0) and (self.size.y == 0):
        elif (self.size.x == 0) or (self.size.y == 0):
            items.append(Line( + self.size))
        elif (self.corner_radii.x == 0) or (self.corner_radii.y == 0):
            items.append(Rectangle(, self.size))
            x, y =
            w, h = self.size
            rx, ry = self.corner_radii
            sign_width = (self.size.x >= 0) - (self.size.x < 0)
            sign_height = (self.size.y >= 0) - (self.size.y < 0)

            if abs(rx) > abs(w):
                rx = self.size.x

            if abs(ry) > abs(h):
                ry = self.size.y

            rx = sign_width * abs(rx)
            ry = sign_height * abs(ry)
            arc_rad = Point(rx, ry)

            items.append(Move(Point(x + rx, y)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + w - rx, y)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + w, y + ry)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + w, y + h - ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + w - rx, y + h)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x + rx, y + h)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x, y + h - ry)))
            items.append(Line(Point(x, y + ry)))
            items.append(Arc(arc_rad, 0, False, True, Point(x + rx, y)))

        return items

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is a resolved
        components = self._decompose()

        if not components:
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point

        return " ".join(render_list), Line(, initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `RoundedRectangle.render`.
        components = self._decompose()

        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to:\n")
        if not components:
            debug_stream.write(pfx + " └─ nothing\n")
            return "", last_item

        render_list = []
        for item in components[:-1]:
            rendered, last_item, initial_point = item.render(
                gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
            debug_stream.write(pfx + f" ├─ {item}\n")

        rendered, last_item, initial_point = components[-1].render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(pfx + f" └─ {components[-1]}\n")

        return " ".join(render_list), Line(, initial_point

The width and height of the rectangle.

class Transform (a: int | float | decimal.Decimal,
b: int | float | decimal.Decimal,
c: int | float | decimal.Decimal,
d: int | float | decimal.Decimal,
e: int | float | decimal.Decimal,
f: int | float | decimal.Decimal)
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class Transform(NamedTuple):
    A representation of an affine transformation matrix for 2D shapes.

    The actual matrix is:

                        [ a b 0 ]
    [x' y' 1] = [x y 1] [ c d 0 ]
                        [ e f 1 ]

    Complex transformation operations can be composed via a sequence of simple
    transformations by performing successive matrix multiplication of the simple

    For example, scaling a set of points around a specific center point can be
    represented by a translation-scale-translation sequence, where the first
    translation translates the center to the origin, the scale transform scales the
    points relative to the origin, and the second translation translates the points
    back to the specified center point. Transform multiplication is performed using
    python's dedicated matrix multiplication operator, `@`

    The semantics of this representation mean composed transformations are specified
    left-to-right in order of application (some other systems provide transposed
    representations, in which case the application order is right-to-left).

    For example, to rotate the square `(1,1) (1,3) (3,3) (3,1)` 45 degrees clockwise
    about its center point (which is `(2,2)`) , the translate-rotate-translate
    process described above may be applied:

    rotate_centered = (
        Transform.translation(-2, -2)
        @ Transform.rotation_d(45)
        @ Transform.translation(2, 2)

    Instances of this class provide a chaining API, so the above transform could also be
    constructed as follows:

    rotate_centered = Transform.translation(-2, -2).rotate_d(45).translate(2, 2)

    Or, because the particular operation of performing some transformations about a
    specific point is pretty common,

    rotate_centered = Transform.rotation_d(45).about(2, 2)

    By convention, this class provides class method constructors following noun-ish
    naming (`translation`, `scaling`, `rotation`, `shearing`) and instance method
    manipulations following verb-ish naming (`translate`, `scale`, `rotate`, `shear`).

    a: Number
    b: Number
    c: Number
    d: Number
    e: Number
    f: Number

    # compact representation of an affine transformation matrix for 2D shapes.
    # The actual matrix is:
    #                     [ A B 0 ]
    # [x' y' 1] = [x y 1] [ C D 0 ]
    #                     [ E F 1 ]
    # The identity transform is 1 0 0 1 0 0

    def identity(cls):
        Create a transform representing the identity transform.

        The identity transform is a no-op.
        return cls(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)

    def translation(cls, x, y):
        Create a transform that performs translation.

            x (Number): distance to translate points along the x (horizontal) axis.
            y (Number): distance to translate points along the y (vertical) axis.

            A Transform representing the specified translation.

        return cls(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y)

    def scaling(cls, x, y=None):
        Create a transform that performs scaling.

            x (Number): scaling ratio in the x (horizontal) axis. A value of 1
                results in no scale change in the x axis.
            y (Number): optional scaling ratio in the y (vertical) axis. A value of 1
                results in no scale change in the y axis. If this value is omitted, it
                defaults to the value provided to the `x` argument.

            A Transform representing the specified scaling.
        if y is None:
            y = x

        return cls(x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0)

    def rotation(cls, theta):
        Create a transform that performs rotation.

            theta (Number): the angle **in radians** by which to rotate. Positive
                values represent clockwise rotations.

            A Transform representing the specified rotation.

        return cls(
            math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta), -math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta), 0, 0

    def rotation_d(cls, theta_d):
        Create a transform that performs rotation **in degrees**.

            theta_d (Number): the angle **in degrees** by which to rotate. Positive
                values represent clockwise rotations.

            A Transform representing the specified rotation.

        return cls.rotation(math.radians(theta_d))

    def shearing(cls, x, y=None):
        Create a transform that performs shearing (not of sheep).

            x (Number): The amount to shear along the x (horizontal) axis.
            y (Number): Optional amount to shear along the y (vertical) axis. If omitted,
                this defaults to the value provided to the `x` argument.

            A Transform representing the specified shearing.

        if y is None:
            y = x
        return cls(1, y, x, 1, 0, 0)

    def translate(self, x, y):
        Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a translation.

        .. note::
            Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
            mutating self.

            x (Number): distance to translate points along the x (horizontal) axis.
            y (Number): distance to translate points along the y (vertical) axis.

            A Transform representing the composed transform.
        return self @ Transform.translation(x, y)

    def scale(self, x, y=None):
        Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a scaling.

        .. note::
            Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
            mutating self.

            x (Number): scaling ratio in the x (horizontal) axis. A value of 1
                results in no scale change in the x axis.
            y (Number): optional scaling ratio in the y (vertical) axis. A value of 1
                results in no scale change in the y axis. If this value is omitted, it
                defaults to the value provided to the `x` argument.

            A Transform representing the composed transform.
        return self @ Transform.scaling(x, y)

    def rotate(self, theta):
        Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a rotation.

        .. note::
            Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
            mutating self.

            theta (Number): the angle **in radians** by which to rotate. Positive
                values represent clockwise rotations.

            A Transform representing the composed transform.
        return self @ Transform.rotation(theta)

    def rotate_d(self, theta_d):
        Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a rotation
        **in degrees**.

        .. note::
            Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
            mutating self.

            theta_d (Number): the angle **in degrees** by which to rotate. Positive
                values represent clockwise rotations.

            A Transform representing the composed transform.
        return self @ Transform.rotation_d(theta_d)

    def shear(self, x, y=None):
        Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a shearing.

        .. note::
            Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
            mutating self.

            x (Number): The amount to shear along the x (horizontal) axis.
            y (Number): Optional amount to shear along the y (vertical) axis. If omitted,
                this defaults to the value provided to the `x` argument.

            A Transform representing the composed transform.
        return self @ Transform.shearing(x, y)

    def about(self, x, y):
        Bracket the given transform in a pair of translations to make it appear about a
        point that isn't the origin.

        This is a useful shorthand for performing a transform like a rotation around the
        center point of an object that isn't centered at the origin.

        .. note::
            Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
            mutating self.

            x (Number): the point along the x (horizontal) axis about which to transform.
            y (Number): the point along the y (vertical) axis about which to transform.

            A Transform representing the composed transform.
        return Transform.translation(-x, -y) @ self @ Transform.translation(x, y)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        Multiply the individual transform parameters by a scalar value.

            other (Number): the scalar value by which to multiply the parameters

            A Transform with the modified parameters.
        if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
            return Transform(
                a=self.a * other,
                b=self.b * other,
                c=self.c * other,
                d=self.d * other,
                e=self.e * other,
                f=self.f * other,

        return NotImplemented

    # scalar multiplication is commutative
    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __matmul__(self, other):
        Compose two transforms into a single transform.

            other (Transform): the right-hand side transform of the infix operator.

            A Transform representing the composed transform.
        if isinstance(other, Transform):
            return self.__class__(
                a=self.a * other.a + self.b * other.c,
                b=self.a * other.b + self.b * other.d,
                c=self.c * other.a + self.d * other.c,
                d=self.c * other.b + self.d * other.d,
                e=self.e * other.a + self.f * other.c + other.e,
                f=self.e * other.b + self.f * other.d + other.f,

        return NotImplemented

    def render(self, last_item):
        Render the transform to its PDF output representation.

            last_item: the last path element this transform applies to

            A tuple of `(str, last_item)`. `last_item` is returned unchanged.
        return (
            f"{number_to_str(self.a)} {number_to_str(self.b)} "
            f"{number_to_str(self.c)} {number_to_str(self.d)} "
            f"{number_to_str(self.e)} {number_to_str(self.f)} cm",

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"transform: ["
            f"{number_to_str(self.a)} {number_to_str(self.b)} 0; "
            f"{number_to_str(self.c)} {number_to_str(self.d)} 0; "
            f"{number_to_str(self.e)} {number_to_str(self.f)} 1]"

A representation of an affine transformation matrix for 2D shapes.

The actual matrix is:

                    [ a b 0 ]
[x' y' 1] = [x y 1] [ c d 0 ]
                    [ e f 1 ]

Complex transformation operations can be composed via a sequence of simple transformations by performing successive matrix multiplication of the simple transformations.

For example, scaling a set of points around a specific center point can be represented by a translation-scale-translation sequence, where the first translation translates the center to the origin, the scale transform scales the points relative to the origin, and the second translation translates the points back to the specified center point. Transform multiplication is performed using python's dedicated matrix multiplication operator, @

The semantics of this representation mean composed transformations are specified left-to-right in order of application (some other systems provide transposed representations, in which case the application order is right-to-left).

For example, to rotate the square (1,1) (1,3) (3,3) (3,1) 45 degrees clockwise about its center point (which is (2,2)) , the translate-rotate-translate process described above may be applied:

rotate_centered = (
    Transform.translation(-2, -2)
    @ Transform.rotation_d(45)
    @ Transform.translation(2, 2)

Instances of this class provide a chaining API, so the above transform could also be constructed as follows:

rotate_centered = Transform.translation(-2, -2).rotate_d(45).translate(2, 2)

Or, because the particular operation of performing some transformations about a specific point is pretty common,

rotate_centered = Transform.rotation_d(45).about(2, 2)

By convention, this class provides class method constructors following noun-ish naming (translation, scaling, rotation, shearing) and instance method manipulations following verb-ish naming (translate, scale, rotate, shear).


  • builtins.tuple

Static methods

def identity()

Create a transform representing the identity transform.

The identity transform is a no-op.

def rotation(theta)

Create a transform that performs rotation.


theta : Number
the angle in radians by which to rotate. Positive values represent clockwise rotations.


A Transform representing the specified rotation.

def rotation_d(theta_d)

Create a transform that performs rotation in degrees.


theta_d : Number
the angle in degrees by which to rotate. Positive values represent clockwise rotations.


A Transform representing the specified rotation.

def scaling(x, y=None)

Create a transform that performs scaling.


x : Number
scaling ratio in the x (horizontal) axis. A value of 1 results in no scale change in the x axis.
y : Number
optional scaling ratio in the y (vertical) axis. A value of 1 results in no scale change in the y axis. If this value is omitted, it defaults to the value provided to the x argument.


A Transform representing the specified scaling.

def shearing(x, y=None)

Create a transform that performs shearing (not of sheep).


x : Number
The amount to shear along the x (horizontal) axis.
y : Number
Optional amount to shear along the y (vertical) axis. If omitted, this defaults to the value provided to the x argument.


A Transform representing the specified shearing.

def translation(x, y)

Create a transform that performs translation.


x : Number
distance to translate points along the x (horizontal) axis.
y : Number
distance to translate points along the y (vertical) axis.


A Transform representing the specified translation.


def __matmul__(self, other)
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def __matmul__(self, other):
    Compose two transforms into a single transform.

        other (Transform): the right-hand side transform of the infix operator.

        A Transform representing the composed transform.
    if isinstance(other, Transform):
        return self.__class__(
            a=self.a * other.a + self.b * other.c,
            b=self.a * other.b + self.b * other.d,
            c=self.c * other.a + self.d * other.c,
            d=self.c * other.b + self.d * other.d,
            e=self.e * other.a + self.f * other.c + other.e,
            f=self.e * other.b + self.f * other.d + other.f,

    return NotImplemented

Compose two transforms into a single transform.


other : Transform
the right-hand side transform of the infix operator.


A Transform representing the composed transform.

def __mul__(self, other)
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def __mul__(self, other):
    Multiply the individual transform parameters by a scalar value.

        other (Number): the scalar value by which to multiply the parameters

        A Transform with the modified parameters.
    if isinstance(other, NumberClass):
        return Transform(
            a=self.a * other,
            b=self.b * other,
            c=self.c * other,
            d=self.d * other,
            e=self.e * other,
            f=self.f * other,

    return NotImplemented

Multiply the individual transform parameters by a scalar value.


other : Number
the scalar value by which to multiply the parameters


A Transform with the modified parameters.

def about(self, x, y)
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def about(self, x, y):
    Bracket the given transform in a pair of translations to make it appear about a
    point that isn't the origin.

    This is a useful shorthand for performing a transform like a rotation around the
    center point of an object that isn't centered at the origin.

    .. note::
        Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
        mutating self.

        x (Number): the point along the x (horizontal) axis about which to transform.
        y (Number): the point along the y (vertical) axis about which to transform.

        A Transform representing the composed transform.
    return Transform.translation(-x, -y) @ self @ Transform.translation(x, y)

Bracket the given transform in a pair of translations to make it appear about a point that isn't the origin.

This is a useful shorthand for performing a transform like a rotation around the center point of an object that isn't centered at the origin.


Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than mutating self.


x : Number
the point along the x (horizontal) axis about which to transform.
y : Number
the point along the y (vertical) axis about which to transform.


A Transform representing the composed transform.

def render(self, last_item)
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def render(self, last_item):
    Render the transform to its PDF output representation.

        last_item: the last path element this transform applies to

        A tuple of `(str, last_item)`. `last_item` is returned unchanged.
    return (
        f"{number_to_str(self.a)} {number_to_str(self.b)} "
        f"{number_to_str(self.c)} {number_to_str(self.d)} "
        f"{number_to_str(self.e)} {number_to_str(self.f)} cm",

Render the transform to its PDF output representation.


the last path element this transform applies to


A tuple of (str, last_item). last_item is returned unchanged.

def rotate(self, theta)
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def rotate(self, theta):
    Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a rotation.

    .. note::
        Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
        mutating self.

        theta (Number): the angle **in radians** by which to rotate. Positive
            values represent clockwise rotations.

        A Transform representing the composed transform.
    return self @ Transform.rotation(theta)

Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a rotation.


Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than mutating self.


theta : Number
the angle in radians by which to rotate. Positive values represent clockwise rotations.


A Transform representing the composed transform.

def rotate_d(self, theta_d)
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def rotate_d(self, theta_d):
    Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a rotation
    **in degrees**.

    .. note::
        Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
        mutating self.

        theta_d (Number): the angle **in degrees** by which to rotate. Positive
            values represent clockwise rotations.

        A Transform representing the composed transform.
    return self @ Transform.rotation_d(theta_d)

Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a rotation in degrees.


Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than mutating self.


theta_d : Number
the angle in degrees by which to rotate. Positive values represent clockwise rotations.


A Transform representing the composed transform.

def scale(self, x, y=None)
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def scale(self, x, y=None):
    Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a scaling.

    .. note::
        Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
        mutating self.

        x (Number): scaling ratio in the x (horizontal) axis. A value of 1
            results in no scale change in the x axis.
        y (Number): optional scaling ratio in the y (vertical) axis. A value of 1
            results in no scale change in the y axis. If this value is omitted, it
            defaults to the value provided to the `x` argument.

        A Transform representing the composed transform.
    return self @ Transform.scaling(x, y)

Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a scaling.


Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than mutating self.


x : Number
scaling ratio in the x (horizontal) axis. A value of 1 results in no scale change in the x axis.
y : Number
optional scaling ratio in the y (vertical) axis. A value of 1 results in no scale change in the y axis. If this value is omitted, it defaults to the value provided to the x argument.


A Transform representing the composed transform.

def shear(self, x, y=None)
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def shear(self, x, y=None):
    Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a shearing.

    .. note::
        Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
        mutating self.

        x (Number): The amount to shear along the x (horizontal) axis.
        y (Number): Optional amount to shear along the y (vertical) axis. If omitted,
            this defaults to the value provided to the `x` argument.

        A Transform representing the composed transform.
    return self @ Transform.shearing(x, y)

Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a shearing.


Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than mutating self.


x : Number
The amount to shear along the x (horizontal) axis.
y : Number
Optional amount to shear along the y (vertical) axis. If omitted, this defaults to the value provided to the x argument.


A Transform representing the composed transform.

def translate(self, x, y)
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def translate(self, x, y):
    Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a translation.

    .. note::
        Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than
        mutating self.

        x (Number): distance to translate points along the x (horizontal) axis.
        y (Number): distance to translate points along the y (vertical) axis.

        A Transform representing the composed transform.
    return self @ Transform.translation(x, y)

Produce a transform by composing the current transform with a translation.


Transforms are immutable, so this returns a new transform rather than mutating self.


x : Number
distance to translate points along the x (horizontal) axis.
y : Number
distance to translate points along the y (vertical) axis.


A Transform representing the composed transform.

class VerticalLine (y: int | float | decimal.Decimal)
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class VerticalLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element that takes its abscissa from the end of the previous element.

    See: `PaintedPath.vertical_line_to`

    y: Number
    """The ordinate of the vertical line's end point."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        end_point = Point(x=last_item.end_point.x, y=self.y)
        return _render_line(end_point), Line(end_point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `VerticalLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

A path line element that takes its abscissa from the end of the previous element.

See: PaintedPath.vertical_line_to()


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var y : int | float | decimal.Decimal
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class VerticalLine(NamedTuple):
    A path line element that takes its abscissa from the end of the previous element.

    See: `PaintedPath.vertical_line_to`

    y: Number
    """The ordinate of the vertical line's end point."""

    def render(self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point):
        Render this path element to its PDF representation.

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command

            a tuple of `(str, new_last_item)`, where `new_last_item` is the resolved
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        end_point = Point(x=last_item.end_point.x, y=self.y)
        return _render_line(end_point), Line(end_point), initial_point

    def render_debug(
        self, gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point, debug_stream, pfx
        Render this path element to its PDF representation and produce debug

            gsd_registry (GraphicsStateDictRegistry): the owner's graphics state
                dictionary registry.
            style (GraphicsStyle): the current resolved graphics style
            last_item: the previous path element.
            initial_point: last position set by a "M" or "m" command
            debug_stream (io.TextIO): the stream to which the debug output should be
                written. This is not guaranteed to be seekable (e.g. it may be stdout or
            pfx (str): the current debug output prefix string (only needed if emitting
                more than one line).

            The same tuple as `VerticalLine.render`.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        rendered, resolved, initial_point = self.render(
            gsd_registry, style, last_item, initial_point
        debug_stream.write(f"{self} resolved to {resolved}\n")

        return rendered, resolved, initial_point

The ordinate of the vertical line's end point.