Module fpdf.image_parsing

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import base64, hashlib, io, zlib
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import BytesIO
from math import ceil
from urllib.request import urlopen
from pathlib import Path
import logging

    from PIL import Image, TiffImagePlugin
    from PIL import ImageCms

        from PIL.Image import Resampling

        RESAMPLE = Resampling.LANCZOS
    except ImportError:  # For Pillow < 9.1.0
        # pylint: disable=no-member, useless-suppression
except ImportError:
    Image = None

from .errors import FPDFException
from .image_datastructures import ImageCache, RasterImageInfo, VectorImageInfo
from .svg import SVGObject

class ImageSettings:
    # Passed to zlib.compress() - In range 0-9 - Default is currently equivalent to 6:
    compression_level: int = -1

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FILTERS = ("AUTO", "FlateDecode", "DCTDecode", "JPXDecode")
SETTINGS = ImageSettings()

# fmt: off
TIFFBitRevTable = [
    0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x10, 0x90,
    0x50, 0xD0, 0x30, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xF0, 0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xC8,
    0x28, 0xA8, 0x68, 0xE8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xD8, 0x38, 0xB8,
    0x78, 0xF8, 0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xC4, 0x24, 0xA4, 0x64, 0xE4,
    0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xD4, 0x34, 0xB4, 0x74, 0xF4, 0x0C, 0x8C,
    0x4C, 0xCC, 0x2C, 0xAC, 0x6C, 0xEC, 0x1C, 0x9C, 0x5C, 0xDC,
    0x3C, 0xBC, 0x7C, 0xFC, 0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xC2, 0x22, 0xA2,
    0x62, 0xE2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xD2, 0x32, 0xB2, 0x72, 0xF2,
    0x0A, 0x8A, 0x4A, 0xCA, 0x2A, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0xEA, 0x1A, 0x9A,
    0x5A, 0xDA, 0x3A, 0xBA, 0x7A, 0xFA, 0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xC6,
    0x26, 0xA6, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xD6, 0x36, 0xB6,
    0x76, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x8E, 0x4E, 0xCE, 0x2E, 0xAE, 0x6E, 0xEE,
    0x1E, 0x9E, 0x5E, 0xDE, 0x3E, 0xBE, 0x7E, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x81,
    0x41, 0xC1, 0x21, 0xA1, 0x61, 0xE1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xD1,
    0x31, 0xB1, 0x71, 0xF1, 0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xC9, 0x29, 0xA9,
    0x69, 0xE9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xD9, 0x39, 0xB9, 0x79, 0xF9,
    0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xC5, 0x25, 0xA5, 0x65, 0xE5, 0x15, 0x95,
    0x55, 0xD5, 0x35, 0xB5, 0x75, 0xF5, 0x0D, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0xCD,
    0x2D, 0xAD, 0x6D, 0xED, 0x1D, 0x9D, 0x5D, 0xDD, 0x3D, 0xBD,
    0x7D, 0xFD, 0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xC3, 0x23, 0xA3, 0x63, 0xE3,
    0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xD3, 0x33, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xF3, 0x0B, 0x8B,
    0x4B, 0xCB, 0x2B, 0xAB, 0x6B, 0xEB, 0x1B, 0x9B, 0x5B, 0xDB,
    0x3B, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0xFB, 0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xC7, 0x27, 0xA7,
    0x67, 0xE7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xD7, 0x37, 0xB7, 0x77, 0xF7,
    0x0F, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0xCF, 0x2F, 0xAF, 0x6F, 0xEF, 0x1F, 0x9F,
    0x5F, 0xDF, 0x3F, 0xBF, 0x7F, 0xFF,
# fmt: on

def preload_image(image_cache: ImageCache, name, dims=None):
    Read an image and load it into memory.

    For raster images: following this call, the image is inserted in `image_cache.images`,
    and following calls to `FPDF.image()` will re-use the same cached values, without re-reading the image.

    For vector images: the data is loaded and the metadata extracted.

        image_cache: an `ImageCache` instance, usually the `.image_cache` attribute of a `FPDF` instance.
        name: either a string representing a file path to an image, an URL to an image,
            an io.BytesIO, or a instance of `PIL.Image.Image`.
        dims (Tuple[float]): optional dimensions as a tuple (width, height) to resize the image
            (raster only) before storing it in the PDF.

    Returns: A tuple, consisting of 3 values: the name, the image data,
        and an instance of a subclass of `ImageInfo`.
    # Identify and load SVG data:
    if str(name).endswith(".svg"):
        return get_svg_info(name, load_image(str(name)), image_cache=image_cache)
    if isinstance(name, bytes) and _is_svg(name.strip()):
        return get_svg_info(name, io.BytesIO(name), image_cache=image_cache)
    if isinstance(name, io.BytesIO) and _is_svg(name.getvalue().strip()):
        return get_svg_info("vector_image", name, image_cache=image_cache)

    # Load raster data.
    if isinstance(name, str):
        img = None
    elif isinstance(name, Image.Image):
        bytes_ = name.tobytes()
        img_hash ="md5", usedforsecurity=False)  # nosec B324
        name, img = img_hash.hexdigest(), name
    elif isinstance(name, (bytes, io.BytesIO)):
        bytes_ = name.getvalue() if isinstance(name, io.BytesIO) else name
        bytes_ = bytes_.strip()
        img_hash ="md5", usedforsecurity=False)  # nosec B324
        name, img = img_hash.hexdigest(), name
        name, img = str(name), name
    info = image_cache.images.get(name)
    if info:
        info["usages"] += 1
        info = get_img_info(name, img, image_cache.image_filter, dims)
        info["i"] = len(image_cache.images) + 1
        info["usages"] = 1
        info["iccp_i"] = None
        iccp = info.get("iccp")
        if iccp:
                "ICC profile found for image %s - It will be inserted in the PDF document",
            if iccp in image_cache.icc_profiles:
                info["iccp_i"] = image_cache.icc_profiles[iccp]
                iccp_i = len(image_cache.icc_profiles)
                image_cache.icc_profiles[iccp] = iccp_i
                info["iccp_i"] = iccp_i
            info["iccp"] = None
        image_cache.images[name] = info
    return name, img, info

def _is_svg(bytes_):
    return bytes_.startswith(b"<?xml ") or bytes_.startswith(b"<svg ")

def load_image(filename):
    This method is used to load external resources, such as images.
    It is automatically called when resource added to document by `fpdf.FPDF.image()`.
    It always return a BytesIO buffer.
    # if a bytesio instance is passed in, use it as is.
    if isinstance(filename, BytesIO):
        return filename
    if isinstance(filename, Path):
        filename = str(filename)
    # by default loading from network is allowed for all images
    if filename.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
        # disabling bandit & semgrep rules as permitted schemes are whitelisted:
        # nosemgrep:
        with urlopen(filename) as url_file:  # nosec B310
            return BytesIO(
    elif filename.startswith("data:"):
        return _decode_base64_image(filename)
    with open(filename, "rb") as local_file:
        return BytesIO(

def _decode_base64_image(base64Image):
    "Decode the base 64 image string into an io byte stream."
    frags = base64Image.split("base64,")
    if len(frags) != 2:
        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported non-base64 image data")
    imageData = frags[1]
    decodedData = base64.b64decode(imageData)
    return BytesIO(decodedData)

def is_iccp_valid(iccp, filename):
    "Checks the validity of an ICC profile"
        profile = ImageCms.getOpenProfile(BytesIO(iccp))
    except ImageCms.PyCMSError:"Invalid ICC Profile in file %s", filename)
        return False
    color_space = profile.profile.xcolor_space.strip()
    if color_space not in ("GRAY", "RGB"):
            "Unsupported color space %s in ICC Profile of file %s - cf. issue #711",
        return False
    return True

def get_svg_info(filename, img, image_cache):
    svg = SVGObject(img.getvalue(), image_cache=image_cache)
    if svg.viewbox:
        _, _, w, h = svg.viewbox
        w = h = 0.0
    if svg.width:
        w = svg.width
    if svg.height:
        h = svg.height
    info = VectorImageInfo(data=svg, w=w, h=h)
    return filename, svg, info

def get_img_info(filename, img=None, image_filter="AUTO", dims=None):
        filename: in a format that can be passed to load_image
        img: optional `bytes`, `BytesIO` or `PIL.Image.Image` instance
        image_filter (str): one of the SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FILTERS
    if Image is None:
        raise EnvironmentError("Pillow not available - fpdf2 cannot insert images")

    is_pil_img = True
    keep_bytes_io_open = False
    # Flag to check whether a cmyk image is jpeg or not, if set to True the decode array
    # is inverted in
    jpeg_inverted = False
    img_raw_data = None
    if not img or isinstance(img, (Path, str)):
        img_raw_data = load_image(filename)
        img =
        is_pil_img = False
    elif not isinstance(img, Image.Image):
        keep_bytes_io_open = isinstance(img, BytesIO)
        img_raw_data = BytesIO(img) if isinstance(img, bytes) else img
        img =
        is_pil_img = False

    img_altered = False
    if dims:
        img = img.resize(dims, resample=RESAMPLE)
        img_altered = True

    if image_filter == "AUTO":
        # Very simple logic for now:
        if img.format == "JPEG":
            image_filter = "DCTDecode"
        elif img.mode == "1" and hasattr(Image.core, "libtiff_support_custom_tags"):
            # The 2nd condition prevents from running in a bug sometimes,
            # cf. test_transcode_monochrome_and_libtiff_support_custom_tags()
            image_filter = "CCITTFaxDecode"
            image_filter = "FlateDecode"

    if img.mode in ("P", "PA") and image_filter != "FlateDecode":
        img = img.convert("RGBA")

    if img.mode not in ("1", "L", "LA", "RGB", "RGBA", "P", "PA", "CMYK"):
        img = img.convert("RGBA")
        img_altered = True

    w, h = img.size
    info = RasterImageInfo()

    iccp = None
    if "icc_profile" in
        if is_iccp_valid(["icc_profile"], filename):
            iccp =["icc_profile"]

    if img_raw_data is not None and not img_altered:
        # if we can use the original image bytes directly we do (JPEG and group4 TIFF only):
        if img.format == "JPEG" and image_filter == "DCTDecode":
            if img.mode in ("RGB", "RGBA"):
                dpn, bpc, colspace = 3, 8, "DeviceRGB"
            elif img.mode == "CMYK":
                dpn, bpc, colspace = 4, 8, "DeviceCMYK"
                jpeg_inverted = True
            if img.mode == "L":
                dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "DeviceGray"
                    "w": w,
                    "h": h,
                    "cs": colspace,
                    "iccp": iccp,
                    "dpn": dpn,
                    "bpc": bpc,
                    "f": image_filter,
                    "inverted": jpeg_inverted,
                    "dp": f"/Predictor 15 /Colors {dpn} /Columns {w}",
            return info
        # We can directly copy the data out of a CCITT Group 4 encoded TIFF, if it
        # only contains a single strip
        if (
            img.format == "TIFF"
            and image_filter == "CCITTFaxDecode"
            and["compression"] == "group4"
            and len(img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.STRIPOFFSETS]) == 1
            and len(img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.STRIPBYTECOUNTS]) == 1
            photo = img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION]
            inverted = False
            if photo == 0:
                inverted = True
            elif photo != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"unsupported photometric interpretation for g4 tiff: {photo}"
            offset, length = ccitt_payload_location_from_pil(img)
            ccittrawdata =
            fillorder = img.tag_v2.get(TiffImagePlugin.FILLORDER)
            if fillorder is None or fillorder == 1:
                # no FillOrder or msb-to-lsb: nothing to do
            elif fillorder == 2:
                # lsb-to-msb: reverse bits of each byte
                ccittrawdata = bytearray(ccittrawdata)
                for i, n in enumerate(ccittrawdata):
                    ccittrawdata[i] = TIFFBitRevTable[n]
                ccittrawdata = bytes(ccittrawdata)
                raise ValueError(f"unsupported FillOrder: {fillorder}")
            dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 1, "DeviceGray"
                    "data": ccittrawdata,
                    "w": w,
                    "h": h,
                    "iccp": None,
                    "dpn": dpn,
                    "cs": colspace,
                    "bpc": bpc,
                    "f": image_filter,
                    "inverted": jpeg_inverted,
                    "dp": f"/BlackIs1 {str(not inverted).lower()} /Columns {w} /K -1 /Rows {h}",
            return info

    # garbage collection
    img_raw_data = None

    if img.mode == "1":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 1, "DeviceGray"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
    elif img.mode == "L":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "DeviceGray"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
    elif img.mode == "LA":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "DeviceGray"
        alpha_channel = slice(1, None, 2)
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, remove_slice=alpha_channel)
        if _has_alpha(img, alpha_channel) and image_filter not in (
            info["smask"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, select_slice=alpha_channel)
    elif img.mode == "P":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "Indexed"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
        info["pal"] = img.palette.palette

        # check if the P image has transparency
        if"transparency", None) is not None and image_filter not in (
            # convert to RGBA to get the alpha channel for creating the smask
            info["smask"] = _to_data(
                img.convert("RGBA"), image_filter, select_slice=slice(3, None, 4)
    elif img.mode == "PA":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "Indexed"
        info["pal"] = img.palette.palette
        alpha_channel = slice(1, None, 2)
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, remove_slice=alpha_channel)
        if _has_alpha(img, alpha_channel) and image_filter not in (
            info["smask"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, select_slice=alpha_channel)
    elif img.mode == "CMYK":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 4, 8, "DeviceCMYK"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
    elif img.mode == "RGB":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 3, 8, "DeviceRGB"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
    else:  # RGBA image
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 3, 8, "DeviceRGB"
        alpha_channel = slice(3, None, 4)
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, remove_slice=alpha_channel)
        if _has_alpha(img, alpha_channel) and image_filter not in (
            info["smask"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, select_slice=alpha_channel)

    dp = f"/Predictor 15 /Colors {dpn} /Columns {w}"

    if img.mode == "1":
        dp = f"/BlackIs1 true /Columns {w} /K -1 /Rows {h}"

    if not is_pil_img:
        if keep_bytes_io_open:
            img.fp = None  # cf. issue #881

            "w": w,
            "h": h,
            "cs": colspace,
            "iccp": iccp,
            "bpc": bpc,
            "dpn": dpn,
            "f": image_filter,
            "inverted": jpeg_inverted,
            "dp": dp,
    return info

class temp_attr:
    temporary change the attribute of an object using a context manager

    def __init__(self, obj, field, value):
        self.obj = obj
        self.field = field
        self.value = value

    def __enter__(self):
        self.exists = False
        if hasattr(self.obj, self.field):
            self.exists = True
            self.old_value = getattr(self.obj, self.field)
        setattr(self.obj, self.field, self.value)

    def __exit__(self, exctype, excinst, exctb):
        if self.exists:
            setattr(self.obj, self.field, self.old_value)
            delattr(self.obj, self.field)

def ccitt_payload_location_from_pil(img):
    returns the byte offset and length of the CCITT payload in the original TIFF data
    # assert(["compression"] == "group4")

    # Read the TIFF tags to find the offset(s) of the compressed data strips.
    strip_offsets = img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.STRIPOFFSETS]
    strip_bytes = img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.STRIPBYTECOUNTS]

    # PIL always seems to create a single strip even for very large TIFFs when
    # it saves images, so assume we only have to read a single strip.
    # A test ~10 GPixel image was still encoded as a single strip. Just to be
    # safe check throw an error if there is more than one offset.
    if len(strip_offsets) != 1 or len(strip_bytes) != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Transcoding multiple strips not supported by the PDF format"

    (offset,), (length,) = strip_offsets, strip_bytes

    return offset, length

def transcode_monochrome(img):
    Convert the open PIL.Image imgdata to compressed CCITT Group4 data.

    # Convert the image to Group 4 in memory. If libtiff is not installed and
    # Pillow is not compiled against it, .save() will raise an exception.
    newimgio = BytesIO()

    # we create a whole new PIL image or otherwise it might happen with some
    # input images, that libtiff fails an assert and the whole process is
    # killed by a SIGABRT:
    img2 = Image.frombytes(img.mode, img.size, img.tobytes())

    # Since version 8.3.0 Pillow limits strips to 64 KB. Since PDF only
    # supports single strip CCITT Group4 payloads, we have to coerce it back
    # into putting everything into a single strip. Thanks to Andrew Murray for
    # the hack.
    # Since version 8.4.0 Pillow allows us to modify the strip size explicitly
    tmp_strip_size = (img.size[0] + 7) // 8 * img.size[1]
    if hasattr(TiffImagePlugin, "STRIP_SIZE"):
        # we are using Pillow 8.4.0 or later
        with temp_attr(TiffImagePlugin, "STRIP_SIZE", tmp_strip_size):
  , format="TIFF", compression="group4")
        # only needed for Pillow 8.3.x but works for versions before that as
        # well
        pillow__getitem__ = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2.__getitem__

        def __getitem__(self, tag):
            overrides = {
                TiffImagePlugin.ROWSPERSTRIP: img.size[1],
                TiffImagePlugin.STRIPBYTECOUNTS: [tmp_strip_size],
                TiffImagePlugin.STRIPOFFSETS: [0],
            return overrides.get(tag, pillow__getitem__(self, tag))

        with temp_attr(
            TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2, "__getitem__", __getitem__
  , format="TIFF", compression="group4")

    # Open new image in memory
    newimg =

    offset, length = ccitt_payload_location_from_pil(newimg)

def _to_data(img, image_filter, **kwargs):
    if image_filter == "FlateDecode":
        return _to_zdata(img, **kwargs)

    if image_filter == "CCITTFaxDecode":
        return transcode_monochrome(img)

    if img.mode == "LA":
        img = img.convert("L")

    if img.mode == "RGBA":
        img = img.convert("RGB")

    if image_filter == "DCTDecode":
        compressed_bytes = BytesIO(), format="JPEG")
        return compressed_bytes.getvalue()

    if image_filter == "JPXDecode":
        compressed_bytes = BytesIO(), format="JPEG2000")
        return compressed_bytes.getvalue()

    raise FPDFException(f'Unsupported image filter: "{image_filter}"')

def _to_zdata(img, remove_slice=None, select_slice=None):
    data = bytearray(img.tobytes())
    if remove_slice:
        del data[remove_slice]
    if select_slice:
        data = data[select_slice]
    # Left-padding every row with a single zero:
    if img.mode == "1":
        row_size = ceil(img.size[0] / 8)
        channels_count = len(data) // (img.size[0] * img.size[1])
        row_size = img.size[0] * channels_count

    data_with_padding = bytearray()
    for i in range(0, len(data), row_size):
        data_with_padding.extend(data[i : i + row_size])

    return zlib.compress(data_with_padding, level=SETTINGS.compression_level)

def _has_alpha(img, alpha_channel):
    alpha = bytearray(img.tobytes())[alpha_channel]
    return any(c != 255 for c in alpha)


def ccitt_payload_location_from_pil(img)

returns the byte offset and length of the CCITT payload in the original TIFF data

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def ccitt_payload_location_from_pil(img):
    returns the byte offset and length of the CCITT payload in the original TIFF data
    # assert(["compression"] == "group4")

    # Read the TIFF tags to find the offset(s) of the compressed data strips.
    strip_offsets = img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.STRIPOFFSETS]
    strip_bytes = img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.STRIPBYTECOUNTS]

    # PIL always seems to create a single strip even for very large TIFFs when
    # it saves images, so assume we only have to read a single strip.
    # A test ~10 GPixel image was still encoded as a single strip. Just to be
    # safe check throw an error if there is more than one offset.
    if len(strip_offsets) != 1 or len(strip_bytes) != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Transcoding multiple strips not supported by the PDF format"

    (offset,), (length,) = strip_offsets, strip_bytes

    return offset, length
def get_img_info(filename, img=None, image_filter='AUTO', dims=None)


in a format that can be passed to load_image
optional bytes, BytesIO or PIL.Image.Image instance
image_filter : str
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def get_img_info(filename, img=None, image_filter="AUTO", dims=None):
        filename: in a format that can be passed to load_image
        img: optional `bytes`, `BytesIO` or `PIL.Image.Image` instance
        image_filter (str): one of the SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FILTERS
    if Image is None:
        raise EnvironmentError("Pillow not available - fpdf2 cannot insert images")

    is_pil_img = True
    keep_bytes_io_open = False
    # Flag to check whether a cmyk image is jpeg or not, if set to True the decode array
    # is inverted in
    jpeg_inverted = False
    img_raw_data = None
    if not img or isinstance(img, (Path, str)):
        img_raw_data = load_image(filename)
        img =
        is_pil_img = False
    elif not isinstance(img, Image.Image):
        keep_bytes_io_open = isinstance(img, BytesIO)
        img_raw_data = BytesIO(img) if isinstance(img, bytes) else img
        img =
        is_pil_img = False

    img_altered = False
    if dims:
        img = img.resize(dims, resample=RESAMPLE)
        img_altered = True

    if image_filter == "AUTO":
        # Very simple logic for now:
        if img.format == "JPEG":
            image_filter = "DCTDecode"
        elif img.mode == "1" and hasattr(Image.core, "libtiff_support_custom_tags"):
            # The 2nd condition prevents from running in a bug sometimes,
            # cf. test_transcode_monochrome_and_libtiff_support_custom_tags()
            image_filter = "CCITTFaxDecode"
            image_filter = "FlateDecode"

    if img.mode in ("P", "PA") and image_filter != "FlateDecode":
        img = img.convert("RGBA")

    if img.mode not in ("1", "L", "LA", "RGB", "RGBA", "P", "PA", "CMYK"):
        img = img.convert("RGBA")
        img_altered = True

    w, h = img.size
    info = RasterImageInfo()

    iccp = None
    if "icc_profile" in
        if is_iccp_valid(["icc_profile"], filename):
            iccp =["icc_profile"]

    if img_raw_data is not None and not img_altered:
        # if we can use the original image bytes directly we do (JPEG and group4 TIFF only):
        if img.format == "JPEG" and image_filter == "DCTDecode":
            if img.mode in ("RGB", "RGBA"):
                dpn, bpc, colspace = 3, 8, "DeviceRGB"
            elif img.mode == "CMYK":
                dpn, bpc, colspace = 4, 8, "DeviceCMYK"
                jpeg_inverted = True
            if img.mode == "L":
                dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "DeviceGray"
                    "w": w,
                    "h": h,
                    "cs": colspace,
                    "iccp": iccp,
                    "dpn": dpn,
                    "bpc": bpc,
                    "f": image_filter,
                    "inverted": jpeg_inverted,
                    "dp": f"/Predictor 15 /Colors {dpn} /Columns {w}",
            return info
        # We can directly copy the data out of a CCITT Group 4 encoded TIFF, if it
        # only contains a single strip
        if (
            img.format == "TIFF"
            and image_filter == "CCITTFaxDecode"
            and["compression"] == "group4"
            and len(img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.STRIPOFFSETS]) == 1
            and len(img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.STRIPBYTECOUNTS]) == 1
            photo = img.tag_v2[TiffImagePlugin.PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION]
            inverted = False
            if photo == 0:
                inverted = True
            elif photo != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"unsupported photometric interpretation for g4 tiff: {photo}"
            offset, length = ccitt_payload_location_from_pil(img)
            ccittrawdata =
            fillorder = img.tag_v2.get(TiffImagePlugin.FILLORDER)
            if fillorder is None or fillorder == 1:
                # no FillOrder or msb-to-lsb: nothing to do
            elif fillorder == 2:
                # lsb-to-msb: reverse bits of each byte
                ccittrawdata = bytearray(ccittrawdata)
                for i, n in enumerate(ccittrawdata):
                    ccittrawdata[i] = TIFFBitRevTable[n]
                ccittrawdata = bytes(ccittrawdata)
                raise ValueError(f"unsupported FillOrder: {fillorder}")
            dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 1, "DeviceGray"
                    "data": ccittrawdata,
                    "w": w,
                    "h": h,
                    "iccp": None,
                    "dpn": dpn,
                    "cs": colspace,
                    "bpc": bpc,
                    "f": image_filter,
                    "inverted": jpeg_inverted,
                    "dp": f"/BlackIs1 {str(not inverted).lower()} /Columns {w} /K -1 /Rows {h}",
            return info

    # garbage collection
    img_raw_data = None

    if img.mode == "1":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 1, "DeviceGray"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
    elif img.mode == "L":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "DeviceGray"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
    elif img.mode == "LA":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "DeviceGray"
        alpha_channel = slice(1, None, 2)
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, remove_slice=alpha_channel)
        if _has_alpha(img, alpha_channel) and image_filter not in (
            info["smask"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, select_slice=alpha_channel)
    elif img.mode == "P":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "Indexed"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
        info["pal"] = img.palette.palette

        # check if the P image has transparency
        if"transparency", None) is not None and image_filter not in (
            # convert to RGBA to get the alpha channel for creating the smask
            info["smask"] = _to_data(
                img.convert("RGBA"), image_filter, select_slice=slice(3, None, 4)
    elif img.mode == "PA":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 1, 8, "Indexed"
        info["pal"] = img.palette.palette
        alpha_channel = slice(1, None, 2)
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, remove_slice=alpha_channel)
        if _has_alpha(img, alpha_channel) and image_filter not in (
            info["smask"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, select_slice=alpha_channel)
    elif img.mode == "CMYK":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 4, 8, "DeviceCMYK"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
    elif img.mode == "RGB":
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 3, 8, "DeviceRGB"
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter)
    else:  # RGBA image
        dpn, bpc, colspace = 3, 8, "DeviceRGB"
        alpha_channel = slice(3, None, 4)
        info["data"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, remove_slice=alpha_channel)
        if _has_alpha(img, alpha_channel) and image_filter not in (
            info["smask"] = _to_data(img, image_filter, select_slice=alpha_channel)

    dp = f"/Predictor 15 /Colors {dpn} /Columns {w}"

    if img.mode == "1":
        dp = f"/BlackIs1 true /Columns {w} /K -1 /Rows {h}"

    if not is_pil_img:
        if keep_bytes_io_open:
            img.fp = None  # cf. issue #881

            "w": w,
            "h": h,
            "cs": colspace,
            "iccp": iccp,
            "bpc": bpc,
            "dpn": dpn,
            "f": image_filter,
            "inverted": jpeg_inverted,
            "dp": dp,
    return info
def get_svg_info(filename, img, image_cache)
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def get_svg_info(filename, img, image_cache):
    svg = SVGObject(img.getvalue(), image_cache=image_cache)
    if svg.viewbox:
        _, _, w, h = svg.viewbox
        w = h = 0.0
    if svg.width:
        w = svg.width
    if svg.height:
        h = svg.height
    info = VectorImageInfo(data=svg, w=w, h=h)
    return filename, svg, info
def is_iccp_valid(iccp, filename)

Checks the validity of an ICC profile

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def is_iccp_valid(iccp, filename):
    "Checks the validity of an ICC profile"
        profile = ImageCms.getOpenProfile(BytesIO(iccp))
    except ImageCms.PyCMSError:"Invalid ICC Profile in file %s", filename)
        return False
    color_space = profile.profile.xcolor_space.strip()
    if color_space not in ("GRAY", "RGB"):
            "Unsupported color space %s in ICC Profile of file %s - cf. issue #711",
        return False
    return True
def load_image(filename)

This method is used to load external resources, such as images. It is automatically called when resource added to document by fpdf.FPDF.image(). It always return a BytesIO buffer.

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def load_image(filename):
    This method is used to load external resources, such as images.
    It is automatically called when resource added to document by `fpdf.FPDF.image()`.
    It always return a BytesIO buffer.
    # if a bytesio instance is passed in, use it as is.
    if isinstance(filename, BytesIO):
        return filename
    if isinstance(filename, Path):
        filename = str(filename)
    # by default loading from network is allowed for all images
    if filename.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
        # disabling bandit & semgrep rules as permitted schemes are whitelisted:
        # nosemgrep:
        with urlopen(filename) as url_file:  # nosec B310
            return BytesIO(
    elif filename.startswith("data:"):
        return _decode_base64_image(filename)
    with open(filename, "rb") as local_file:
        return BytesIO(
def preload_image(image_cache: ImageCache, name, dims=None)

Read an image and load it into memory.

For raster images: following this call, the image is inserted in image_cache.images, and following calls to FPDF.image() will re-use the same cached values, without re-reading the image.

For vector images: the data is loaded and the metadata extracted.


an ImageCache instance, usually the .image_cache attribute of a FPDF instance.
either a string representing a file path to an image, an URL to an image, an io.BytesIO, or a instance of PIL.Image.Image.
dims : Tuple[float]
optional dimensions as a tuple (width, height) to resize the image (raster only) before storing it in the PDF.

Returns: A tuple, consisting of 3 values: the name, the image data, and an instance of a subclass of ImageInfo.

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def preload_image(image_cache: ImageCache, name, dims=None):
    Read an image and load it into memory.

    For raster images: following this call, the image is inserted in `image_cache.images`,
    and following calls to `FPDF.image()` will re-use the same cached values, without re-reading the image.

    For vector images: the data is loaded and the metadata extracted.

        image_cache: an `ImageCache` instance, usually the `.image_cache` attribute of a `FPDF` instance.
        name: either a string representing a file path to an image, an URL to an image,
            an io.BytesIO, or a instance of `PIL.Image.Image`.
        dims (Tuple[float]): optional dimensions as a tuple (width, height) to resize the image
            (raster only) before storing it in the PDF.

    Returns: A tuple, consisting of 3 values: the name, the image data,
        and an instance of a subclass of `ImageInfo`.
    # Identify and load SVG data:
    if str(name).endswith(".svg"):
        return get_svg_info(name, load_image(str(name)), image_cache=image_cache)
    if isinstance(name, bytes) and _is_svg(name.strip()):
        return get_svg_info(name, io.BytesIO(name), image_cache=image_cache)
    if isinstance(name, io.BytesIO) and _is_svg(name.getvalue().strip()):
        return get_svg_info("vector_image", name, image_cache=image_cache)

    # Load raster data.
    if isinstance(name, str):
        img = None
    elif isinstance(name, Image.Image):
        bytes_ = name.tobytes()
        img_hash ="md5", usedforsecurity=False)  # nosec B324
        name, img = img_hash.hexdigest(), name
    elif isinstance(name, (bytes, io.BytesIO)):
        bytes_ = name.getvalue() if isinstance(name, io.BytesIO) else name
        bytes_ = bytes_.strip()
        img_hash ="md5", usedforsecurity=False)  # nosec B324
        name, img = img_hash.hexdigest(), name
        name, img = str(name), name
    info = image_cache.images.get(name)
    if info:
        info["usages"] += 1
        info = get_img_info(name, img, image_cache.image_filter, dims)
        info["i"] = len(image_cache.images) + 1
        info["usages"] = 1
        info["iccp_i"] = None
        iccp = info.get("iccp")
        if iccp:
                "ICC profile found for image %s - It will be inserted in the PDF document",
            if iccp in image_cache.icc_profiles:
                info["iccp_i"] = image_cache.icc_profiles[iccp]
                iccp_i = len(image_cache.icc_profiles)
                image_cache.icc_profiles[iccp] = iccp_i
                info["iccp_i"] = iccp_i
            info["iccp"] = None
        image_cache.images[name] = info
    return name, img, info
def transcode_monochrome(img)

Convert the open PIL.Image imgdata to compressed CCITT Group4 data.

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def transcode_monochrome(img):
    Convert the open PIL.Image imgdata to compressed CCITT Group4 data.

    # Convert the image to Group 4 in memory. If libtiff is not installed and
    # Pillow is not compiled against it, .save() will raise an exception.
    newimgio = BytesIO()

    # we create a whole new PIL image or otherwise it might happen with some
    # input images, that libtiff fails an assert and the whole process is
    # killed by a SIGABRT:
    img2 = Image.frombytes(img.mode, img.size, img.tobytes())

    # Since version 8.3.0 Pillow limits strips to 64 KB. Since PDF only
    # supports single strip CCITT Group4 payloads, we have to coerce it back
    # into putting everything into a single strip. Thanks to Andrew Murray for
    # the hack.
    # Since version 8.4.0 Pillow allows us to modify the strip size explicitly
    tmp_strip_size = (img.size[0] + 7) // 8 * img.size[1]
    if hasattr(TiffImagePlugin, "STRIP_SIZE"):
        # we are using Pillow 8.4.0 or later
        with temp_attr(TiffImagePlugin, "STRIP_SIZE", tmp_strip_size):
  , format="TIFF", compression="group4")
        # only needed for Pillow 8.3.x but works for versions before that as
        # well
        pillow__getitem__ = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2.__getitem__

        def __getitem__(self, tag):
            overrides = {
                TiffImagePlugin.ROWSPERSTRIP: img.size[1],
                TiffImagePlugin.STRIPBYTECOUNTS: [tmp_strip_size],
                TiffImagePlugin.STRIPOFFSETS: [0],
            return overrides.get(tag, pillow__getitem__(self, tag))

        with temp_attr(
            TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2, "__getitem__", __getitem__
  , format="TIFF", compression="group4")

    # Open new image in memory
    newimg =

    offset, length = ccitt_payload_location_from_pil(newimg)


class ImageSettings (compression_level: int = -1)

ImageSettings(compression_level: int = -1)

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class ImageSettings:
    # Passed to zlib.compress() - In range 0-9 - Default is currently equivalent to 6:
    compression_level: int = -1

Class variables

var compression_level : int
class temp_attr (obj, field, value)

temporary change the attribute of an object using a context manager

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class temp_attr:
    temporary change the attribute of an object using a context manager

    def __init__(self, obj, field, value):
        self.obj = obj
        self.field = field
        self.value = value

    def __enter__(self):
        self.exists = False
        if hasattr(self.obj, self.field):
            self.exists = True
            self.old_value = getattr(self.obj, self.field)
        setattr(self.obj, self.field, self.value)

    def __exit__(self, exctype, excinst, exctb):
        if self.exists:
            setattr(self.obj, self.field, self.old_value)
            delattr(self.obj, self.field)